2006 FJR1300 On Yamaha Web Site

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Interesting. It's narrower, shorter and lower. For the most part, that would be good for me. I hope they aren't measuring width at the mirrors. They are too close together as it is!

Doesn't look like anything changed from when it was up before. No 6th gear and no cruise (not that I expected them anyway). But it does say more info to come on Sept. 28th.

If you look at the other 2006 releases they all have the same disclaimer stating they didn't mean to release the information yet. Well, all of them except the R1 (and R1-LE). I suspect this is either some sort of "wardrobe malfunction" where they "accidentally" released too much information to build up the hype, or it was a genuine mistake and not all of the marketing material is finished for the rest of the 'new' 2006 models.

Just to keep the rumors flying, it does say on the features and benefits page

* More information to come September 28.*

Please continue the speculation. :D

I've seen a few comments about the dealers having 05's on the floor - my question is why would Yamaha care since they were never on an open order basis? The Priority Delivery meant that the dealers were supposed to have deposits and orders - if they didn't then I would think Mama Yammy could care less about those dealers who tried to cheat the system and get stock. Just my $.02.

really was hoping they forgot to add that it now came in red!

Just spoke to my dealer. No info on yamaha dealer website yet regarding 2006 models e.g PDP program or not or whether or not $500 is needed yet.

I have a good relationship with my dealer (he rides MX with me at my track).. so I trust him...

Just speculation of course, but on the new ‘06 I am just hoping we can lower the handlebars (more than the current generation) and move them more forward with the so called “adjustable handlebar” enhancement. Of course this would have to transfer to my ‘05...would make it so much better IMHO. Other than that…I like the aesthetics of the earlier generation better. I like the angular lines and the “shark grill” look that originally attracted me to the FJR. They are all but rounded and gone with the new generation.

Just speculation of course, but on the new ‘06 I am just hoping we can lower the handlebars (more than the current generation) and move them more forward with the so called “adjustable handlebar” enhancement.  Of course this would have to transfer to my ‘05...would make it so much better IMHO.  Other than that…I like the aesthetics of the earlier generation better.  I like the angular lines and the “shark grill” look that originally attracted me to the FJR.  They are all but rounded and gone with the new generation.
I agree, but while I like the 2006 I still liked the '05's well enough to go buy one 2 days ago! Didin't see anything worth waiting for unless you like BLUE again and again and again! Red or Black would have possibly made me wiat for the '06's though.

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