06 Mirriors

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Neither side fibrates on my 06. I also spent 99 cents each for the little round stick on wide angle mirrors from WalMart. Work perfectly. I can see another vehicle thru the wide angle mirror even when it is next to me. No need to make any other adjustments to the mirrors. Used them on all my bikes and cars and they totally elliminate any blind spots.


Page 2-63 of the '06 Service Manual has an illustration of the mirror mounting brackets. In the lower illustration on that page they are angled out at about a 45 degree angle. Would it be possible to add additional bracing to the brackets to reduce vibration at that point?

Where's Fred, our resident engineer, mechanical guru, and all around fixit man? Fred...Fred..., hellow Fred.


I'm seeing a trend...if we all notify Yamaha, they may issue a fix. My left mirror is solid, right mirror vibrates.
And yah, Mammy Yammy sayeth unto thee... "if thy right mirror doth offend thee, pluck it off! or at thee very leasteth plucketh thee!" :****:

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The mirrors on my 06 are clear all the way through the shifting range. It appears I am among a small number listed here, without the stated problem. I wonder if the bikes showing vibration have something that needs tightned, synched or calibrated? Strange affliction to show up on just one mirror.

What, are you guys trying to insert your contacts using your mirrors while accelerating??? :huh: My mirrors may vibrate a tad, but come on, I can still see the Corolla that's on my left!

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IME, the first time I pulled off the cowling on my 06, the bottom right mirror nut was missing - only the top was in place.

The nut showed up in a few minutes as it had fallen into the wiring - I've now got them installed very tightly. No vibration being experienced.

There have been other 06 riders that have experienced an entire mirror being loose - FjrChik, if I recall, had her right mirror fall off in the transport trailer coming back from the dealer? (FjrChik, you may want to correct me on this if my memory is not what it should be.)

I would suggest that if you are experiencing mirror vibration on one side, pull the cowling panels to expose the nuts - and check to see if your nuts are loose. Or missing. Loose nuts can be a problem. (Just ask my wife)

And to further the advice - "Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey". :D

What, are you guys trying to insert your contacts using your mirrors while accelerating??? :huh: My mirrors may vibrate a tad, but come on, I can still see the Corolla that's on my left!
Yeah, but it's the White Freightliner on your RIGHT that's gonna **** you for certain.

My right vibrates, left is solid. I played with the mirror some and it feels like there might be a bit more looseness in the right at the folding pivot point. Will try packing it with some rubber as a test and see if it helps.

See a few comments about too much bitching, but when the left is crytal clear, and the right blurry, you are constantly aware.

My right vibrates, left is solid. I played with the mirror some and it feels like there might be a bit more looseness in the right at the folding pivot point. Will try packing it with some rubber as a test and see if it helps.See a few comments about too much bitching, but when the left is crytal clear, and the right blurry, you are constantly aware.
I tried that. It didn't help. Let us know if it works for you.

a couple things to check.

1) note if the rubber gromet is installed correctly on both sides -- if any sticks out, they are installed upside down. (my right was like this -- it is installed by the dealer, not the factory)

2) as already mentioned -- check the bolts. When you check them -- make sure you torque them the same.

Factory torque should be 5.1 Ft*lbs. (M6 nut)

FWIW -- after I straightened out the gromet, and used a torque wrench (double torqued all 4 bolts), no more vibration.

That's one of the great things about this forum. I have had my 06 FJR for about 3 weeks and noticed the mirror issue. Left is solid with right vibrating. I thought I was the only one with this issue until finding this thread.

both mirrors are pretty solid on mine -

however, I'm currently working on a '06 aux light bracket that could be used as a spacer to move the mirrors out a tad.

What do you think? 3/4"? I don't know if they could be extended much beyond that witout looking sort of dorkie.

both mirrors are pretty solid on mine - however, I'm currently working on a '06 aux light bracket that could be used as a spacer to move the mirrors out a tad.

What do you think? 3/4"? I don't know if they could be extended much beyond that witout looking sort of dorkie.
I don't know if 3/4 of an inch is right, but I do know that I'd love to meet the friend in your avitar. Wow.

Paul Peloquin

Monmouth/Lakeview OR

FJR w/Tanji FBFC

both mirrors are pretty solid on mine -

however, I'm currently working on a '06 aux light bracket that could be used as a spacer to move the mirrors out a tad.

What do you think? 3/4"? I don't know if they could be extended much beyond that witout looking sort of dorkie.
I don't know if 3/4 of an inch is right, but I do know that I'd love to meet the friend in your avitar. Wow.

Paul Peloquin

Monmouth/Lakeview OR

FJR w/Tanji FBFC
What happens in vegas -----

stays in vegas, eh?
