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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. CAFJRider

    Fault 22

    Thanks for the input. So am I looking for loose/crappy connections, or is it the harness itself that's junk?
  2. CAFJRider

    Fault 22

    Been a while since I've posted, and this is the first issue I've had with my bike since I got it. I have a 2008 FJR ABS California version that had me scratching my head the other day. Rode to Hanford,about 25 minutes away, stopped for about 45 minutes to take care of some business. Went out to...
  3. CAFJRider

    PR2's vs Roadsmart

    I put on Michelin PRII's front and rear when I replaced the stock tires and was really happy with them. I now have almost 12K on the front but will need to replace it before too much longer. Had to replace the rear at 9K because I picked up a nail and replaced it with the Roadsmart only because...
  4. CAFJRider

    windshield issue

    Been a while since I've posted here so here goes. I've got an 08 FJR ABS. Lately, I've noticed when the windshield goes either up or down it makes a horrible noise like its seriously in need of lubrication. My question, how big of a pain is it to get to the lube points for the retract...
  5. CAFJRider

    Minor Milestone

    Thanks all. School is done and state boards are passed, now all that's left is to dig out all the maps I've set aside and start planning my days off rides! Hmmmmm . . . . think I'll start today with a lunch ride to Morro Bay. Can't get enough of the FJR!!!!!!
  6. CAFJRider

    Minor Milestone

    Haven't been on in a while, been busy finishing up with school. Not long ago I turned 10,000 miles on the Feej. I've had the bike a little over 15 months, and while I know 10K in that amount of time is probably nothing for you hard-core riders, I got my miles while working full-time AND going...
  7. CAFJRider

    Doood! What up?

    My schedule varies but always have a free day during the week. I ride every chance I can get.
  8. CAFJRider

    Doood! What up?

    Too funny sir! Too funny! Always liked that song done by Captain and Tennile--even the part that sounds like mouse farts!
  9. CAFJRider

    Doood! What up?

    Something wrong with Neil Sedaka?
  10. CAFJRider

    Doood! What up?

    PS. Ate at the Dutchman restaurant--bad mistake!
  11. CAFJRider

    Doood! What up?

    Well Mr Toecutter, If the dude you passed was wearing a yellow and black jacket & yellow and black helmet, and it was around 3:30ish in the afternoon on Thursday, then it was me that you passed. I was rolling home from Morro Bay myself, and quite honestly not in any hurry to come home to...
  12. CAFJRider

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas from Visalia, California!
  13. CAFJRider

    Bridgestone B21 tires and concerns

    Just turned over 3k on my 08 FJR. Bike came with the B21s and I just noticed the same funky wear pattern on the front as well. Most of my riding has been slab-not much for twisties around here, and I've been keeping pressures (checked before every ride) according to the sticker on the bike as...
  14. CAFJRider

    FJR: what more can I say!

    W.M. Woulds love to get together sometime. I'm always looking for people to ride with-gettin' real tired fo my usual quick runs up to Three Rivers or Springville. LOL! SEnd me a PM sometime and we'll see what we can arrange.
  15. CAFJRider

    FJR: what more can I say!

    Come to think of it, the only times I had an issue with the hesitation was after I had covered the bike to keep the full sun off it while I was in class. When I got ready to leave, the air temp gauge was showing something like 122 degrees. I'm sure I made the problem worse by covering the...
  16. CAFJRider

    FJR: what more can I say!

    Got a little over 2k on my '08 FJR 1300A (California version). What more can I say but, WOW!!! The more I ride it the bigger the grins. Coming off a v-twin cruiser, I didn't know what to expect-should have realized there is no comparison! I've been reading a lot of the forum posts lately and...
  17. CAFJRider


    Well, I'll put in my vote. I love Arizona. And as for heat, I've been riding in 100-105 degree heat all summer here in central California. I use one of those vests you soak with water and then wear under your jacket--evaporative cooling works great and can keep you up to 30 degrees cooler...
  18. CAFJRider


    The pictures look great FNG. Looks like you guys had a real hoot (and I don't mean Honda either!). Thanks for the help and the explanation guys. And what's wrong with Arizona?
  19. CAFJRider


    Appreciate the help. Thanks
  20. CAFJRider


    Been browsing the site for a while and have seen all the WFO's, NAFO's etc. I must be looking in the wrong places trying to find information about them, WFO in particular. Is there an actual organization (membership, dues, etc.) or is it just a yearly get-together type thing. Would appreciate a...