2003 stammer

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Thanks Silver for the info in the 02/03 thing. If this doesn't work I am going to set an up appointment with bigboarpowersports in Roger Ar. Maybe somebody out of the area (Wichita Ks.) will know how to work on these things.

I just recived an Email from him that said Your delivery estimate is Apr 08, 2010 - Apr 19, 2010

Ok I installer the ECU and still a stammer. I'm going to through 1 more part at it just for fun Ebay #220589655868 fuel injectors w/ rail. I really don't think this is it since they all showed the same resistance when I checked them, But a shop hour will run me this much. I'm thinking when i'm done all I will need is a little plastic and a title and ill have a another bike. :construction: .

Thanks for the updates. If it were me, I'd give this gent a call. He has a small shop here but left a very large one in Germany and has seen it all. He is a big fan of the mighty FJR. He knows his stuff.

Holger Krause


[email protected]

It might be worth some consulting fees.

Good luck,

Canadian FJR

Great news... :biggrinsmiley: the fuel injectors that yamaha said were good, well at least one of them were not. The set of injectors I bought off of Ebay worked great. No miss no stammer just a good sounding Yamaha. 1 of them must have been weak. So before I sell the coils & ECU on Ebay does anybody have the same issues that I had. If so just pay the Shipping both ways & you can give them a try to C if they would solve your problem. :mail1:

Hammer, was it necessary to replace the rail and injectors as a unit, or could you have replaced one injector at a time? I ask because I'm in much the same boat as you, and I've begun to suspect a bad injector. Come to think of it, I will PM you.


You can replace the Fuel Injectors as individual units. However, if it is the Throttlebody assembly, you have to replace the whole unit.

The bike is running GREAT :dance: it has more power on take off & my mpg is better. It feals like an all new bike. kolonial72 bought the injectors for his bike to C if they will solve his problems.

For Kolonial, or anyone else with twitchy injectors.....
Nice. Thanks for the tip, Howie. I'm probably going to ship off the ones that hammer is sending before I replace the old ones with them. At least I'll know that the injectors that are going in are good, then I can deal with the old injectors later.

That's a pretty good deal. I just called Yamaha they want $158.50 each.
Wait, $158.50 a piece for new injectors, or for cleaning them? For that price, might as well get new ones.

Kolonial72 any updates on your bike? Mine is still running great. Man I should have fixed the bike months ago when this started but you know how you think it might fix it self. Its nice to have the power back again.

Just out of curiosity, had either of you guys tried running a dose of injector cleaner through the bike, like Techron or Seafoam? I've never really had such an acute problem as yours, but have had good success with Techron on FI cars when it first shows symptoms by running several doses over a period of time.

Wow Hammer, good job an staying with the problem search. Us 03 owners have to stick together to keep our Classic FJR's in tip top shape.

