Doood! What up?

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What would DoG do?
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
So, I went to do a Patriot Guard mission today to honor a hero from Paso Robles, in Carver's 'hood. Carver attended, on Wabs, as well. I won't bore you with the pictures of the great ride he led me on from Paso to Morro Bay for lunch after the services concluded, mostly because there are none. We were too busy tearing up twisty roads. For pics, just look at his Jalama report and you get the idea. Sunny skies, warm temps, ocean scenery, great food and company (Don's own Luverly and Harley the dog-person met us for lunch).

All you poor snowbound folks will probably have the last laugh. A few more years of drought, and our state will dry up and burn, then the ashes will get blown out to sea. But, for now, we make Hey!

The high point of the ride there was when I had to roll off to allow a hawk to make a high-speed crossing in front of me, no more than six inches off the hard deck, trying to ambush some unseen-by-me critter on the other side of the highway. He (or she) missed, so no animals were harmed in the process. I felt bad for him (or her).

So, after dropping Carver off at his turn for home, on my way home, in my typical fashion (I call it rally mode), I had a chance encounter with no other than another FJR, just north of Kettleman City. I had slowed to get through town and was ready to wind it back up, when I noticed a bike in front of the next car I would pass. Looked around the back of the car, hey, that's an FJR! He had three more cars in front of him, and when the oncoming lanes cleared, he made no move, just cruising along at -gulp- the speed limit!

That did not compute. There was a white sedan in front of him. Could it be the one car that does not get passed? The dreaded CHP Prowler? In order for me to get around this logjam, I was going to have to execute a five-vehicle pass maneuver. It was kind of hard to rule out an unmarked LEO from that distance, but it looked like a regular car to me. After wasting way too much time fretting about the situation, a looong empty oncoming space opened up, so I eased out and rolled slowly up on the other bike. It was Cobalt GenII, so I assumed '06, waved respectfully, then rolled on past the non-LEO white sedan and the two cars in front of it. As far as I could see back, he never passed the three cars that were now behind me.

I've heard of peeps who just roll along with the traffic, but I very rarely see them. I figure I never pass anything but cruisers because all the rest of us are going a spirited pace, so we never catch each other. Barring the occasional exception, I'm hanging on to that theory.

Different strokes, I guess....He sure saved some coin not buying a radar detector. Mine has paid for the next ten of 'em already, and just keeps on payin' its way.

As a footnote, when I punched "Route Home" in on the Garmin, outside of Morro Bay, it said I would get home at 17:01 hrs. I rolled in at 16:43, beating the prediction, and all the trolls, handily. Other than a funeral, it was a great day!

You couldn't tell if the hawk was male or female? You suck moist ass cheese. White pups are funny.

Could be the dude was just a chillin to some Barry Manilow or Neil Sadaka on his MP3 player and enjoying the scenery, till some hoonsquid on his offroad bike screwed up his mellow by blowing past him at near mach speed. SHAME ON YOU! :glare:

maybe his S.O. is a wretched hag and he was just delaying the inevitable return home.

-2F here this morning. you guys are so lucky

maybe his S.O. is a wretched hag and he was just delaying the inevitable return home.
Two words: Side roads.

One other observation; All the FJR's seen on the roads seem to never belong to forum members. I guess they just ride...slowly....

Maybe he bought it because it's comfortable, has great weather protection, excellent storage, doesn't weigh 900 lbs., and runs as it should out of the box without dumping more money into it to make it run properly (referring to my current Harley). Those are the reasons I bought my '06. As to his just cruising along, not everyone has to be at the head of every line of traffic or play boy-racer on every two-lane twisty. To each his own.

Maybe he bought it because it's comfortable, has great weather protection, excellent storage, doesn't weigh 900 lbs., and runs as it should out of the box without dumping more money into it to make it run properly (referring to my current Harley). Those are the reasons I bought my '06. As to his just cruising along, not everyone has to be at the head of every line of traffic or play boy-racer on every two-lane twisty. To each his own.
Oh, I never thought of that.

So, was canyonman right about the S.O.?

Lunch at that place on the water, by the marina?
If you're thinking of Giovanni's, the place with the live crab tank and resident Pelican, you'd be correct.

You couldn't tell if the hawk was male or female? You suck moist ass cheese. White pups are funny.
Toe, I thought that Brother odot would've given you the answer by now, but since he hasn't and my hometown is Morro Bay.

Most common hawk in North America and particularly in Central California region is the red tail. Female is TWICE as large!

Until moving to Arizona in 1990 I always hunted dove around Creston and loved watching red-tailed hawks hunt their prey.

I do my dove hunting around Yuma now and area is thick with red-tailed hawks; they'll swoop right past you muy rapido!

Toe - it was very good to see and ride with you again. Thanks for the heads up regarding the Patriot Guard Ride to pay final respects to SFC Richard Lopez, a Special Forces soilder with 2 tours of Iraq/Afgh. It was short notice, and I'm glad I was able to attend and pay proper respect.

The ride from Paso to Morro was actually the short ride, I knew you were time limited so kept it down to CBA standards of twisty roads followed by great grub and even better scenery. :rolleyes:

Did the legal-begal FJR rider look like this?


or this?


Hmm. It also seems like my southern brother Richardo needs a central coast ride? Doode, all you have to do is call, assuming you can make the ride ALL the way here... :rolleyes: :unsure: <_<

Most common hawk in North America and particularly in Central California region is the red tail. Female is TWICE as large!
Well, it was just after first light, so I didn't get a good (or very long) look, but if it was a Red-Tail, it was definitely a male.

My best bird-of-prey story: Early 90's, Modoc County, Ca, on a backpack Mule Deer bowhunt. We were camped near a decent-sized lake in some high country. I was bent over, fussing around in my pack, preparing to do some fishing. When I stood back up, right above me was a sudden noise that sounded a lot like a jet afterburner. I snapped my gaze upward, to see a Peregrine going vertical at a high rate of speed. Apparently, it had mistaken my head for some furry critter and, luckily for me, aborted the strike not one millisecond too soon. That might have hurt!

So, after I settled back down, I went over and cast my spoon out into the lake, and it was immediately hit by a foot-long Rainbow, which provided some tasty lunch. The gods were with me that day!

I hope the fish was a girl, because I sure enjoyed eating it. It wasn't so good for her. Not sure about the falcon, I'm just a funny white pup who didn't care much....

Did the legal-begal FJR rider look like this?
No. He wasn't "staying right". Just plodding along, content to be sandwiched between two cages. His shoulders seemed to be symmetrical as well. Helmet was flashier, too. Bike looked like that.

Carv, I never got that email. I'll PM my addy.

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Well Mr Toecutter,

If the dude you passed was wearing a yellow and black jacket & yellow and black helmet, and it was around 3:30ish in the afternoon on Thursday, then it was me that you passed. I was rolling home from Morro Bay myself, and quite honestly not in any hurry to come home to screaming children and a nagging wife! (By the way, I did pass those cars just before Stratford. Between work and school I get few chances to ride for a whole day so I was more than ready to enjoy every minute of it. And yes, I do enjoy the capabilities of my FJR probably more than I should having passed a string of 3 tractor-trailer rigs and 2 cars on the way out, cruising smoothly by at 95mph--still not in any big hurry. By the way, my ride is an '08 not the '06. I spent most of the morning playing along hiway 41, breaking away from 46 at Shandon and going into Atascadero the back way. I enjoy it so much I turned around and went through that section twice more before heading into Morro Bay for lunch. Sooooo . . . I'd had my fun and was perfectly happy enjoying the cruise back to Visalia. Hope that answers your question as to, "dooood! what up!

Best regards, my friend.

Ride safe!
