06 Needs New FI Map

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I don't think those that haven't ridden an '06 truly appreciate what the Fred H mod will do for you....Takes away the abrupt on/off jerky throttle almost completely....simple to see why if you look at the '06 pully verse other years....Not the cure all for some but the cure most for most that have done it, haven't heard a single person say it didn't help...

I don't think those that haven't ridden an '06 truly appreciate what the Fred H mod will do for you....Takes away the abrupt on/off jerky throttle almost completely....simple to see why if you look at the '06 pully verse other years....Not the cure all for some but the cure most for most that have done it, haven't heard a single person say it didn't help...
I ran into this same problem on Mopar Mini-Vans we built for handicapped drivers. With hand controls, the arupt nature of the throttle, designed that way by Mopar to give one a feeling that there was more engine than there really was, caused big problems for folks that were not equipped with the fine motor control skills needed to learn how to overcome it. We had to come up with more or less the same solution Fred H has. This does not, however, eliminate the need for the PCIII on this bike-it has been the solution since it's introduction for smoothing the fuel mapping and eliminating the surge and 4 thou roughness on the FJR, which all the 03-05's had, and apparently the 06 does still. No mod I made on Frank (05) made as much difference as the Commander.

...and eliminating the surge and 4 thou roughness on the FJR, which all the 03-05's had...
Maybe I have a special hand built, one-off bike or maybe my wrist is too limp and my ass is just numb (have fun with that, boiz), but I've found when placed in the proper gear there is no surge nor do I feel any roughness coming on at 4K. :dntknw:

Maybe it's the coconut flavoring in the oil or sumpin', I don't know, but I've been riding for over 8 years, so I know what I'm talking about - sorta.


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It's probably the callouses built up on that right paw, coupled with the arm numbness incurred in the process.... :blink:

It's probably the callouses built up on that right paw, coupled with the arm numbness incurred in the process.... :blink:
Possibly, but.... I dunno, how can you argue with someone with 8 years of riding experience?

I mean... seriously, isn't that impressive? Aren't you impressed? I know I am impressed....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It's probably the callouses built up on that right paw, coupled with the arm numbness incurred in the process.... :blink:
Possibly, but.... I dunno, how can you argue with someone with 8 years of riding experience?

I mean... seriously, isn't that impressive? Aren't you impressed? I know I am impressed....

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey, I'm impressed (or is that depressed). Took me 40 fuggin' years to get one! I mean, since we're comparing notes and measuring dicks 'n shit around here lately, ya know? Why, just ask you-know-who! :bleh:


Ignacio, if you want proof? Bring your 06 FJR down and we'll try gridlock rush hour traffic on the 405 in LA for and hour or so as we split lanes. I'm sure you'll come and see it my way afterwards. The throttle response needs to be smooth without jerking the rider.

Ain't that the truth (another So Cal rider with an AE).

Ignacio, if you want proof? Bring your 06 FJR down and we'll try gridlock rush hour traffic on the 405 in LA for and hour or so as we split lanes. I'm sure you'll come and see it my way afterwards. The throttle response needs to be smooth without jerking the rider.
I don't have an '06. I have an '05...which should be pretty obvious in my sig and profile.

Even if I did I wouldn't have the luxury of bringing it down.

I don't disbelieve you. I'm just saying that if you think it's a problem in all the '06s and not just your bike....you need to convince use. You and every other affected '06 owner need to start building concensus up on this board by empirical observation. It may turn out that there is an issue.

A couple years ago there were pissed off individuals having to have valve jobs. Then people started posting commonalities, discovering trends, debating, and ultimately reaching a community conclusion that there was a problem. Individuals went to dealers and pressed Yamaha corporate with this shared information. Instead of one disgruntled owner, they increasingly had a body of reasoned information.

You want it to happen with this one you got to go through the process.

Ok,this bike really needs a new FI map to cover the lower end and get rid of the jerky low rpm resonpse. I know about the Fred shim, but frankly, it's just wrong. The BMW K1200S had this problem and BMW stepped up to the plate and fixed it. The question is will Yamaha? How hard can it be for them to reprogram the ECU with the correct FI map?

Giddy'p :clapping:

you are right. It IS a problem with all the 06s. Just read the massive threads on this topic.

PCIII is okay, but I agree with you, it should be a simple way of adjusting the fuel starvation on this engine....


Hei,you are right. It IS a problem with all the 06s. Just read the massive threads on this topic.

PCIII is okay, but I agree with you, it should be a simple way of adjusting the fuel starvation on this engine....

I have an 06 and have been riding around in low gears at varying RPM's trying to find a reason to by a PCIII. So far, no luck. My bike runs as smooth as I could hope for. I did notch up the CO by 7 points, release center throttle spring, perform a throttle body sync, and took all the slack out of the throttle. I can't find any reason to do anything else. No surging here.


you are right. It IS a problem with all the 06s. Just read the massive threads on this topic.

PCIII is okay, but I agree with you, it should be a simple way of adjusting the fuel starvation on this engine....

I have an 06 and have been riding around in low gears at varying RPM's trying to find a reason to by a PCIII. So far, no luck. My bike runs as smooth as I could hope for. I did notch up the CO by 7 points, release center throttle spring, perform a throttle body sync, and took all the slack out of the throttle. I can't find any reason to do anything else. No surging here.

lucky for you !!

When riding slow (with my wife onboard) in 2nd gear , my "fola blacken" is surging on and off :angry2: :angry2:

Personally I'm into D & D plus a pcIII from st. Claus this x-mas.

Hope to fix the surge then, if not I'll put an expert mech. on the issue, due to the fact this is a nice bike.....


Having now added the Powercommander it is a much smoother bike from idle on. With both mods I'm very happy with the off idle response in the twisties - PC was major improvement over Barbarian mod....May be all you need but I'll stick with Fred H mod too....

I thought I'd just dust off this thread since now all of a sudden it looks like everyone is on board with my original assessment for the '06 EFI.

PCIIIusb - Check

Cobra - Check

Techlusion - Check

Being Right - Priceless

Which brings me back to my orginal question!

"The question is will Yamaha? How hard can it be for them to reprogram the ECU with the correct FI map?"

It's good to be the king :clapping:

P.S. For those of you that think that this bike has perfect fuel injection...yes, yes, we know. Marketing people love you. :D

:clapping: ...good on ya temp., the blind loyalty/bias shown by some of the non-believers on this board is only eclipsed by their comedic antics. But seriously folks, it`s been obvious for some time that the bike (06)is seriously flawed at the throttle. There is no way this should`ve happened after 6 production years not to mention, all the damn bikes Yammi has built (for what, 50years?). Like it has been pointed out before: Yammi`s poor quality control ; inadequate bench and road testing; poor communication with the dealer network, have all confluenced , creating problems with the FJR product. No need to rehash them...anybody with an open mind who can read knows what the issues are. It`s times like these when a company should know where and when the weak links (incompetent employees perhaps?) need to be replaced with new blood! :angry2: P.S. There is no damn way a new owner should have to "fix" their bike. It SHOULD RUN RIGHT, right out of the crate!
There is no damn way a new owner should have to "fix" their bike. It SHOULD RUN RIGHT, right out of the crate!
My 06 Australian model runs perfectly out of the crate.

Seems that the US models use a different fuel map to satisfy your EPA Nazis....


There is no damn way a new owner should have to "fix" their bike. It SHOULD RUN RIGHT, right out of the crate!
My 06 Australian model runs perfectly out of the crate.

Seems that the US models use a different fuel map to satisfy your EPA Nazis....

Send over your ECU so we can try it out :)

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Maybe it can be explained in a simple and forthright manner.

My 05 was fine and my 06 AE sucks in the throttle trailing to on department.

Honest I try not to whine too much!

Just so you know I like the bike too!

There is no damn way a new owner should have to "fix" their bike. It SHOULD RUN RIGHT, right out of the crate!
My 06 Australian model runs perfectly out of the crate.

Seems that the US models use a different fuel map to satisfy your EPA Nazis....

Send over your ECU so we can try it out :)


Did some more riding over the last few days - I stand corrected, there is a very very slight surge at 2500-3K RPM.

However, try as I might, I can't get the FI to snap and surge off a closed throttle.... :D



Another Aussie 06 with no noticeable surging...(Well the bike's fine while the rider's popping and banging all over the place but I won't bother you with that).

I was interested in the comment as to whether the ECU's might be set-up differently on Aus market bikes - but I would have thought that engine management components would be largely standard across a model run for the same year because it'd be more expensive to do anything else.

Could be that I just don't notice what other people are experiencing, given the last bike ran a little rough at lower revs after "the camshaft project".

I can't complain about a surge/lean condition on my 06 but I have yet to hear a road report of the item found here g2ergo fix mentioned in some previous posts. This is another way to address the throttle cam/pully problem Fred has addressed without the insertion of a wire or rubber ring into the mix. Has anyone installed this on their bike and if so, has it helped the throttle problem? This fix if it works along with the other mods could be the cats meow. PM. <>< :blink:
