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  1. dragon1300

    EOM 2013 - Maggie Valley, NC 20-22 September 2013

    Be sure to bring that new battery to full charge before you start putting a load on it, not only will you have less problems with it in the long run but they tend to last longer before they need replacement! I was just up in Asheville at the BMWRA (although I rode the FJR INSTEAD of my R90S)...
  2. dragon1300

    EOM 2013 - Maggie Valley, NC 20-22 September 2013

    I'm in, marking it on my calendar! Just got back from Maggie Valley last week from the BMWRA which was in Asheville. Rode the Blue Ridge to Cherokee and then doubled back to M.V. for the Wheels Through Time Museum. Visited Dale and his fiancee since Dale and his friend Buzz Kantor were our Grand...
  3. dragon1300

    Tail Of The Dragon & EOM

    David & Angie, there are lots of great pic's at your site, glad you pointed it out. I didn't realize Angie was taking pictures of the BUST on page 7, I wonder what those guys did? Oh well, your federal dollars at work :haha: The mexican food was good and the ride to get there was good too...
  4. dragon1300

    Tail Of The Dragon & EOM

    Jarmo, nice pictures of you and the bike! :D I finally got my pic's from Killboy also, pretty cool. Btw: I just received my travel box just like yours, thanks for info about where to order it, I'll have to paint it >>blue<< to match the bike but thats no problem. I couldn't see...
  5. dragon1300

    Feejers On Da Dragon

    Toophast, I had the same problem, I found that the link to the new page comes up as "ucmba87" instead of "97", change the "8" to a "9" on the new page and hit GO, it should come up then :lol: Thanks everyone for the great shots :D :clap: :clap: Chris
  6. dragon1300

    What If Motorcyclists Didn't See You!

    Well, that was a little different perspective on things, good ad campaign :P Chris
  7. dragon1300

    Any Thoughts On Eom '06?

    I'm adding my vote for Shady Valley, still close to the same area but lots of new ground to cover. :D drjfjr is right, either one large motel or a group of motels close together that can accomodate lots of bikes :P sounds like a good location to consider :P Chris
  8. dragon1300

    Tail Of The Dragon & EOM

    Hey Luvtoride, Of course you can join in and hassle us! Most guy's enjoy a little light hearted banter no matter the source. :D I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you either as people were all over the parking lot & the lobby area. Did you stay for the Sunday evening dinner? How far did you ride...
  9. dragon1300

    Mt Hood Oregon

    Old Dog, Nice shot of Mt. Hood, What is the elevation where this picture was taken? I'd sure like to cruise that area sometime soon! :P :P Chris
  10. dragon1300

    Tail Of The Dragon & EOM

    BULL, I never got to see the board after saturday night as I left to ride back to Robbinsville were I was staying, I headed home Sunday. I do know that I was #50 on the sign-in board, how many were after that I can't say! :unsure: I never meant for this whole thing to turn into a pissing...
  11. dragon1300

    Replacement Windshield

    Ditto on the SAENG-TA Micro-V edging, I have the stock windshield with the edging and it is now usable in the up position at highway speeds and including shipping costs about $60.00. Well worth the money! :P The edging does not affect vision and most people think it is stock. Go to FJR...
  12. dragon1300

    Tail Of The Dragon & EOM

    I'm wondering if everyone signed in on the easel/sign-in board in the lobby, maybe that would give us a little better idea as to the head count? But irregardless of the actual count it was a great get-together and a lot of fun! :P BTW: Slapnpop, didn't I hear you say that the FJR EOM shirts...
  13. dragon1300

    Cage Drivers Are Stupid

    OUCH, That had to hurt!! :bigeyes: I never thought I would live to see the day a cager could/would run himself over :D Toophast, ditto on the Darwin award (if the dumb bastard dies) Chris
  14. dragon1300

    Tail Of The Dragon & EOM

    Slapnpop, since you would be in a better position to tell us, just how many participants actually showed up at the EOM. The figure I kept hearing was "at least 115" and later it was said "more like 120 to 125" actually showed up, but since I didn't count the bikes I don't have an accurate tally...
  15. dragon1300


    Paul, Your right about the cagers being able to see you, my friend at work rides a Kawi cruiser and said "Boy, those lights are bright, I could see you a long way off". I have noticed that since I installed them no one has pulled out in front of me as is the usual order of the day :o Day or...
  16. dragon1300

    Tail Of The Dragon & EOM

    O'VFJR, that is an awesome sight! Before I took my pic's the "official EOM" photos were taken and there were TWO ROWS of FJR's, about 125 FJR's in all and ONE BMW in the middle of the front row ( I think he made a wrong turn somewhere :D ) about 90% of the bikes there were BLUE :clap...
  17. dragon1300

    Tail Of The Dragon & EOM

    Gary, good to hear from you, it was great fun and the weather couldn't have been better for the EOM B) . Hope we can get togeather again sometime. Making plans to be on the Blue Ridge Parkway in May '06, maybe you can join us for a few miles? Keep in touch. WPBFJR, sorry to hear about your...
  18. dragon1300

    Fjr Can Bring You By The Most Amazing Places

    Great pic's O'Vale, hope to get out to that part of the country sometime soon :clap: Chris
  19. dragon1300

    Tail Of The Dragon & EOM

    :P Great time is an understatement, certainly a great place to ride if you like curves, the asphalt kind that is :P In fact, I had so much fun I booked the same room at the same next year! :D Can't wait :clap: :clap: Chris
  20. dragon1300


    Apparently Motolight is not to concerned about fork vibration and bulb life as they warrant bulbs also ;) Used the lights this morning going to work and did notice that the brightest spot is directly in front of the bike and fills in the dark area that the headlight shines over, also noticed...