06 vs. 08

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2007
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The ZZR1200 is going up for sale shortly.

I can buy an 08 in March for $13,900 (black, abs) + ttl. Or I can buy an 06 demo (cobalt blue, abs, 888 miles, showroom condition, full warranty, for $11,600 + ttl.

Anybody got any thoughts? Does the 06 have any particular issues?

My inclination is to offer $11,200 on the demo, though I think the $11,600 is a ok deal.

It's gonna be winter in a month here (mts of CO) so I don't need anything till next spring anyways.


Unless you live in Cali I would bet that you can get the '08 for under $12k. IIRC the '07's could be had for $11,750, I'm guessing that the '08's will be the same.

Personally, I would always go with the latest.

I had an 06 and changed it for an 07. Now, I know there are suppoed to be no differences - but I would not swap back for all the tea in china. It's a different bike. Maybe it's just Yamaha improving the quality control - who knows? But mine has a much better gearbox and seems smoother around the 4,000 rpm area (where they are notorious for vibes). Cluch is fine now I've changed the oil - no altitude issues so far (but I will get the fix done this winter). Also, the new one has built in heated grips - my '06 had the add on Yamaha ones which were nowhere near as good. Come Winter time, you may want these.

The '08 has had some mods done already - throttle linkage, ABS etc. Go for that model and you don't have to farkle so much !


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The ZZR1200 is going up for sale shortly.
I can buy an 08 in March for $13,900 (black, abs) + ttl. Or I can buy an 06 demo (cobalt blue, abs, 888 miles, showroom condition, full warranty, for $11,600 + ttl.
I thought the 08's were being released in December?

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The ZZR1200 is going up for sale shortly.
I can buy an 08 in March for $13,900 (black, abs) + ttl. Or I can buy an 06 demo (cobalt blue, abs, 888 miles, showroom condition, full warranty, for $11,600 + ttl.

Anybody got any thoughts? Does the 06 have any particular issues?

My inclination is to offer $11,200 on the demo, though I think the $11,600 is a ok deal.

It's gonna be winter in a month here (mts of CO) so I don't need anything till next spring anyways.

Why pay that much for a used 06 when you can get a new 07 here?? Linky

in Oklahoma in Enid they sell new 07's for 11.9 OTD

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I didn't think of looking for a big discount deal. Mostly I prefer to buy locally from a pretty good dealer.

I live in the CO mts. The local FJR dealer isn't getting his until March because of the weather.

The 06 has ABS, so the comparison is apples to apples, aside from relatively minor year to year updates.

And the 07 color just doesn't fire me up.

My wife and I just bought a pair of 07's at Coyote Motorsports in Denver, for $11799 each. We were really happy with the deal and the customer service from them.


Few thoughts. I bought my '07 for $11,900, BUT most of us bought them that low towards the end of the model year, so I sincerely doubt anybody can get an '08 that cheap right off the bat, but I could be wrong. Mid $12Ks sound more like it. And that '06, is too darn high, even if it was new. It's great you want to give the business to your local dealer, but don't let them screw you in the process. With the links provided plus Ebay, Cycletrader, etc., you have SOLID proof of much better prices. Even if you are, don't act loyal to your dealer, or you'll get screwed; remember they're in business to make as much money as possible. Good luck.


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I just pre-ordered an 08 and my dealer gave me a choice. He has one scheduled for delivery to his shop in December/January and another one in March. Since I ordered and gave him a deposit, he banged $1500 off the list price without even batting an eye. Said he would rather sell bikes to local people who will bring them to him for service etc... Given that statement, he will give the local guy a little better deal. Anyway, I chose March delivery since I live in upstate NY where the snow flies well into April.

My advise, is take the new one. What is the book price on a used 06 model? As soon as you walk out the door with it, your gonna take 2 years of depreciation hit immediatley.

Never the less, it's your call. Do what your most comfortable with.

The price they have for the 06 is outrageous IMO. Now, if they offered the 06 for in the low 10's, then you'd have a decision to make.

I'd tell them to knock off at least $1K off the '06 and pay the taxes. And before you contact the dealer again, do some research on ebay first (current and sold '06 FJR's), so you can show the dealer you can easily beat their price.

You'll have two things going for you. Most people (like you) would be considering the '08's, and two, cold weather is coming and the dealer wants to move that '06 as soon as possible.

Make that dealer squeal! :D

The KBB Retail price is $10,735 so I think the $11,600 price is too high. I say wait for Spring and by the 2008. There are soem inprovements to it.

Something else to consider on the the 06 is that the warranty started on that bike when the dealer received it not when the customer takes possession. If you take that bike have him throw in the extended warranty (if it can still be covered) but be sure you have warranty on the bike and that it is in writing. If you are going to ride the wheels off the bike it doesn't matter what you get but if you are going to turn it in a year or two you should get the 08. The 06 price is way too high. He should be looking at eleven even and through in the yes warranty. good luck

Something else to consider on the the 06 is that the warranty started on that bike when the dealer received it not when the customer takes possession.
That's pathetic, the 2 year unlimited k's warranty in Australia starts from the day the customer buys the bike.

If you happen to buy a new 06 model in 07 or 08, the same warranty applies.

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Both of your prices quoted are high unless you live in CA. which you don't. Get the 08 even if you have to go to another state. Your not bound by the CA. smog laws as I am. You are in a way better place and your local dealer wouldn't mind working or servicing your new bike bought at another dealer. Enjoy. PM. <>< :D

The ZZR1200 is going up for sale shortly.
I can buy an 08 in March for $13,900 (black, abs) + ttl. Or I can buy an 06 demo (cobalt blue, abs, 888 miles, showroom condition, full warranty, for $11,600 + ttl.

Anybody got any thoughts? Does the 06 have any particular issues?

My inclination is to offer $11,200 on the demo, though I think the $11,600 is a ok deal.

It's gonna be winter in a month here (mts of CO) so I don't need anything till next spring anyways.

My 2006 cost 11,500 brand new with 00000.00 miles. Am I the only one that thinks a new price for a two yesr old used bike is a bit out of line?

Apparently I need to do some real shopping. Thanks, that's a valuable lesson.

Apparently I need to do some real shopping. Thanks, that's a valuable lesson.
I am starting to see 2007 A models new in the crate for the low 11s, used 2006 A models in the 8-9K area. Always wondered what the dealer cost was on these things.

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