2006 Charging Output from Service Manual

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My '04 OWNER'S manual clearly states:
Charging system

Type A.C. magneto

Standard output 14 V, 490 W@ 5,000 r/min

What does the '06 owners manual say? Does it corroborate the SERVICE manual?

Well, unfortunately all I have to go on is the 2006 Service Manual... Why?

Because in the specifications section of the 2006 Owners Manual all it says, right there on page 8-2, is:

Electrical System:

Ignition System: Transitorized coil ignition (digital)

Charging System: AC Magneto

It doesn't say diddly squat about charging system output...

And TWN...

So now you are proclaiming you are part of the liberal, left wing press - ala CNN? You know, those morons who keep asking the same question over and over, hopin' and prayin' that they'll get an answer that satisfies their sponsors...

For the record, there is no back peddling going on at this end, regradless of your attempts to spin it that way. I repeat.

1.) I have a copy of the 2006 Yamaha Factory Service Manual for FJR-1300's

2.) I got it from an authorized Yamaha dealer.

3.) He got it through his authorized channels with Yamaha.

4.) I ordered both 2003-5 service manuals and a 2006 service manual in paper form.

5.) Because I did my dealer kindly gave me a copy of the service manual.

6.) I didn't pay for the CD, just the paper manuals

7.) The 2006 Yamaha FJR-1300 Service Manual says the 2006's put out 590 watts at 5,000 RPM

Now I know cogent thought is a stretch for you, but hey... It doesn't get much simpler or plainer than that. And no matter pissed off you get at me having a 2006 manual, or having a good relationship with my dealer, your FJR still only puts out 490 watts and you're still a posting whore crying out for attention. So far you have not posted a single thing in this thread that could be considered constructive or informative.

Like the man said, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem...

You have continually done nothing more than try to get this thread off track and off down your own little bunny trail, and guess what, Sport-Kiddo-Junior-Marshmallow Man?

It ain't gonna' happen.

Look, I'm proud I have a dick to measure, and I really am sorry you don't... But it's not my fault. Take it up with your parents. This discussion is about the charging output of the 2006 FJR - Nothing more, and it should be nothing less, despite your attempts to side-track it and drag it down to your limaceous, plebeian level. No matter how much you really want to be a knee-jerk, left-wing, liberal reporter on CNN or Fox News you are still just another poster on a web forum whose apparent posting history has a lot more to do with quantity that it does with quality.

Now, back to the original subject here - the 2006 FJR alternator

The Service Manual says 590 watts @ 5,000 revs.

The 2006 Owners Manual doesn't say a thing...



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Had to break out the dictionary on that one... a derivative of limacene? Slug-like? Dang... Skoot and Rad usually just question his mother's purity... simple stuff like that... :blink:

Any under challenged 06' owners with way too much time on thier hands

  • connect 3 55 watt headlight bulbs in parallel
  • Start your previously warmed up bike and measure voltage at battery @ 5k rpm, everything off
  • clip the headlight bundle to the battery, measure voltage at the battery at 1k and 5k rpm
  • (bonus task, turn on heated grips or high beams with headlight bundle still attached and glowing, measure voltage at 5k rpm)
With headlights bundle alone, at 5k rpm -- if voltage is >13.4 volts the charging system is indeed 590W; voltage below 13.0 volts the charging system is most likely 490W. With headlights and heated grips on, if the voltage is greater than 12.6 volts the charging system is indeed 590W.
Boy,get the flu and all hell breaks loose here. Can't say I care a whole lot for the dogpile on TDub, nor the FNG's lighting into him based on what appears to me to be misunderstanding more than anything. While dallara has just joined here, and has some admittedly interesting info, TDub has contributed volumes of info and assistance here. The subject of illegitimate manuals has been brought up before, and I understood that the general feeling here was they are bad news-but it seems when the sharks sensed a lone barracuda in the water, the feeding frenzy began. On the one hand, TDub shoulda quit while he was just a little under the curve. On the other, some of you guys outta be ashamed of yourselves. Nice opening moves dallara, you've turned off some valuable members here, and you've just arrived. Wonder what the future holds? I gotta go throw up now, and it's only partly due to a virus. ;)

Boy,get the flu and all hell breaks loose here. Can't say I care a whole lot for the dogpile on TDub, nor the FNG's lighting into him based on what appears to me to be misunderstanding more than anything. While dallara has just joined here, and has some admittedly interesting info, TDub has contributed volumes of info and assistance here. The subject of illegitimate manuals has been brought up before, and I understood that the general feeling here was they are bad news-but it seems when the sharks sensed a lone barracuda in the water, the feeding frenzy began. On the one hand, TDub shoulda quit while he was just a little under the curve. On the other, some of you guys outta be ashamed of yourselves. Nice opening moves dallara, you've turned off some valuable members here, and you've just arrived. Wonder what the future holds? I gotta go throw up now, and it's only partly due to a virus. ;)


Here's hoping you feel better soon, and get back to being yourself.

Like the avatar touch up spinny, there should be 2 though, one angelic, the other your current one, perched on your shoulders. :D

Thanks Dr. rad, for the, um, support and apropos analysis. But no biggie, I've big shoulders and a thick skin (and some say, an even thicker skull). At the end of the day, I sleep well knowing what I know and hey, this is just the innernet, so it don't count anywho. 'Sides, this whole thing was rather weak - lotta words for little defence; hell, even skooter couldn't step up to the plate ( :****: )...

Sorry you're under the weather. Happy puking! ;)

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Let me correct you, Antenna Ball Boy... Problem is that I know too much. Problem with that is that it's nothing anyone wants to know! You know, it's like that skooling I just gave you on wire service trivia... Course, one can't expect your foam brain to retain much info, anyway. ;)

And stop with the gay 'wub' shit, wouldja?! :****:

The service manual for the FJR and a ton of other bikes are posted all over the internet....the cat is out of the bag.


Well, it turns out one thing we all know now is that the 2006 FJR most definitely comes with a different stator, plus a whole slew of other pieces in the charging system different than previous years...

Which would seem to prove pretty conclusively that the 2006 FJR Service Manual CD copy I have is not only 100% genuine, authentic, not "bootlegged" nor any "notorious Chinese shit"... And to which all the evidence points toward its 590 watt output spec being accurate, too. I knew all along it was the genuine article. Now it should be apparent to others it is authentic and accurate, too.

So no sugar, water, corn syrup, gelatin, or vanilla at this end. ;)

Just an accurate and genuine Yamaha 2006 manual and 590 watt stators. :D

Ain't life grand? B)

And aren't marshmallows great toasted? :lol:



My '04 OWNER'S manual clearly states:

Charging system

Type A.C. magneto

Standard output 14 V, 490 W@ 5,000 r/min

What does the '06 owners manual say? Does it corroborate the SERVICE manual?

Well, unfortunately all I have to go on is the 2006 Service Manual... Why?

Because in the specifications section of the 2006 Owners Manual all it says, right there on page 8-2, is:

Electrical System:

Ignition System: Transitorized coil ignition (digital)

Charging System: AC Magneto

It doesn't say diddly squat about charging system output...

And TWN...

So now you are proclaiming you are part of the liberal, left wing press - ala CNN? You know, those morons who keep asking the same question over and over, hopin' and prayin' that they'll get an answer that satisfies their sponsors...

For the record, there is no back peddling going on at this end, regradless of your attempts to spin it that way. I repeat.

1.) I have a copy of the 2006 Yamaha Factory Service Manual for FJR-1300's

2.) I got it from an authorized Yamaha dealer.

3.) He got it through his authorized channels with Yamaha.

4.) I ordered both 2003-5 service manuals and a 2006 service manual in paper form.

5.) Because I did my dealer kindly gave me a copy of the service manual.

6.) I didn't pay for the CD, just the paper manuals

7.) The 2006 Yamaha FJR-1300 Service Manual says the 2006's put out 590 watts at 5,000 RPM

Now I know cogent thought is a stretch for you, but hey... It doesn't get much simpler or plainer than that. And no matter pissed off you get at me having a 2006 manual, or having a good relationship with my dealer, your FJR still only puts out 490 watts and you're still a posting whore crying out for attention. So far you have not posted a single thing in this thread that could be considered constructive or informative.

Like the man said, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem...

You have continually done nothing more than try to get this thread off track and off down your own little bunny trail, and guess what, Sport-Kiddo-Junior-Marshmallow Man?

It ain't gonna' happen.

Look, I'm proud I have a dick to measure, and I really am sorry you don't... But it's not my fault. Take it up with your parents. This discussion is about the charging output of the 2006 FJR - Nothing more, and it should be nothing less, despite your attempts to side-track it and drag it down to your limaceous, plebeian level. No matter how much you really want to be a knee-jerk, left-wing, liberal reporter on CNN or Fox News you are still just another poster on a web forum whose apparent posting history has a lot more to do with quantity that it does with quality.

Now, back to the original subject here - the 2006 FJR alternator

The Service Manual says 590 watts @ 5,000 revs.

The 2006 Owners Manual doesn't say a thing...



WOW this thread was pretty funning till Dall got his panties in a bunch,and got all personal with his attack on TWN, hey Dall bud LIGHTEN up..... A LOT !, I don't know what BB board your used to hanging around on , but over here we point sharp sticks at each other in fun. Don't be so defensive, if you have thin skin pack up your ball and go play somewhere else, maybe you don't fit in over here. The initial posting was a good contribution, we just don't need the flaming BS. :)

This has to be the biggest pissin match yet !

:clapping: Damn the $20, that beer is gona taste good!!!!! :clapping: :clapping:
I've been looking for you! I'm VERY close to admitting the reversal on this bet. The pictures do seem to look like they've changed wiring and design a bit. I'm sure by WFO this will be put to rest with somebody testing it or more overwhelming evidence.

It's a bit bittersweet, but I'm way happier that the '06 folks will have watts to spare.

Still puzzles me why they wouldn't play this change up at all, but I'm probably not up on how international manufacturing mega-conglomerates work.

Do I still get a swig of single-malt when I pay up?

Let me correct you, Antenna Ball Boy... Problem is that I know too much. Problem with that is that it's nothing anyone wants to know!
Hmmmmm.... A specialist is someone who knows more and more about less and less, until finally they know everything about nothing. A generalist is someone who knows less and less about more and more, until finally they know nothing about everything. Which are you?? :lol:

Hmmmmm.... A specialist is someone who knows more and more about less and less, until finally they know everything about nothing. A generalist is someone who knows less and less about more and more, until finally they know nothing about everything. Which are you?? :lol:
Yes. Niether, yet both. Understand? ;)

Hmmmmm.... A specialist is someone who knows more and more about less and less, until finally they know everything about nothing. A generalist is someone who knows less and less about more and more, until finally they know nothing about everything. Which are you?? :lol:
Yes. Niether, yet both. Understand? ;)
Yup, just as I thought. You know nothing, about nothing.... ;)

Nah, not quite... I know everything about nothing, and then some! Nothing is a very interesting concept. Really, it is.

This newest crop of FNG's, they are definitely from the dark side.........


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