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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. ocdmachine

    Does this look like $9K worth of damage to you?

    We always make the Gage our first night stay during our annual Big Bend pilgrimage. After a little over 400 miles, we welcome a cold one and nice steak at Cafe Cenizo (expensive but always good!). That place has some real interesting history.
  2. ocdmachine

    Does this look like $9K worth of damage to you?

    That's exactly why I think this estimate is so high, they really don't want to be bothered with it. Here in Killeen/Fort Hood Texas, all the bike dealers are selling like crazy and just don't want to waste time on service or repair. My Harley Ultra sat in the shop for 2 months for a bad speedo...
  3. ocdmachine

    Does this look like $9K worth of damage to you?

    Oh well I guess I'll see what they offer less the salvage value and then decide (3,988 miles only :angry: )
  4. ocdmachine

    Does this look like $9K worth of damage to you?

    The dealer did say that they have to add the frame on the estimate even if not damaged (???). That is $1300 worth but everything else seems to fairings, cowlings, seals, nut & bolts, etc and LH fork assembly. The labor on the estimate is $1,368. I wonder what the Insurance Co would sell it to me...
  5. ocdmachine

    Does this look like $9K worth of damage to you?

    :( I'm gonna cry! :( You may have read about my little accident is the Rides thread. I really am surprised at the damage estimate, over NINE GRAND! Dang, the insurance company will total a motorcycle at 60%. Does this look that bad? Almost all the damage is on the LEFT side Of...
  6. ocdmachine

    Can you say . . . Dumb A$$!

    I am not the least bit offended by fellow riders wanting to critique my accident, that is EXACTLY why I posted. As I mentioned before, I made 2 mistakes for sure, one was simply the gravel on the roadway. I rode the same road in the same conditions on the same bike 2 weeks ago without incident...
  7. ocdmachine

    boom down i go

    Sorry to hear about the accident. At least it was not as embarassing as mine: Here is the damage after my ordeal, have not received the estimate yet. Hope you heal fast!
  8. ocdmachine

    Can you say . . . Dumb A$$!

    Thanks for all the encouragement and well wishes, and of course the smart-a$$ remarks, those are always the best ways to keep all this in perspective. Good point from previous post about riding on familiar roads, what is the saying? "Familiarity tends to lead to complacency", something to that...
  9. ocdmachine

    Can you say . . . Dumb A$$!

    Normally I do not share embarassing moments in my life with the public at-large but my previous life taught me the value of "after-action" reports. It is also incumbent upon us all to share experiences that can teach others the lessons some of us decide to learn the hard way. So here it goes. A...
  10. ocdmachine

    Rookie FJR Driver does his first mod.

    Yea I figured that and went about looking for it but for the life of me I can't figure where these two belong. Hopefully I won't find out the hard way as something blows off while zipping down the road :o
  11. ocdmachine

    Rookie FJR Driver does his first mod.

    Well decided to tackle my first mod after I serviced the bike. Since I had the fairing off for coolant flush I figured now was as good as time as any to go exploring the innards of this FJR. For now just decided to add a front accessible power source for my GPS and XM. I had also purchased the...