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  1. msfchris

    Is the Hurt Study relavant anymore...

    Something more recent (2004)... MAIDS - (Motorcycle Accidents In Depth Study) Over 900 accidents over 3 yrs in 5 European countries. Here's a PDF overview of the study: Clicky!
  2. msfchris

    Rider Perception test

    18/20 on both... those are some pretty busy traffic situations there... a lot to look at!
  3. msfchris

    Custom paint color choices

    Another vote for Red!
  4. msfchris

    Michelin PR 2 Fronts

    I ran into the same thing at Cycle Gear this last week, plenty of rears, but no front PR2's what so ever! I was in extreme need, so ended up with a BT-021 again.
  5. msfchris

    Hot Daze Training Ride

    My '08 runs 5 bars as long as I keep moving (was 108 air temp two weeks ago). It starts climbing as soon as I get caught in traffic, or I sit in place very long. :glare: The air temp gauge will also start climbing, as it starts getting heat from the engine. Air temp made it to 108, parking...
  6. msfchris

    A Bike?

    Wow... I don't think I would have ever seen that one coming. It's amazing the way the bicycle wraped around the harley. Wonder what they will charge the suspect with? If at all??? Throwing things at a moving vehicle is a felony here.
  7. msfchris

    Got my Corbin Saddle today

    Bagels and guacamole ???
  8. msfchris

    Bikes and trailers...

    I've towed trailers with a number of bikes, including home brew 2 wheel trailers, and currently a single wheel Uni-go. You definitely have to ride with a little more caution, as the trailer does have an effect on handling. I found the 2 wheel trailers tend to push when cornering, as they were...
  9. msfchris

    Happy Independence Day!!

    I took off an extra day to get a head start... Going to the Wing Ding in Tulsa for a day or two, then thinking of hitting the roads in Arkansas... BMW is having a rally in Bentonville this weekend too. Looks like I'll need a new front tire, so I'll probably change that before I head out of state.
  10. msfchris

    Kawi Centerstand fallover

    Seen it myself with a group of Gold Wings... in a high wind storm, 7 wings on the center stand were blown over, 3 more on their side stands were still upright! Look at the size of the triangle formed with the centerstand and the front tire, and then look at the triangle formed with both tires...
  11. msfchris

    Is a Stich waterproof

    I stay fairly dry except in the heaviest of downpours. Then they do then to have a crotch leak (It's not Friday yet!)
  12. msfchris

    My first scratch on my '08

    I did some riding this last week when the weather was cooperating (It's snowing again now!), it was in the mid 80's, and I was riding close to 200 miles, so I wore my Sidi air boots to keep my feel cool and dry. I made it to my destination, and walking around the bike afterwards, I see...
  13. msfchris

    Public Safety Video from the California Highway Patrol

    Sobering video. Doesn't seem so much about safety though, as it appears to be a scare tactic. Stunter wannabe will not remember it, Grand Prix wannabe won't either. I've lost some very close friends over the last couple of years, and it always makes me evaluate the risk. I became an...