06 FJR DOWN near Atlanta

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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2005
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:( Looks like a group was planning to meet for a ride, when one of the people planning to attend, had a car pull out in front of him,

looks like it was a grampa and a 5 year old, bike did not look good and details are on the other web site.

Hopefully they are okay. a prayer is out for the family, from the details available it appears they may might have been very lucky.

Pictures of the wrecked FJR that Liquidsilver posted.... doesn't look very good.... :(




Oh man that looks bad!! I hope rider is ok. I'm kinda thinking it's a forum member, those look like skyways sliders

The little boy is basically good-to-go, but the grandfather piloting the bike has a broken arm and hand, and a shoulder injury I believe, but looks like he'll be okay too.

Could have been a lot, LOT worse... jeeze, look at that little boy's tennis shoe on the pavement.... daaaaaayumn.... :angry2:

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Oh man that looks bad!! I hope rider is ok. I'm kinda thinking it's a forum member, those look like skyways sliders
Sadly those are my sliders, which means there's a 98% chance that it's a forum member from here. :(

Hope the rider is ok. Am I reading this right, that there was a 5 year old child riding pillion? If so, and from the tennis shoe in the picture, sounds like the rider/passenger(?) was lucky that the area around his feet/ankles was not part of the impact/collision. <shudder>

I hate pictures like this, especially since this crash and a t-bone by a cage are my biggest fear's of riding.

OUCH OUCh and OUCh...

Sorry to see that. I know the sick feel you get seeing your bike down in pieces :sick: :fuk: :sick: :fuk:


Sky looks like the sliders worked

Check that left bar end. I think I can explain the broken arm, hand, and shoulder.

How anybody resists strangling a cager that does something like this with their one remaining good arm is beyond me.

a little more details are in the regional ride section , southeast portion. I posted my eye witness account of the after wreck details. I passed the scene very shortly after the crash. And the good part is that no life threatening or altering injuries were incurred.

Wow. Goes to show that even a brand new '06 looks frigged up when crashed.

At least someone had a proper lid on.


The Doggie lives!


It's nice to be back. I moved a couple of months ago and just haven't had the time to visit too much. I tried a few times, but either the board gave me a virus, was crashed, was hacked, or was just too damn slow. I hate the new format. Everything takes too long to load compared to the old one.

And, no, before you ask, I don't have many more miles. 3300 or so. Pretty good for a 14 month old bike, if you ask me...


Wow. Goes to show that even a brand new '06 looks frigged up when crashed.

At least someone had a proper lid on.


The Doggie lives!


It's nice to be back. I moved a couple of months ago and just haven't had the time to visit too much. I tried a few times, but either the board gave me a virus, was crashed, was hacked, or was just too damn slow. I hate the new format. Everything takes too long to load compared to the old one.

And, no, before you ask, I don't have many more miles. 3300 or so. Pretty good for a 14 month old bike, if you ask me...

Welcome back BD!

Here is the story straight from my Inbox:

Email #1 (From Mark)

Guys, it pains me to have to report that one of our newest members went down hard today.

We were at Wendy's (the meeting spot around 9:00 this morning. Zsolt rolled in on his new Triumph Speed Triple and said there was an accident just a block or two south on 400 across from the Outlet Mall in Dawsonville. As a few more riders showed up they all confirmed a bad wreck on 400, but it wasn't until Chip showed up and confirmed it was an 06 FJR, that we all feared the worst. Ken Ehrlick and his grandson were traveling north on 400 around 9:10 am just within minutes of meeting us for a ride this morning, when some elder lady (who should probably forfeited her license years ago) pulled directly in front of Kens path. Witnesses on the scene stated Ken had no time for evasive maneuvers and hit her straight on. The front of the FJR caved in and threw both riders violently down the road. By the time I arrived on the scene, Ken was in the ambulance, obviously shaken and bandaged on the left arm. His primary concern was his grandson who was being tended to by EMT's. Soon there after, the life flight helicopter arrived to take them to the hospital. I have no update on their condition other than to say that they were both conscience at the time that I arrived. Law enforcement was on the scene almost immediately after the accident and were very concerned.

Ken lives down the street from me, so I will post more on their condition when I hear more.

God speed on a speedy and complete recovery.

Email #2 (From Mark)

I just spoke with Mrs. Ehrlich who was with her grandson at Eggelston where he will be spending the night for observation. She had to go before I could get a status on Ken, but I believe that he will be all right as well. More later..

Email #3 (From Mark)

Spoke again with Mrs. Ehrlich, and unfortunately (Kyle?) is being admitted for a little more than observation. I don't want to pass misinformation, so let me say that he is up and moving around but that the G forces he took on have his insides sore. Tuff lil biker! They are monitoring his symptoms for further diagnosis.

Ken took allot of the impact and is suffering a broken arm and hand. I believe there is also a shoulder injury. I understand he has been treated and is recuperating at home. No word on the driver or what citations she was issued, but it was suggested that she was in shock at the scene. Fortunately, there were witnesses that completed police reports and there should be no question about the accident. Lets hope the driver had insurance.


I'm sure I speak for all the lads when I say if there is anything we can do, please let us know.

We hope and pray for a timely recovery.

Email #4 (From Mark)

I spoke with Ken this evening who seemed to be in fair spirits. Counting his blessings no doubt!

He has a broken wrist and severe pelvic trauma where he must have hit the bars. He's bruised pretty badly.

Coleman is clear of any G force trauma, but has to wear a back brace for a few months due to an injury I cant explain, but is expected home tomorrow... While in the hospital, Ken heard of another motorcyclist who went down in Lumpkin county that was not so lucky, he was hit by a second car.

Ken told me that the elderly lady that hit him tried to lie about her maneuvers! The officer confronted her and also had eye-witness reports filed on the scene, so she abruptly changed her story to what REALLY happened. Turns out she has insurance...$2500.00 medical liability. Can you believe that? I was certain that Ken was mistaken and meant $250K. But he elaborated and said that in the state of Georgia, you can be legal with only $500.00 medical liability. That certainly does not sound right. Anyone familiar with matters such as this, your advice would be greatly appreciated! I have met so many good people through this list, and know that through our connections we can help one another. Please contact Ken directly with any information\advice that might help, legal, medical, insurance, etc...

Please everyone, lets all be careful.

Ride within your abilities, wear the right gear, make sure your bike is order, and watch out for all 'dem SOB's that are out to get us!

Email #5 (From Ken)

Thank youfor all your thoughts, grandson and I are fine. Alot of pain to work thru and one brroken wrist.coleman has no abrasions or pain but will where abrace for a month for safety, for his back no complications for him although he does not want to ride again. understandable. me well its that horse thing. thanks again for all your concerns and well wishes hopefully ride again and soon with all of you.


Hope all goes well for Ken and his grandson.

This is a perfect example of what I have been preaching on this forum for over a month. We should all be buying as much Uninsured/Uninsured Motorist coverage as you can afford. Hopefully Ken has very high limits. Assuming the at fault party has low limits or is uninsured, you can go back on your policy and have coverage for lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering and permanent injury. I carry $500k per person and $1 million per accident and don't consider myself over insured. It's the best $91 per year I've ever spent.


I would imagine the pelvic injury is from the gas tank not the handlebars. 6 years ago I went off a cliff on my quad and drove the front into the ground and went forward (like Ken must of) and hit the large desert gas tank. It broke my pelvic bone and caused internal bleeding, so luclily Ken's was not that bad.

A speedy recovery to both of you and do get back on that horse as soon as you can.

This ought to bring some relief to some riders. It's sort of related to this topic. I know some folks don't have a very high opinion of traffic tickets. However, I pull over these old blue hairs all the time. I envision them doing something stupid like this in front of me, and they have when I've been in the black and white!! Nine times out of 10, I refer them to the DMV for a license re-exam. Not bragging or proud of it, but every one of them I have reffered to the DMV has had their licenses revoked. I like to think that it has helped some poor soul somewhere from having to go through this kind of ordeal.

