'06 Gauges

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You guys want the FJR to do everything for you. Next you'll want it to produce ice cold beer, cheeseburgers, and have a built in bidet for use after close calls. :bleh:

I'm not much of a fan of LCD displays. My polarizing sunglasses turn the whole display black - can't see a thing without tilting my head. And when I do that, I move out of the "zone" on my presciption glasses - so although I can see numbers, they are blurred.

I know where the needle should be on analog guages, so I can glance at them and know things are OK (or not) without actually "reading" anything.

And it really pi**es me off when I stop for fuel, and then when I want to update my log book I have to turn on the ignition because I forgot what the odometer reading was. Then I turn if off while I gear up, then turn it back on when I'm ready to leave. Now that I mention it, this is the only thing that consistently bugs me about my feejer.

self cancelling turn signals would be welcome along with L.E.D. tail lites.
-1; +1.

Don't need self-cancelling signals; had a bike with them, hated them. LED lights would free up some watts.

I don't need a Bidet- if I start having that issue, I'll just adopt Morris Kruemcke's solution. I'll try to signal to following riders to back off... if I have time.

Beer & cheeseburgers sounds like a good idea, but how am I going to cook the burger if they make all the heat go away?

Base it on X Windows.
And you could make sure it crashes more than all the FJR riders combined! :unsure:
Let me put my geek hat on, as no one else commented on this. X Windows (or X, or X11, or XFree86, now X.org) is not Micro$oft Windows, thankfully. It's the windowing system/framework for Unix and Unix-like environments -- it doesn't manage the windows per se (that's the role of the WM, or window manager, such as Gnome or KDE (well, technically those are DE, desktop environments, and the real WM's are Metacity and KWin, respectively)), it just draws them on the display -- so it is rock solid and (almost) crash free, like anything Unix. The fact it is network aware/transparent is one of its strongest points, you can run an application on any machine and have its display exported to another machine on the other end of the network. I guess that's what deanw meant, running the mp3 player or whatever and have its display show up on the feejer's dash.

Well, I'll go even further, I want to run Linux on my FJR B)

Yeah, you guessed it by now, I hack on unix systems for a living.

But we're drifting offtopic, so I'll just put my geek hat away now. Sorry for the noise!

self cancelling turn signals would be welcome along with L.E.D. tail lites.
Yes to the self cancelling turn signals. I have them on my '83 Maxim and the only problem is that they are difficult to switch off by hand, especially with gloves on. Added to the 'push button to switch off' feature, the self cancelling part would be very nice.

Not too fond of the LED tail lights I've seen. They don't seem bright enough. Maybe I haven't seen the good ones yet. They do use a lot less power then regular light bulbs so that help lighten the load on the alternator.

Not too fond of the LED tail lights I've seen. They don't seem bright enough. Maybe I haven't seen the good ones yet. They do use a lot less power then regular light bulbs so that help lighten the load on the alternator.
LED and incandescent lights require different reflectors- sticking an LED 1157 replacement into a regular housing is asking for disappointment, unless your primary goal is to save a few watts.

I'd like to amplify on what deanw has to say. Consider a street light: he choices are incandescent (incandescent bulb, reflector, and lens) or LEDs packed fairly tightly occupying the same area as the lens. The LED version is just as bright or brighter than the incandescent version. A tail light consisting of LEDs covering an area equivalent to a normal tail light lens is good; trying to substitute a few LEDs for an incandescent bulb is disappointing.

Mirrors are good for me but I would love to have a gear indicator for those times where you loose track and the speedo could be just a little larger ;)

Let them keep the darn gear indicator. Let's see a helmet lock. Oh, it's great that you can fit a full size helmet in the side case, but when it's full of gear that's useless. I found out the hard way comming home from Deals Gap back in June.

After spending all day riding home, I stopped at a friends house for dinner. Had the bike parked out in front on the street. ( nice nieghborhood in suburbia Long Island.) Bags full, tank bag on bike, mp3 player, and my jacket and helmet on seat. Some punk walked off with my new Nolan N100. :angry: Who the hell would want a helmet that I was sweating in all day?

Just my $0.02


Some punk walked off with my new Nolan N100.
That sucks.

Attention, Jackass comment coming, Attention.......I would have brought my gear into my friends house.

I'd say no matter what they change, people will not be satisfied.

Gauges seem fine and readible.

Helmet Lock, no thanks.

Self-Cancelling Signals, no thanks.

Gear Indicator, OK. Shift Light ??...if you don't know when to shift....ummm...

I'm with deanw on the trip meter, and, we need more electrical power Scotty !!

2weeks ago a member on this board or the fjrowners board came up with a very clever helmet lock he made for free. it was a .75by 6 inch strip of metal that was bent at one end at 90 dgerees then bent at the other end to look like a J shaped fish hook. I t was fitted between the seats and the d rings hooked thru the hooked end. When the seat was put back on the helmet sat right on the seat. Someone might remember what I'm talking about and provide a link.


I never use a helmet lock, even though one was on my last several bikes. Keep my helmet with me, they are Damn expensive.

Plus, when I was in college, well one of the colleges I attended, one of my fellow riders had his helmet stolen off his bike. It was locked to the bike, via the helmet lock. I beleive he had a CBR600, but that is a long time ago. Some schmuck, cut the strap on the helmet, so this guy comes out and all he has is the D-ring locked to his bike! He was bumming, it was a fairly new, high $$ Arai or Shoei. This was during the day, in a very visable area, with people walking by all day. I came out, carrying mine (for some reason I never trusted them, plus that way all the chicks knew I rode a motorcycle ;-)) and he was just standing there trying to figure out how to get home, since CA has/had a helmet law at the time. I couldn't help him, as I only had one, and no car at the time. We were tring to work it out when someone offered that they had a truck, ramp and straps (dirtbiker).

I would also guess that the standard type aren't very difficult to beat. Is it that hard to pry them apart enough to get the helmet off?

If you really want one though, there are some aftermarket ones that fit under the seat and secure with a cable, or are a sort of locking bar end you slip the D-Ring over, or one that you install under neath your plate and has a locking hook on each end. Called the "Helmet Gaurdian" I think.


They need to fix the shitty ergonomics of the handlebars. I think I read of adjustable bars on the '06? If that's not a joke then I wonder if it could be farkled onto the '05.

They need to fix the shitty ergonomics of the handlebars. I think I read of adjustable bars on the '06? If that's not a joke then I wonder if it could be farkled onto the '05.
Like "Unified" brakes, nobody knows what "adjustable" means. I'd be surprised, though, if they adjust in the direction I want them to.

i think warchild is holding out on us, i mean he does have an early press release photo??? lol...

and, conspicious by it's abscence is warchilds report on the beefed up alternator he came up with that had extra windings... is something electrical in yammi's box?

my personal GUESS is that dale as a bunch of NDA's w/yammi... ;)

I really only have 2 wishes...ok 3 wishes...for the dash.

-Make speedo 160mph to extend the distance between increments. Or go digital and integrate tach/speed into one gauge.

-Redesign turn signal indicator to make it easier to see in the day and not as blinding at night

-Convert temp bar to actual temp (as in a VFR).

All of these would cost little to redesign.

An oil pressure and gear indicator guage would be cool, too.

A shift light sounds cool, but in reality do we really need this? Gear indicator would be nice as well, but I think adding too much stuff will drive up the cost and complexity
