06 FJR insurance dropped like a rock!!

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Well-known member
May 3, 2006
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Fishers, IN

I just received my insurance renewal in the mail today (normally depressing)...the rate fell by 75% on my 2006 FJR! Paid somewhere around $775 last year; this year it is only $215! Some of you may remember that I wrecked my 06 within a month of buying it last year and had about $3,000 in repairs paid by Progressive, so I was expecting a rate increase. What a great surprise today!


That makes for a great day!! I use Progressive as well and have been very happy with them.


:yahoo: I just received my insurance renewal in the mail today (normally depressing)...the rate fell by 75% on my 2006 FJR! Paid somewhere around $775 last year; this year it is only $215! Some of you may remember that I wrecked my 06 within a month of buying it last year and had about $3,000 in repairs paid by Progressive, so I was expecting a rate increase. What a great surprise today!

Are you sure they just didn't move you to a monthly pay plan? :dribble:

Thanks K-2 !!

I just went to the Progressive web site.

I just dropped my 1 year rate from $460 to $211. (I did have to drop uninsurred motorist, it was $60 extra)

($50K/100K/25K), no unis., $250 deductables.

I just switched 2 cars along with it for multipolicy discount of $15 each.

With no changes in options I went from $100/month to $75/month.

For 3 vehicles, I just saved $550/yr. !!!!!!!!!

$211 for one year of decent insurance on an FJR. That is just stupid cheap!!!!!!!

Thanks again KEN !!!!!!!!

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

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Ken - in all seriousness I do not recommend dropping the uninsured coverage. I work for an insurance company for almost a decade in the claims department and most of the motorcycle accidents we see are caused by other drivers. I would also venture to guess that at least 25-30% of the drivers out there do not have insurance. $60 bucks is a small price to pay if something does happen.

Carry insurance not for what you may do to others, but what others may do to you.

My Uncle is still recovering from his accident two years later and he is on dialisis for the rest of his life.


To echo Heet, don't leave off the unisured motorist coverage. I just read an article in Friction Zone magazine about that very thing. If some idiot hits you and takes off (hit&run) or causes you to crash and you can't find out who it was for some reason, your uninsured coverage will cover you. Without it, YOU are the responsible party.

To echo Heet, don't leave off the unisured motorist coverage. I just read an article in Friction Zone magazine about that very thing. If some idiot hits you and takes off (hit&run) or causes you to crash and you can't find out who it was for some reason, your uninsured coverage will cover you. Without it, YOU are the responsible party.
I don't understand...if I crash and I'm at fault my insurance will fix my bike, right? If someone else hits me and leaves or is uninsured it falls back on me doesn't my insurance still pay?

No, they will file the claim under your comprehensive policy (if you have one). At least that's what they did with me when I got hit by an uninsured driver and wasn't carrying any U.M. coverage.

:yahoo: I just received my insurance renewal in the mail today (normally depressing)...the rate fell by 75% on my 2006 FJR! Paid somewhere around $775 last year; this year it is only $215! Some of you may remember that I wrecked my 06 within a month of buying it last year and had about $3,000 in repairs paid by Progressive, so I was expecting a rate increase. What a great surprise today!


Fortunately for me, I live in the Communist, I mean Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Our legislators know better than the marketplace, and insurance rates are tightly regulated. The result is that only a handful of insurers will work in Mass, Progressive not being one of them. The bright side is that you don't have to waste time on comparison shopping!

I just got a quote from Progressive and it was 300% more than my GMAC insurance :blink: . They wanted $1551 for the same coverage I have with GMAC for $514. And GMAC has a $1500 accessory coverage limit with $250 deductible. I didn't see that on Progressive's page.

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Hey guys I need to know the kind of coverage you have. Are any of these prices for 250/500 w/1000 deductable or better?




It is not impossible to get MC insurance with the liability limits of which you inquire. However, the general rule for most Ins Co's seem to be liability limits of 100/300/50. In some cases that is the maximum some companies will write.

I have found through a good bit of research, that what works best for me is to go with the 100/300 and then secure an umbrella policy which will pick up where those limits stop. Also, as an added benefit the umbrella covers your auto liability and your homeowners liability as well, so your getting 3 times the coverage for a low price. I think IIRC that my umbrella policy has a limit of 1 million, it applys to my motorcycle, 3 vehicles and my property and the annual premium is about $220.00 for the umbrella. However the umbrella does not apply to UM coverage, only liability.

Liability carries no deductable, only your collisison and comp. and you decide the ded. you want and UM usually has a standard 200 ded. for most states.

Ken - in all seriousness I do not recommend dropping the uninsured coverage. I work for an insurance company for almost a decade in the claims department and most of the motorcycle accidents we see are caused by other drivers. I would also venture to guess that at least 25-30% of the drivers out there do not have insurance. $60 bucks is a small price to pay if something does happen.
Carry insurance not for what you may do to others, but what others may do to you.

My Uncle is still recovering from his accident two years later and he is on dialisis for the rest of his life.
I was working with California BAR and they told me that 1/3 of all drivers on the road in California are uninsured. If you think about the people that can't afford insurance, I figure some cannot afford it because they have too many tickets...perhaps the most likely people to hit you???

Hey guys I need to know the kind of coverage you have. Are any of these prices for 250/500 w/1000 deductable or better?


I just purchased Texas insurance for my new 07 FJR. The policy is through "American Modern Lloyds Insurance Company". The agent I purchased it through is "TWFG Insurance Services". Person I dealt with is, Dan Herrera, (832) 364-6630 (no connection to me)

Coverage is as follows: 100,000/300,000/50,000

Comp/Coll deductable is $250.00

Accessory coverage is $3,000.00

Safety apparel coverage is $1,000.00 w/$50.00 deductable

Travel loss reimbursement $300.00 maximum. (towing & road service)

Helmet collision coverage. Up to $400.00 per helmet, up to 2 helmets, ACV coverage (what ever that means)

I do not have any uninsured/underinsured coverage or personal medical as I have my own medical coverage.

The cost of this policy is $254.00 per year. Much cheaper than the bikes I keep in Kalifornia.

Hey guys I need to know the kind of coverage you have. Are any of these prices for 250/500 w/1000 deductable or better?


I just purchased Texas insurance for my new 07 FJR. The policy is through "American Modern Lloyds Insurance Company". The agent I purchased it through is "TWFG Insurance Services". Person I dealt with is, Dan Herrera, (832) 364-6630 (no connection to me)

Coverage is as follows: 100,000/300,000/50,000

Comp/Coll deductable is $250.00

Accessory coverage is $3,000.00

Safety apparel coverage is $1,000.00 w/$50.00 deductable

Travel loss reimbursement $300.00 maximum. (towing & road service)

Helmet collision coverage. Up to $400.00 per helmet, up to 2 helmets, ACV coverage (what ever that means)

I do not have any uninsured/underinsured coverage or personal medical as I have my own medical coverage.

The cost of this policy is $254.00 per year. Much cheaper than the bikes I keep in Kalifornia.
Hey guys I need to know the kind of coverage you have. Are any of these prices for 250/500 w/1000 deductable or better?


I just purchased Texas insurance for my new 07 FJR. The policy is through "American Modern Lloyds Insurance Company". The agent I purchased it through is "TWFG Insurance Services". Person I dealt with is, Dan Herrera, (832) 364-6630 (no connection to me)

Coverage is as follows: 100,000/300,000/50,000

Comp/Coll deductable is $250.00

Accessory coverage is $3,000.00

Safety apparel coverage is $1,000.00 w/$50.00 deductable

Travel loss reimbursement $300.00 maximum. (towing & road service)

Helmet collision coverage. Up to $400.00 per helmet, up to 2 helmets, ACV coverage (what ever that means)

I do not have any uninsured/underinsured coverage or personal medical as I have my own medical coverage.

The cost of this policy is $254.00 per year. Much cheaper than the bikes I keep in Kalifornia.
I'm an insurance agent agent in Connecticut. Just a few comments about the mc coverage. In my mind, I would do without collision coverage before I go without Uninsured/Uninsured Motorist coverage. If injured by an uninsured or underinsured motorist, you can collect for lost wages, medical bill permanent injury or disability. Most of us already have medical coverage but lost wages and permanednt injury claims can be substantial for an injured motorcyclist.

Almost any fall will result in some form of injury. I NEVER reccomend reducing or elliminating this coverage. I have to believe the insurance companies would prefer not to right a lot of this coverage due to the great exposure. In Connecticut, the insurance companies are required to offer double the BI limit. I have done so. Also in Ct, Progressive offers coverage up to 250/500 BI. Other companies will not right this limit. Also most companies I've seen in Ct will exclude the motorcycle coverage from a personal umbrella policy.

