2 Wheeled Therapy

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That would certainly suck Bob... especially since it's in your backyard. You could always ride out Friday night after work & meet us if you're worried about taking the time off of work to go.

I'm not gonna make this one... I've got a trip the end of April then the Ramble in May to get ready for.

Plus, we're supposed to get rain on Wed and snow on Thur so I'm not expecting the roads around here to be in great shape for riding by the weekend. The voices in my head are telling me not to risk it...

That's too bad LCB. I cannot wait for this. PMS (parked motorcycle syndrome) you know.

You know anything good Bob?

Yeah, doesn't look too bad. Unfortunately, it can get worse... & fortunately, it can get better. I would not be happy if I had to leave my house Friday morning in the rain.

Gotcha Bob, Jay & I plan to meet the same place as usual. What is it? Exit 159? I think that's right. Planning to tippy toe through 56. Probably stopping @ the fish hatchery for lunch... weather permitting. I'll bet there's gravel to be found on a LOT of the roads. I'm sure this isn't a beat feet trip.

Gotcha Bob, Jay & I plan to meet the same place as usual. What is it? Exit 159? I think that's right. Planning to tippy toe through 56. Probably stopping @ the fish hatchery for lunch... weather permitting. I'll bet there's gravel to be found on a LOT of the roads. I'm sure this isn't a beat feet trip.
Gum Springs. Yes 159. Given how much gravel there can be on 56 on GOOD days I would bet it could be bad.

Ok, 1.5 days until launch. It doesn't look like Bob is going to be attending. I cannot believe there wasn't more interest in this ride. It's been a long winter & I'd think folks would be chompin' @ the bit to get out on the bike.

There are 4 of us committed to go. (We could've gotten the friggin cabin! Just thought about that.)

This is my last post about this ride. If anyone else cares to join, you are welcome. PM me if you want a Garmin route that I came up with for Saturday's ride.

Ya'll be good... see ya'.


We got another 8" of white shit yesterday, with the possibility of more today...I don't think I would be able to get my bike out of my development by tomorrow...so I guess it's a good thing that I decided not to go. You guys have a great time. See ya at the Ramble.

Damn Joe! Will see you at the ramble in a couple months. Miss ya'!

I'm bound and determined to go. I may have to wait till the temp gets

above freezing before I leave but weather looks promising.

Highs in the 60s predicted.

That said, Heidi, if you decide to pull the plug I completely understand

and would have no problem with that providing I know before I leave. Haha

Life should be an adventure.

Pull the plug??? WTF! What gave you that idea? No plug pulling going on here. I'm good to go. Also, we're sharing a suite, remember?

I'm meeting Jay off of I-64 & we're dropping southwest to ride Rte 56 on our way out... stopping @ the fish hatchery in Montebello to have a picnic lunch. I'll see you tomorrow somewhere around 4ish.

In case you arrive before Jay & me... the reservation is under my name. Will PM you with my last name & phone # in case you need me for some reason.

Howdy joe! Do you know what? I took absolutely no pictures. It really did happen, tho. I swear. I'm home safely. I spoke with jay earlier. He's good to go. We still need to hear from Robert. He & his son, Alex left OCI after us & had to go into PA. He probably ended up better than me. 38 miles from home I get a drop on my shield & my immediate thought... oh shit! I cannot express how absolutely perfect yesterday was. Great temps & a beautiful day. I'm not sure why but the water... the streams & rivers were emerald green. Bottom line... it was for St Paddys day. I love WV.

& robert! Where are ya'

Howdy joe! Do you know what? I took absolutely no pictures. It really did happen, tho. I swear. I'm home safely. I spoke with jay earlier. He's good to go. We still need to hear from Robert. He & his son, Alex left OCI after us & had to go into PA. He probably ended up better than me. 38 miles from home I get a drop on my shield & my immediate thought... oh shit! I cannot express how absolutely perfect yesterday was. Great temps & a beautiful day. I'm not sure why but the water... the streams & rivers were emerald green. Bottom line... it was for St Paddys day. I love WV.

& robert! Where are ya'

Glad somebody got to go for a nice long ride.
