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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. MinnFJR

    I84 Oregon Sighting

    Sweet! I hope you had a good time. I wondered if WFO was happening or about to happen. How about EASTERN Oregon, near Idaho? :dribble: That part of Oregon always seemed further south to me for some reason. Thanks for keeping the trooper busy and off my...
  2. MinnFJR

    I84 Oregon Sighting

    Hey, I saw not one, not two, but three FJRs heading east on I84 in southern Oregon on or about the 25th. Looked as if there might be a ride out there or something. I was in my tractor trailer and going the wrong way so I wasn't able to give chase and wave. Hope you were having a better time...
  3. MinnFJR

    TC 17 Sighting, (A while ago)

    Hey! I was rolling across TC 17 over around North Bay or Sudbury and was passed by a shiny blue Feejer that appeared to be well equipped. Any takers? This would have been about a month ago, and roughly mid day. The rider pulled off at a restaurant looking place shortly after passing me. I was...
  4. MinnFJR

    Nationwide is on my side

    BTW, I have a one piece Roadcrafter that I wouldn't trade for anything. I went bouncing across a guy's lawn a couple years ago, digging up a couple pieces of shale from underneath the grass along the way, and I can't for the life of me see ANY damage to the suit. It's warm in the winter and...
  5. MinnFJR

    Doing 1000 miles in 24 hours

    :angry: There's never an end to these people it seems. I too question the 45 mph average assumption. Someone averaging only that would have to be making some looooong gas stops. I left the west side of Sacramento, CA, yesterday and arrived in Salt Lake City 10 hours later, a trip of about 630...
  6. MinnFJR

    3rd Annual Moonshine run

    <_< Crap! Wish I had noticed this earlier, could've used the break from work. Guess that's why I'm always a day late and two dollars ahead... Maybe next year.
  7. MinnFJR

    FJR FORUM windscreen decals???

    I'd be interested too, thanks.
  8. MinnFJR

    Change of plans (Part 2)

    I haven't had the honor of meeting you or anyone else here yet, and I'm glad you were smart enough to wear your gear so that may happen in the future. Almost two years ago I dragged my now riding partner down to NW Arkansas for a week of riding. All the way down there I lectured about trusting...
  9. MinnFJR

    Radar Detector Signal Types

    Funny, they say speed kills, but after 8 tickets in three years before I turned 18, I was still alive to pay them. Oh well. Best thing I ever did then was buy a RD. Best thing that happened to me afterward was the lifting of the 55 national tax writing sche.. 'er, speed limit. I can live with...
  10. MinnFJR

    Ever been spit on when cutting lanes

    Back in a previous life when I was a police officer, I mentioned in Dispatch one night how nice it would be to be able to slide through some of the downtown Minneapolis traffic once in a while. One of the deputies sitting there snorted at me and said he'd open his truck door and take me out...
  11. MinnFJR

    Our Son Andy

    Years ago I was walking with my then girlfriend when suddenly she stopped. When I asked what was wrong, she said she couldn't see. Just like that, no warnings, nothing. She was only 16. But she's still around and managing to do well in spite of her illness. The blindness was temporary. I'll...
  12. MinnFJR

    Preliminary shirt count

    1 LS hoodie XL 1 LS XL We don't have T-shirt weather in MN, despite what they say in Ontario. :) And THANKS!
  13. MinnFJR

    Who's ridin' from where??

    I'm planning on leaving Tuesday from MN unless my riding partner decides to go. If he goes, actually if his wife lets him, we'll be leaving from east of Ashville, NC on Thurs AM. I'll check back here as time goes on and I get a better handle on the plans. Ever since I made the mistake of taking...
  14. MinnFJR

    New FJR

    I finally had to give up trying to explain why my perfectly capable and almost new FZ1 had to go and the FJR had to replace it. I couldn't justify the price difference for the ST, especially when I liked the FJR better anyway. Welcome!
  15. MinnFJR

    06 FJR insurance dropped like a rock!!

    Welp, need to thank you folks, kindof. All the insurance talk here sent me scrambling to see if my nicely priced insurance was all it was supposed to be. In a word? Nope. No wonder it was only 178 for full coverage with 1000 ded....(long time State Farm customer, Experienced Rider Course...
  16. MinnFJR

    Hotel Website for 07 EOM Reservations

    I'm reserved and ready! New to this forum and the FJR, can't wait to meet some more folks. Technically I'm not on the EAST side of the Mighty Miss, but I can see it from here! :) I reserved a double for my riding partner, but if he comes we'll be trailering to his brother in law's down in NC...