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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. gearman

    Mystery fastener

    I noticed this fastener under the FJR today. I didn't see any immediately obvious places it could have come from. Could've migrated there from the messy fringes of my garage but I figured I'd ask anywho.
  2. gearman

    Riding Pants

    After years of riding in regular jeans I decided to try the Cortech DSX jeans. I gave them away. Unless you have legs like tree trunks, they fit far to loose to allow the knee/shin armor to be effective. I ended up with Tourmaster Venture Air pants. I wear them as overpants up into the 80's and...
  3. gearman

    My Perfect Dual Sport bike

    I know what your saying but you lost me at 'two stroke'. While I like two stroke motors, they're likely to be troublesome at the performance level necessary for your application...especially air cooled. They can be finicky when it comes to octane levels too. I've seen higher output motors that...
  4. gearman

    My kid's first motorized vehicle... already significantly modified :)

    I had to chuckle when I saw this post. My wife picked up one of these for our grandson at a garage sale last year. It was an older model with no foot pedal and a thumb switch throttle. Of course papaw wasn't satisfied with the stocker and had to modify the steering stops and install a reverse...
  5. gearman

    ATTENTION! Handguard mounting kit buyers!

    Hmmm...that gives me an idea...
  6. gearman

    ATTENTION! Handguard mounting kit buyers!

    It has been brought to my attention that the '03 models use the same length lever pivot screw for both the brake and the clutch. I've confirmed this at Yamaha's online parts fiche. If anyone with an '03 installed the pivot screws, the short screw will have little or no threads extending from the...
  7. gearman

    GPS Suction Mount

    I used a sc mount on the tank of my SV for a while. It worked ok but I tethered it to the tankbag 'just in case'.
  8. gearman

    Bultaco El Montadero

    Nice bike. Can't say I've ever seen one of those in person. I had a 250 Pursang back in the day. It ran like a scalded dog...when it ran. ;)
  9. gearman

    My grand kids.

    Wow! After a decade I can barely strum a decent barre chord. Note to self: take up guitar at 45 months instead of 45 years.
  10. gearman

    Loaner rear drive repair tools

    Back from the frozen north and available.
  11. gearman

    Vehicle registration fees gone wild

    Ohio rates are $28.50 MCs, $34.50 passenger cars and $49.50 for light (non commercial) trucks + local "permissive tax" which is limited to $20/vehicle. It may be a ********, but Ohio does offer fairly cheap cost of living.
  12. gearman

    Senior Texting Codes

  13. gearman

    For Wet riding?

    I've never used it on my Shoei but it never affected my HJC's shields. Your results may vary. I'd try some of the plastic friendly products first.
  14. gearman

    American LeMans fans?

    I hear ya. I'm a little over an hour from Mid Ohio and rarely make it to a race. I think I'll follow your example and make it a point to catch at least one event this year. Here's a few pics from the ALS in '02.
  15. gearman

    bar end weights

    Here are some pics of my installation. LINK
  16. gearman

    Rust in gas tank, now what?

    I've had good luck removing light rust with Evapo-Rust. It takes about 4qts for a tank the size of the FJR's. You seal up all the openings and let it soak for 24+ hrs-rotate and repeat. It won't harm paint, plating, plastic etc. and it can be reused. I rinse it out with copious amount of water...
  17. gearman

    What it looks like around my house..

    Nice pics for sure. Can't wait for stuff to green up around here. Here's a stumper. This sprouted from wildflower mix about 10 years ago. I've posted this pic on several forums over the years and nobody has been able to identify it.
  18. gearman

    GoPro Hero HD file size question?

    Not sure about the GoPro but a Flip will record 2 hrs with 8 gig @ 720p.
  19. gearman

    What it looks like today

    Just for the sake of comparison, this is what it looked like here around 6pm. :angry:
  20. gearman

    Cali ticket fines going up !

    Am I reading this correctly? Little Suzie can drive distracted, poised to take my ass out of the game in an instant, but if I park in one of the 20+ empty handicapped slots at Walmart they're gonna teach me a lesson I won't soon forget. Don't get me wrong, I don't advocate parking illegally in a...