06 Needs New FI Map

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Yes I am angry and disappointed :angry: . All I can say that I bought the FJR ´06 new from US and it was first registered on the roads new in Mars this year.

Soon it will be fixed the stalling problem then I will let her go....I have had enough and I am not riding the FJR any more after stalling and shutting off taking U turn and I went down. Damage on the left side and my collar bone broke and now its Insurance and all that crap and one new damage FJR….Parked the bike and use my Kawasaki ZRX instead. My first day riding today after the accident.

Riding the FJR stalling all the time at low rpm in city traffic is not acceptable. Downshifting and she sometimes shut down…???

Why spending nearly $300 on Power Commander on a new bike so it will maybe or maybe not run flawless??? Why spending time adjusting, sync, new map and many other things hoping she will run? Why replace parts hoping it will cure things and spending time and $ for what. I thought Mr. Yamaha should take care of that? Why do we have to spend time talking to dealers witch don’t listen and sending mails all over the world complaining and writing notes on some forums. We should all be talking about how great this bike is and this is the BIKE instead off………..?

I have gone thru this period of time when I owned many classic British bikes fettling with Lucas and Amal carbs but now we are talking about brand new modern bike, or what???

My first Yamaha in nearly 40 years riding and probably my last or they have to come up with some cure. In my dreams in the years where owing good touring bike and my dream came true when I bought the FJR with this result….

I have been reading notes on the FJR forums where owners are complaining about this issue and it starts when the first ´06 bikes went out from the factory and where do we stand now from that time? What have come out of this?

Did send message to Yamaha Europe, but with no reply……yet? :blink:


Kinda funny in a sad sort of way.

I was just talking about this today with someone who wanted to buy an FJR. Asked me how I liked my new BMW RT. Traded the FJR to get rid of this problem.

The FJR was the only bike ever to strand me somewhere by not starting, plus I could not take the throttle and FUI situation any more.


QUOTE(Don B @ Jul 17 2007, 12:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Kinda funny in a sad sort of way.I was just talking about this today with someone who wanted to buy an FJR. Asked me how I liked my new BMW RT. Traded the FJR to get rid of this problem.

The FJR was the only bike ever to strand me somewhere by not starting, plus I could not take the throttle and FUI situation any more.

Not making any excuses for Yamaha. From my perspective there is no way they should have released the bike to manufacturing with the throttle response the way it is. Having said that however, you could have fixed it for $300 for the cost of the PCIII. I'm sure that would have been much less than trading in the FJR and getting the RT.

As for leaving you stranded...i haven't taken the FJR for a long trip yet. I never had any problems with my old trusty R1100S. :unsure:

Dunno where you shop. Got my PCIII for $250. However, I rode the bike for over a year now and found that I don't *need* it. I bought it because one of the other farkles I plan is a full Holeshot exhaust replacement and other slight HP-gaining mods because I'm fat and I get sick of the hooligans slowly pulling away from me on group rides with my pure-stock setup. However, I guess I feel I didn't NEED the PCIII mostly because I've been riding bikes since at least 1/3 of the people who complain about FI bikes were in diapers or swimming in seminal fluid in their daddy's nutsack.

This isn't a Honda Civic. This is a motorcycle. If you're so finicky and, sorry, poorly skilled that you can't safely and effortlessly pilot an FJR1300, please get off now, sell it to someone with the skills and appreciation who can. I lean closer to Warchild and TWN on this topic. Every machine in the history of mass production has some subset of ownership that feels some aspect or another is a problem/shortcoming/tissue-inducing sin against consumer humanity.

Sorry to swing so absolute, but that's just how I feel on these kind of issues. If I wanted a Honda Civic throttle response, I'd buy a Honda Civic or an electric golf cart. It's a gasoline-powered engine, fed by a fuel injected system, which by its nature was difficult to effectively adapt to the type of snapping extremes in use/range that is unique to motorcycling as opposed to more traditional FI uses. Even an Indy Car doesn't snap the exteme ups/downs in a race as often as a typical rider in a daily commute.

Finally, I feel that the FJR tamed down with its hesitation after about 6k mile of riding. Or, perhaps (gasp) my skills adapted subtly in how I rode it to ensure that such happenings didn't return. I nudged the idle speed up a bit (the high end of the manual's range), I give the bike a short bark of throttle when I see that cross-traffic's light has turned yellow. I don't bobble around in very-low RPM range unless I'm slowing up to the security gate at work or at the Navy base, in which case I just put it in neutral and coast, and then (yep, learned response) I give it a short bark of throttle to "clear its throat" (relic of carb days) before I bring it back into gear.

Point made? Either pack some hankies, sell the bike or adapt your riding skills. If you think some other bike is far better, go buy it. this is the FJR. It is what it is and has been. I just don't tolerate ultra-nitpicky complaints very well in this hyper-sensitive world/generation we see now...but I guess I'm just getting old and, in turn, experienced and skilled enough to deal with life.

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What an ahole. If i had as big of a lard @ss as you, i probably wouldn't think the bike had any problems either. It wouldn't be able to pull it!

now go blow your nose and wipe your @ss with the hankie.

This is the only response your post deserves.

P.S. Maybe your skills didn't get better around 6k miles...maybe you just gained another 200 pounds?

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"What an ahole."

WOW!!!!! First time i've felt the need to say 'GUNNY'

"What an ahole."

WOW!!!!! First time i've felt the need to say 'GUNNY'

I, too think the throttle response is just fine - as long as I'm not changing altitude. I just wouldn't tell somebody else they don't have a right to have an opinion on the matter.

Here's a deep philosophical thought for you:

The only opinion you don't have a right to is the one where you think someone else doesn't have a right to theirs!

What an ahole. If i had as big of a lard @ss as you, i probably wouldn't think the bike had any problems either. It wouldn't be able to pull it!
now go blow your nose and wipe your @ss with the hankie.

This is the only response your post deserves.

P.S. Maybe your skills didn't get better around 6k miles...maybe you just gained another 200 pounds?
I'm flattered. If the only response you can muster is name calling, then you've proven my point as you have no other counter. (Yawn). Lashing out is just an aggressive form of whining. Here's your hanky back...

The fact remains that FI bikes are not for the finicky or fickle, and I stand by the earlier sentiment. It is what it is, you can either make mods to it , sell it or buckle down and adapt your riding style to compensate. I know the current generation isn't too good at the "adapt and overcome" mindset, so this outburst is to be expected. Nobody said people can't have other opinions. Indeed, it is the person doing the whining that seems unhappy that someone else holds an opposing view instead of a "yeah me too" reinforcer. My opinions are my own, and you're entitled to yours all you want, just as I'm entitled to feel about them however I wish. Grow up.

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Well - I'll go ahead and join in the discussion...

I've been riding for over 35 years, but my experience with the FJR is relatively new. I have a 2007AE with about 3800 miles on it since I bought it new in mid-July. First: I love the bike! Second: It DOES definitely have low RPM throttle roughness and altitude surge problems (I live in Utah at 4800 feet and regularly vary altitudes by as much as a couple thousand feet).

It is because this is such a great bike that my expectations for it are so high and the annoyances more intolerable. Also - is it just me, or does having the auto clutch make the throttle response issue even more difficult? I will start out frequently and have to crack the throttle over-aggressively or I get a bang-bang-bang jerkiness of the clutch engaging and disengaging repeatedly in short succession: not very reassuring in crowded parking lots or traffic.

I am going to try the Barbarian mod tomorrow. The bike has been serviced twice on schedule and has had a TBS done with my insistence each time - the service person assured me the sync was already very close both times, but did it anyway. I also had the idle increased a bit to see if this would help without much success. Other than that - the bike is all stock (except the Cal-Sci windshield). The service department at the Yamaha dealer seems to listen to me and has tried to do tech manual and web searches as well to try and understand these problems better - but as yet they have had no advice, tech bulletins or assistance from Yamaha N.A.

I think that it is unacceptable that I should have to lay out yet another $300 for a PCIII to fix a flawed factory EFI mapping or buy a new after-market throttle cam to correct a poor design on a new, second year/second model-version bike...but with all that I have already invested in this otherwise great machine I will do it if yamaha can't fix it.

The fact that not everyone is experiencing these issues does not in any way invalidate mine or other's experiences or opinion, but just throws in another level of complexity to trying to figure out the route causes and their potential solutions. I'm new to this forum, and rather thick-skinned, but would probably take offense myself if I was told that I am just a whiner or inexperienced or full of crap for stating what my experience with this bike has been.

Anyway - sorry for the long ramble on my first thread: I just want to add my .02 that with my new 07 that there are definitly issues with it that other's have also experienced, and I hope Yamaha does come up with some reasonable fixes to make this already great bike run at its full potential.

Agreed, justridin. The original point of contention was the 06's, which people have complained about (and not complained about) since they came out. If the 07's (and a few late 06's) are having the different, more severe problem that Yamaha itself is acknowledging, that's a horse of an entirely different color and expectations are 100% correct in expecting Yamaha to fix the mapping in their newer EFI.

My barrage, while not diplomatically worded, was and still is selectively targeted at 06 owners with the OLDER units who were still unhappy because they didn't have a Honda Civic under their butts. I've been fine with mine for over a year and still don't feel that the items discussed as "problems" are to me and expressed that, but others are free to feel the way they choose.

I have chosen to go ahead and get a PCIII after a year+ and over 8k miles not because I think I need one to correct some abomination in the performance, but rather because I want to take it to that extra small % performance that you can farkle out of ANY bike if you spend enough money in aftermarket parts to get. I'll probably put an entire Holeshot replacement system on in the fall as well and then finish it all off with either a repaint or outright reskinning the moving-truck-nicked up bodywork with 07 cherry red and a Corbin Smuggler.

All these are enhancements, and I don't begrudge Yamaha for not making the bike even more expensive to begin with by having these optional upgrades. Likewise, I feel the PCIII is an optional upgrade and that the factory behavior was fine to me. Others don't. I even laid the bike over (onto grass and still holding on, no damage) once when the low-idle hesitation hit, but I blame myself for not "clearing the throat" once before letting the clutch out into a turning start. Those who feel that is a fault of Yamaha agree to disagree with me. I feel it's over-reaction. They don't. End of story.

Your post was far from rambling and was greatly appreciated.

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Don't you think it's a little hypocriticial on your part to say you don't have a problem with the fjr fuel injection by making a non-supported or approved barbarian jumper mod? You say the "factory behaviour was fine" but then at the same time you say "I need one to correct some abomination in the performance."

This is a common problem with both the FZ1 and the FJR. Sounds like you are in denial. You have done all the things the rest of us have done to fix a problem that you say doesn't exist...

Let me guess...you already have a g2 throttle tube or the Fred H shim mod?

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All my mods are listed, and they are electronic/audio. As for the barbarian mod, the only thing I did was give myself the ability to access the diagnostic screens that are otherwise locked out. I did not alter the oxygen mixture numbers, but good job on once again jumping to presumption to meet your rage's need to keep lashing out. When I get my PCIII installed, I'll add it to the list. What you see is what you get, oh angry one.

I further continue to repeat what others in this thread and others have said that we do not believe that the FJR up through 06 had any "defects" with the FI. The 07 altitude surge is a different and very real issue. The "oh my god it's not a Honda Civic throttle, give me a diaper" rants are not, in my opinion. What I have done is cope and adjust. Anything I'm adding I'm adding for horsepower increase the same way any enthusiast will with any vehicle if they want to make the investment. Any vehicle out there can be further modded to get more out of it, else there would be a LOT of high-end shops suddenly out of business.

What I'm not doing is parking my bike and ranting that my stock bike is defective or otherwise horrible. I rode it for over a year and found it to be fine and NOW that I'm sure I'm keeping it I wish to take it to a higher horsepower level (what little you can eek out from such mods). What I haven't done is lash out with name calling at others who don't agree with my position.

You're cute. Keep going. I don't see you attacking the other participants in this thread who had also said there is no problem with the 06's. Guess that might make your rant fall apart.

Look, it's personal taste, and I've said, personally, I don't feel it's a problem and feel that my riding style and skill is more than sufficient to adapt to whatever habits riding this bike might require as long as they're reasonable to me. Our experiences, skills or tolerance (or some mix thereof) are different, but it seems to drive you bonkers to hear someone disagree with your assertions. I've said all along you have your opinion, I have mine. This is starting to smell like a political/religious debate in that one side believes "there can be only one right answer". Rock on, Pat, tell us how it is from that pulpit...

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Angry? Hardly. Your first post on this thread was nothing more than a trolling post and the only reason I picked on you was merely because your post singled you out as an intollerant ahole with a God complex.

I never said you didn't have a right to your opinion. You felt the need to be-little the folks on this thread that have different opinions than yours with your highness attitude.

Look in the mirror lately?


Or, maybe life hasn't tought you enough of the lessons you need to learn princess?

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rayban, there ya go again, makin an ahole (no make that an asshole)

outta yer self.

Most bikes do run just a smooth as a civic, the FJR in its mild state of

tune should be one of them. Maybe you got lucky and got a good one,

or you ride like an old lady, and haven't noticed any problems.


Tasty! There is something strangely satisfying to see a personal attack from a person whose relatively short post is riddled with misspellings. It's kinda like having the class retard write you a note telling you how dumb you are. Yum. Keep it coming, kiddies... Yes, the fact that I disagree and don't think the bike has a problem gives me a God complex, you're absolutely right, 100%, dead-on, yep, bingo. The fact that I own the same model and have probably ridden it longer than you but don't support your claims makes me elitist. Yep, so true. Whatever shall I do? Maybe I should should just capitulate and pretend to agree so that others feel better about themselves tonight, because it's quite apparent that my continued dissension from the mob cannot be tolerated and must continue to incur such outlashes and indignations...evidently voicing such dissension, and then defending it, continues to perpetuate the cycle. It's an obsession, it appears, to continue posting until that damn elitist gives in... And since the self-proclaimed-in-charge now label such disagreement as trollin, then...(zzzzzzzz)....there, my latest bait is cast, any nibblers?

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Don't want to join the popcorn pissing match here, but facts are facts. I own a 2006 FJR, early production number and it has twice exibited the "lean/surge" problem just like many of the 2007 models are now having. And its not the only 2006 with the problem. Thank God it has only done it twice and even then it was for just a few seconds. It is not imagined, caused by rider error, or lack of rider riding said bike aggressive enough. It is not a pully related item, nor is it a "herkey jerky" problem or an abrupt throttle issue. And it is not an oppinion problem either. Yes the "lean/surge" issue in my 2006 Yamaha FJR is a very real problem and for those who are having this same problem on their 2007 FJR's are even more frustrated because it is happening on a much larger scale and alot more frequent believe me. So, please quite the dribbling here, and lets put our strengths together and try and get this very real "altitude/lean/surge" problem solved with the help very much needed by Yamaha. Whether its installing new ECU's and or maps or sensor's or whatever it might be. Let's get it done without the bickering and putting out information that is incorrect or opinionated. Like Matt Walkins said and TruWrecks are doing, let's make a real case with facts to present to Yamaha to support our claim. Thanks, Painman. <>< ;)
