2006 Charging Output from Service Manual

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Ya' know... Guys like you and TWN just crack me up with the FNG moniker stuff.

You have no idea how long I have been riding motorcycles, or how many of those years I raced motorcycles, or how much of that was professionally, or how many years I was a line mechanic on bikes, or how many factory schools I have been to, or how many years I was a motorcycle dealer, etc...

Same with new board members like mindtrip.

But yet you guys are the "experienced" ones, right?

Hell, you don't even know how long I have been posting on different forums. IIRC, my first post on a board was in 1993.

I've been lurking around here a long, long time before signing up, and it was real easy to see who was really from the "dark side", and it ain't guys like mindtrip and I.



I'm glad I crack you up, and yes, I'm experienced, and yes, I am from the dark side, and yes, I am thoroughly impressed with your stated credentials, and yes, you are still an FNG here.

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So is mindtrip, Groo...

But let's not let that get in the way of Rad's opinion of new board members.

Geez, I hope I NEVER have over 2,700 posts anywhere on the 'net! That's like, what? Like nearly 3% of the posts on this board that has nearly 2,000 registered members? And averaging nearly 9 posts a day for nearly a year?



Dallara, and your current post count is averaging 8.6 per day. Am I to assume we can expect the brakes to be applied at any moment?

Hey, I don't mind mixing it up, I give crap with the best of them. And yes, I too am from the dark side; I like to say that there isn't a sack big enough, nor a brick heavy enough, nor a body of water deep enough to drown all the people who annoy me, at least all at once, so I guess I have to do it one at a time... :D AND I coined the phrase "Plumbus Therapy", which my new cure-all for most illnesses. The technical term is plumbus-induced high-velocity cranial decompression; you figure it out ;) but I guarantee it cures every ailment, including breathing. As Bill Mahr says, "Yes I'm pro-death penalty. I'm also pro-abortion and pro-suicide. I'm for whatever gets the freeways moving faster." Hmmm, I think I found a new sig! :D

Dallara, and your current post count is averaging 8.6 per day. Am I to assume we can expect the brakes to be applied at any moment?
But to put it in proper perspective, Dellara has been here less than a week, so his 8.6 per day average isn't the same as a 9 per day average for forum members who have been here from the beginning of the new forum.

I'll have to admit as an Admin who is keenly interested in the original topic, I am disapointed to see the thread go off-tangent as it has. There has been many a time I felt like going in and deleteing all the bullshit, off-topic horsecock posts in this thread so we can focus on this important new development that Dellara was good enough to bring to our attention. Yes, we would have eventually learned of it once the 2006 Service Manuals become routinely available through normal channels anyway, but we are able to get a jump on the issue thanks to Dellera's original post here.

But since we apparently can't do anything but mudsling now, there is no use in continuing this thread.


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