2006 FJR AE "Virtual Clutch©" Assembly

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Jun 26, 2005
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I have some news about an invention that I have recently applied for a

US and EU patent, what I have named the "Virtual Clutch©". If all goes well, I

hope to have this in production by early to mid summer of 2006.

This assemby eliminates the electronic shift button on the new 2006 FJR AE

model and incorporates a somewhat modified FJR clutch lever mounted in

the standard position to actuate the electronic shifting.

After installing the "Virtual Clutch©" assembly, the electronic shift button

assembly on the AE model is deactivated or may be eliminated completely

from the handlebar.

The clutch lever actuator assembly has the action of a standard clutch lever as

it is still attached to a cable that is routed down to the same area that a

standard shift FJR clutch cable would normally engage the clutch.

Instead of engaging the clutch, the cable pulls against an adjustable spring

and triggers the electronic shift at that spot. The fully adustable spring tension

allows a true feel of a regular clutch lever under whatever tension is desired

before actuating the shift.

There is, of course, no ability to slip the clutch, as the shifting is electronic.

Also, incorporated into this assembly is a feature that allows the clutch lever

actuator to be disengaged electronically with a flip of a control switch next to

the virtual clutch lever. In this mode, the clutch lever can be pulled, but only

the foot shifter will be able to operate the gear changes.

If properly intstalled, the entire "Virtual Clutch©" assembly makes the new

2006 FJR AE model visually indistinguishable from a standard shift!!!

~~~ That is, if you cover up the "E" on the decals! :D

I would appreciate any positive feedback on this future product.

I understand that there is alot of opposition to the electronic shifting even

before it has been tried, but I think my new "Virtual Clutch©" assembly will

possibly address a few of the negative issues of this new technology.

Please post your impressions ........... :erm:

How do you differentiate between upshifts and downshifts?

I would rather not be a naysayer, but I feel your invention will do little to minimize the opposition to electronic shifting, as it is the actual "electronic shifting" that most in the opposition take exception to. With your system, there is still electronic shifting, just a new and different way to activate it. Same kind of thing Yamaha did in the first place.

Me personally, I would rather stick with the buttons, but perhaps I will be in the minority.

Virtual clutch? Yamaha will probably have full automatic FJR's

out in '07! :lol:

Are you kidding me? This has to be about as hair-brained as your avatar.

Why on God's green earth would you add a cluth lever Yamaha purposefully took away, only to have that lever do something other than it was originally intended for? Not only that, if it is going to trip a switch, why "run a cable" down to the original location?

Dude, it is clear from your cobbled explanation that you have no idea how clutches and shifters work.

Patent application?? I gotta call "Shenanigans!!" on you. Prove it.


The hell with that! I have applied for a patent on MY new device, the "Virtually Clueless Clutch"©. IT's so secret and splendiferous that I can only say: send me your money now, so you can say you knew me when...

I would appreciate any positive feedback...:
Ain't you guys listening...

"POSITIVE" Characterized by or displaying certainty, acceptance, or affirmation.

Jeez!! :)

QUOTE (fastfeejer @ Oct 19 2005, 05:46 AM)

I would appreciate any positive feedback...:

Ain't you guys listening..."POSITIVE" Characterized by or displaying certainty, acceptance, or affirmation.


Does ' keep your day job " count as positive ? :D

And I agree, fishing with some pretty big bait there !
The hell with that! I have applied for a patent on MY new device, the "Virtually Clueless Clutch"©.
Wow.... and I was thinking of announcing my own new invention along these lines....

I'd call it the "Virtual Ass-Cheese Clutch" ©.

You scratch your ass, and the transmission shfts gears. Pretty innovative stuff.

For actuation, I'm still on the fence between a cable, or hydraulic system... :lol:

The hell with that! I have applied for a patent on MY new device, the "Virtually Clueless Clutch"©.
Wow.... and I was thinking of announcing my own new invention along these lines....

I'd call it the "Virtual Ass-Cheese Clutch" ©.

You scratch your ass, and the transmission shfts gears. Pretty innovative stuff.

For actuation, I'm still on the fence between a cable, or hydraulic system... :lol:
I would think pnumatic (gas) would be the obvious choice! :p :bleh: :p :p :bleh: :p

For actuation, I'm still on the fence between a cable, or hydraulic system... :lol:
I'd go with pressurized air lines. This way there is no messy hydraulic fluid, or cable to lubricate. ;)


THE NEW FJR1600 for 2007

2 Wheel Drive !

Yamaha’s 2WD system is, like most good ideas, quite simple. A hydraulic pump driven from the gear output shaft delivers hydraulic pressure to a small motor built into the bike’s front wheel hub.

The beauty of the Yamaha 2WD system is that it is totally automatic - the rider does not need to adjust it or turn it on and off. Power is only applied to the front wheel when the rear wheel starts to slip, and the amount of power delivered to the front wheel increases and decreases according to the amount of slip being experienced at the rear wheel. No more wheelies!

It is a self-regulating system which allows you to ride the machine almost like any "normal” motorcycle. But unlike a conventional motorcycle which often corners with a sliding rear wheel, the Yamaha 2WD system allows the rider to go around corners in a much more accurate line.

In addition to its more efficient cornering, this system also increases straight line stability – and because the 2WD system substantially improves traction, the machine will accelerate faster than a conventional motorcycle on a slippery surface.


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A hearty thank you to some of those responding so quickly,

"especially not" however, to those insulting (and unhealthy)

remarks about an Ass-Cheese clutch!

That was totally uncalled for and I doubt if that would work

from a technical aspect even if hydraulics were incorporated. <_<

I would have thought that BrunDog would have liked the idea

of this assembly as I have read the posts inferring that he may

have a limp wrist which keeps him from riding very much.

This assembly is perfect for the person with "Limp Wrist Syndrome"

in that it allows the look of a true manual shifting bike while

incorporating the clearly superior electronic shifting technology

that allows for much smoother gear changes and completely

avoides the debilitating pain of LWS. :(

I want Cranky Yankee to know that I posted with great detail

about this product so that there will be no secret about its design

and operation. My patent attourney has assured me that if

CY tries to patent his Virtual Clueless Clutch after reading

my detailed post, we may be entitled to considerable monetary

damages. :angry:

I want him to know that this patenting thing is probably alot

harder than he imagines......even harder, more time consuming,

and more expensive than engineering and producing this product.

For example, I spent several hours from idea inseption to the

final prototype that I submitted to the patent office.

My patent attourney has billed me for one hundred seven hours

to do the filing paperwork and send in my prototype with

the $8300 filing fee. A person must respect this kind of

devotion to a dream, it is a rare and wonderful thing. :beee:

I would appreciate more comments expressing positive suggestions,

just leave out the stuff about pnematics(gas), airlines, and ass-cheese. :blink:

The entire concept sounds shifty to me but I'd like to invest & help you out in case the idea catches on. I'm still pissed about missing the Microsoft investment.

I'll send you a certified cashiers check from a friend of mine in Nigeria. The check will be for $1,000,000 because due to my murdered families quirky will that is the minimum I can spend on each withdrawal.

Please feel free to keep $10,000 for yourself & send me the balance in a certified check from you account.

I'm looking forward to investing in your invention...partner! :lol:

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...My patent attourney has assured me that ifCY tries to patent his Virtual Clueless Clutch after reading

my detailed post, we may be entitled to considerable monetary

damages. :angry:

I want him to know that this patenting thing is probably alot

harder than he imagines......even harder, more time consuming,

and more expensive than engineering and producing this product.

For example, I spent several hours from idea inseption to the

final prototype that I submitted to the patent office.

My patent attourney has billed me for one hundred seven hours

to do the filing paperwork and send in my prototype with

the $8300 filing fee. A person must respect this kind of

devotion to a dream, it is a rare and wonderful thing. :beee: ...

Shut the **** up. If you talk this crap, you'd better bring it.

This is a pile of whale dung. If you can't spell, how do you expect us to believe that you have the technical prowess to design this thing, let alone trust you with something that may put our lives at risk?

Any patent attorney will take your money and help you patent practically anything, but where is the concept here? Any why would anyone, let alone an attorney, expose himself to the liability of modifying a vehicle without the manufacturers' blessing? C'mon, do you think we woke up yesterday?

Listen, please don't go away mad. Just go away.

