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  1. Lee B.

    Suspension Settings and Tire Pressure ??

    I don't think I ride like you. I'm probably more sedate(d). I use 39 front, 42 rear and seems fine for me. Can't help with the clicks.
  2. Lee B.

    Anyone tried a Fieldsheer Iceberg Cooling Vest?

    Did a search of iceberg and got nothing. Did a search for Fieldsheer and cooling and got a couple of hits but nothing about this vest. Motorcycle Closeouts has a Fieldsheer Iceberg Cooling Vest: 300 denier nylon oxford and wrinkled Taslan shell 10” zippered front Elasticized panels on the...
  3. Lee B.

    Looking for styrofoam blocks

    you still wanting ideas? I know you said the great stuff didn't set but I've used a similar product from a lumbar yard that came in two parts and you mixed it yourself. It expanded, was the color of coke foam and was cutable and sandable after it cured. You could also buy a small styro cooler...
  4. Lee B.

    Anyone ever tried this?

    I've been looking for offset pegs for the Wild Bills highway set up. I ran across M/C enterprise's 45 degree brackets for highway pegs, part #380. They can be ordered direct from them and just the brackets (no pegs) for $30. They are 5" center of hole to center of hole and kick the pegs out...
  5. Lee B.


    we were at GC last year on the south rim. we were interested in the sky walk until we saw the map. It is way over to the west and there is no direct way there that follows the edge, more or less, of the GC. Our time was limited so we opted for Monument Valley instead. It looked like it was...
  6. Lee B.

    Slime Power Sport Inflator Rebate

    Greg, Thanks, man. Was just talking to a buddy today about my mini comprssor and he'll like to see this. Lee
  7. Lee B.

    KC's birthday ride

    went through LC, Creede, stayed in Gunnison last August. thanks for posting your pictures and taking me back... Lee
  8. Lee B.

    KC Area Actives?

    I can't tell if this is a "Friday" post or if you have moved and your address is outdated: So Cal "just outside the area"? <_<
  9. Lee B.

    KC Area Actives?

    Sounds good. Where is Alma? If a KC group came south how far would we need to go to find Alma?
  10. Lee B.

    KC Area Actives?

    James, You got it. Lee
  11. Lee B.

    KC Area Actives?

    yes, I don't mind! I realize I only sent this out a couple of days ago but do you think a pm to those listed would get any better response? Do you know of a better way to determine which members are still active? I guess I could look up each and maybe I'd see when their last post was...
  12. Lee B.

    Any Riders From Kansas City Area

    We'll see what people say. I'd prefer the 11th over the 18th since that is the last weekend I'll have at home before I leave town for over a week. Yard stuff, home stuff, wife stuff is all easier if I am around the weekend of the 18th. But, that said, we'll see what the overall picture looks...
  13. Lee B.

    KC Area Actives?

    the member map shows the following people in the KC area or w/in 50 miles or so: Jug, Knob Noster beardo, Kearney Edward, Indep epc71, Indep Jack, KC KCFJR, KC LarryLyday, KC dsudduth, KC ndivita, KC Steve2468, OPKS Alex Gerrit, Lenexa dbx, Olathe DCH, Springhill Firedog, Shawnee...
  14. Lee B.

    Any Riders From Kansas City Area

    Just throwing this out there w/o double checking my calendar.... For Jay, Jack, Galaxy (?), Glory, Twisted, dbx, and any other forum members in "the area": anyone want to commit to some ride of some sort on 7/11? That is one week after 4th of July and two weeks before I head out of town...
  15. Lee B.

    Tank side Protector for Gen II

    Just looked at your link to the magknight. I like the look of that but the sheets I have are not that large and are about 1/32" thick so they won't adhere and make those bends/curves. But I like the look of the magknight. On the other hand for me it would be overkill, the area magknight...
  16. Lee B.

    Tank side Protector for Gen II

    right up front I admit to being cheap...and liking to come up with my own solution rather than buying something manufactured when that is possible. I had some 8x10 in sheets of thin magnet around here from a previous project. I sprayed one side with black non-skid paint I also happened to have...
  17. Lee B.

    Any Riders From Kansas City Area

    There are some ideas here now. Are you planning a get together?? If the schedule is right I'm in....half day, full day, Saturday, Sunday. I'm out of commission last weekend in June and last weekend in July but with appropriate notice I might make any other time work.
  18. Lee B.

    Any Riders From Kansas City Area

    think I've done all those, maybe not Beagle... If I have an hour or less and just need a putt I'll head east on 71st street until I hit Swope Park and the Blue River parkway, hang a right and stay on there until you get to Martin City. The top speed is 45, it is mostly non residential...
  19. Lee B.

    Garden City, KS

    see if you can pm the guy from Lakin.....he may be the KS Kid on this forum.
  20. Lee B.

    Any Riders From Kansas City Area

    I've done that too but usually find the roads to be pretty straight unless I'm on the scenic byway route in the flint hills. Do you know of some fun roads that you care to share? Ever run across a good barbeque joint in Ft. Scott, KS, with "peaches" in the name? I've heard that it was great...