2007 FJR

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With the US models MSRP for the A at $13,799 and the AE at $15,599 versus the Canadian MSRP for the A at $19,099 and the AE at $20,999, Mammie Yammie continues to really stick it to us Canadians, eh!!! With the Canadian dollar's current exchange rate versus the US dollar, the A should be around $15,300, with the AE around $17,200.

A few months ago I wrote Yamaha Canada a "snail mail" asking this question on the price of the 06's, using actual bank provided "to the penny" conversions from US to Canadian dollars. The reply was priceless; but at least I now know where political aides go when they retire or get booted.

If Yamaha Canada ever makes the mistake of honouring factory warranties on US bikes purchased by Canadians and registered in Canada, they might as well close shop.

OK, I'll wade in with my 2 cents:

1. The new machine is on the Canadian web site.

2. No changes except color and price from 2006

3. Looks like no more PDP in the US.

4. Yamaha describes the '06 color as - Color Info (DPBMU: Deep Purplish Blue Metallic U:996

5. The '07 color looks pretty lame - something Honda would use on the ST. Wait, they DID!!! A lighter version on the '05. Maybe the Black Cherry will be a harder paint.

It would have been really nice to see them adjust Canadian pricing a bit to reflect the changed relationship between the Canadian and US dollars.

I guess I'm not going to upgrade to an '07 from Yamaha.

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With the US models MSRP for the A at $13,799 and the AE at $15,599 versus the Canadian MSRP for the A at $19,099 and the AE at $20,999, Mammie Yammie continues to really stick it to us Canadians, eh!!! With the Canadian dollar's current exchange rate versus the US dollar, the A should be around $15,300, with the AE around $17,200.
A few months ago I wrote Yamaha Canada a "snail mail" asking this question on the price of the 06's, using actual bank provided "to the penny" conversions from US to Canadian dollars. The reply was priceless; but at least I now know where political aides go when they retire or get booted.

If Yamaha Canada ever makes the mistake of honouring factory warranties on US bikes purchased by Canadians and registered in Canada, they might as well close shop.
Yamaha is not alone in this, so there must be something to it. I've bought over the counter items like run of the mill spark plugs for an outboard motor in canada that would cost a $1.49 in the states that cost me like $8.00 up north. What the hell? I mean the tools to do a quick tune up, change some points and a plug cost me well over $75 if I recall right, and I could have done it for well under $25 here.

Maybe there's a duty somewhere along the lines :D

OK, I'll wade in with my 2 cents:
We'll be needing 2.4 cents canadian please. :)

I'm on the West Coast of Canada, the other evening our local news covered this subject as it relates to automobiles and yes, we're totally getting shafted here. As a result car sales to Canadians over the border are skyrocketing with Canadian consumers saving 15-25% on the more expensive cars after all duties and taxes. I don't suppose it would be worth it on say a Chevy Cavalier, they mainly focused on SUVs etc. It wasn't long ago it was the other way around.

I'm going to buy an 07 FJR but I'm going to look into purchasing it over the border. Whenever the subject of the high cost of living comes up in Canada the standard answer is "yes but look at our medical system"!! My wife was born in the US, we have a lot of friends and relatives down there and they all have a lot more disposable income than I do, they all have medical plans and don't have six months waiting lists for simple surgeries like we do. Canada is a great country but come on, we're taxed to death which increases the cost to everyone doing business here, including bike companies like Yamaha. The consumer always ends up paying.

I'm on the West Coast of Canada, the other evening our local news covered this subject as it relates to automobiles and yes, we're totally getting shafted here. As a result car sales to Canadians over the border are skyrocketing with Canadian consumers saving 15-25% on the more expensive cars after all duties and taxes. I don't suppose it would be worth it on say a Chevy Cavalier, they mainly focused on SUVs etc. It wasn't long ago it was the other way around.
I'm going to buy an 07 FJR but I'm going to look into purchasing it over the border. Whenever the subject of the high cost of living comes up in Canada the standard answer is "yes but look at our medical system"!! My wife was born in the US, we have a lot of friends and relatives down there and they all have a lot more disposable income than I do, they all have medical plans and don't have six months waiting lists for simple surgeries like we do. Canada is a great country but come on, we're taxed to death which increases the cost to everyone doing business here, including bike companies like Yamaha. The consumer always ends up paying.
For the savings of around 5K, I could easily fore go the warranty and take a chance across the border.

I was about to say "make sure you thank the next person walking out of the hospital for your high taxation", but you beat me to it. You could easily transpose Canada for UK in this tax up the ass situation as well. Thanks but no thanks.

To compliment that beautiful blackckerry color on the 07 you may want to get these sstickers to have and be color co-ordinated. And that would be the rainbow co-olition stickers they would enhance that blackcherry color as needed the are the color of choice. :yahoo:

weekend rider

:blink: Boy am I glad I bought an '06A. Will not give opinion of '07 as it would be politically incorrect to make those comments.
:blink: Geez - all you techno guys here - and all the talk is about the color of the bike? Be nice if there were an improvement or two - like maybe a friggin 6 speed trans at least, like the rest of the bike world! The ZX-14 is looking better and better all the time ----
+1 I think the kawi in '07 will be the biggest competition for the FJR. I also believe that as a manufacturer to stay on top in today's market, your product has to continue to develop and improve every year and not just settle on only a paint change. Just look at Honda as a prime example.
I would say the competition is not going to be for Kawasaki. It's going to be for Yamaha to keep up with Kawasaki. If you look at the statements that have been made by them, they claim the new Concours to be the most powerful sport tourer. I questioned why Kawasaki waited so long to compete in this market but now I think I know. They have had five years to watch Yamaha try to make a better sport touring bike and I believe Kawasaki's intention was to knock a grand slam right from the start. I just about bet the Concours will weigh less and have more horsepower that the FJR. We know its going to have a six speed. How long have FJR folks been wanting that?

I would dare say there will be several members on this board that will be sporting new Concoars 14's come 2007, and I will probably be one of them.

oh boy i just put my bike up for sale because someone close to yamaha said the 07 color was going to be hot pink .............

I liked my 95 Connie alot burgundy in color "great bike. Maybe the new Concourse will be the RIGHT COLOR GALAXY BLUE LIKE MY 05. It needs to be because it sure is ugly!!.

Well ,,,you whiners :p will have to wait a whole 5 more days till we take a pic of the bike out in the sun!! It'll look friggin great I tell ya, way better than the putrid blue color that kicked around for a couple years now:lol:

Danger Danger... There's danger ahead Will Robinson !!!

:blink: Boy am I glad I bought an '06A. Will not give opinion of '07 as it would be politically incorrect to make those comments.

Ditto. Glad I got in late on the 06. That new color just doesn't cut it. Apparantly they wanted a change from the silver and blue thing and they felt that this new color looks more sophisticated than a really sharp red color. Someone else called it. Definitely "Rune Red".

:blink: Geez - all you techno guys here - and all the talk is about the color of the bike? Be nice if there were an improvement or two - like maybe a friggin 6 speed trans at least, like the rest of the bike world! The ZX-14 is looking better and better all the time
"the rest of the bike world"? not all bikes are 6 speeds. not everyone wants to paddle the shifter around as much. a truely "extra" 6th gear would be nice (over the 5th without affecting the existing 5) but how often do you need to be cruising at 80 mph while running at 2500 rpm? Heck the folks at SFO this past weekend spent many a mile in places where it was hard to get above 2nd gear!

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Well seals the deal for me. It either the Kawi in black or a Wing. If i get a Wing it will be used and then I will ride the living piss out of the 03.

Of all the colors they could have used (and have) this is what we get! Black Cherry? My gawd! Yuk!! :sick:
IMO Definitely IMO the IMO gayest IMO color IMO yet. Congrats, blue bike guys. You've been out-gayed! :D
Please, a little perspective...


Ooooooooh, Frosted Pink Champagne. You've been saving that to show your painter for a while huh? :p

That would look way cool done in another color.

Sidebar: Daaaaaaaaaymn, I just took another look at the specs for both models.... I had forgotten about the massive weight gain our bike has been saddled with since the original model. Holy crap, the AE is almost 600 friggin' lbs, DRY!!!! :blink: This, compared with the 2003 dry weight of only 522 lbs.... :unsure:
If the '07 color really looks anything like what I see here I would NOT want that bike...looks too much like Dad's Buick or an ST1300. No matter, because I will probably not be replacing my '05 with a future FJR model anyway unless it loses significant poundage and moves back a lot more toward the sport side in a number of ways. On the other hand, if it did that and the price was right, I might buy one no matter what the color was. Unfortunately, I think Yamaha is heading the other way with the FJR and that is kind of sad.

So, the '07 specs page says that the power outlet in the glove box will power an electric vest. I guess the '06 page said that as well. I thought I had read on this site that it was no more than a 3A line.

Having never owned an electric vest, are there electric vests that run with that little a current draw?

Didn't Kawasaki Concours have this same color several years ago? All I can say is "ewww". Where's the little green puke face? Well, to each his own. Mine is just one opinion and I hope it doesn't offend anyone.

I feel lucky to have a galaxy blue.


Looks the same as my 99' Connie... Looked like a nice maroon on the dealers floor, in sunlight a deep purple! it took some getting used to!
