2007 FJR

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Yikes. I'm sure it will look better parked in the sunlight but the web pic doesn't do much for me. I'm not even that wild about the blue on my '06 but this sure made me feel better about NOT waiting for an '07.

What's next? Plaid?

So, the '07 specs page says that the power outlet in the glove box will power an electric vest. I guess the '06 page said that as well. I thought I had read on this site that it was no more than a 3A line.
Having never owned an electric vest, are there electric vests that run with that little a current draw?
Yes, the Widder vest draws less than Gerbing or Warm-n-Safe.

However, the '06 models have a 590-watt alternator, so you are in good shape to run the higher wattage heated clothing if you desire. Though not via that ridiculous outlet glove box outlet.... what a goofy-ass decision that placement was.... :blink:

No matter, because I will probably not be replacing my '05 with a future FJR model anyway unless it loses significant poundage and moves back a lot more toward the sport side in a number of ways. On the other hand, if it did that and the price was right, I might buy one no matter what the color was. Unfortunately, I think Yamaha is heading the other way with the FJR and that is kind of sad.
Yes, it is sad.... very unfortunate indeed.

It's a pity they can't (or won't) cater to both ends of the spectrum, though I can only guess that they don't think the market is big enough for a sporty version of the FJR, and a predominately touring version of the FJR. They should, because in doing so, the sport-oreinted guys can have a lighter, more powerful hyper-bike, and the touring-oriented guys can have the heavier, more expensive version.... seriously. Hell, Yamaha could go all out with the touring version and fit a Navigational GPS, electronic cruise-control, etc, etc, all right from the factory.

This isn't a far-fetch idea, because Kawasaki is already doing it!! They have the ZX-14 for their Go-Fast crowd, and the new GTR1400 for the touring dudes. It can be done, it's a question of whether Yammy thinks they can profit, or not.

Who knows, maybe Yamaha wants to wait and see if Kawasaki is going to be successful in the marketplace having two similar (but different) platforms. Problem is... once they make that decision, Kawasaki is liable to have a deep foothold on this particular niche....

I'm with those who think the new color will shine its best in the light of day. It doesn't seem like a bad color to me, but then I've never been a fan of silver bikes either. One of the main reasons I waited so long to buy an FJR was that I didn't want silver. But many others really like the silver colors. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as always. I predict that many will buy and become fans of this new color. What would really be nice is a CHOICE of colors for each model. Now that would be bitchin'.

And no I do not want a bike that changes every single year. How can a decent farkle aftermarket hope to support a bike that's changing constantly? Every 3-5 years is about right for the model updates, thank you kindly. Don't wait 20 years like Kawi did for the Concours, :blink: but don't change it every year like a 600 sportbike. :eek:

I have no use at all for a 6 speed transmission. BTDT with previous bikes. One of my favorite things about my FJR is the reduced need to row through the gearbox all the time looking for power. In fact, I'd rather see this bike go to 4 gears instead of 6. Better yet to save the wasted cost and stick with the 5 already available.

And I don't understand all the bitching from the Canadians. Exporting to third world countries is always costly and dangerous, hence the higher price. :lol: (Sorry canucks, couldn't help that one slipping out like a fart in church!)

It's a pity they can't (or won't) cater to both ends of the spectrum, though I can only guess that they don't think the market is big enough for a sporty version of the FJR, and a predominately touring version of the FJR. They should, because in doing so, the sport-oreinted guys can have a lighter, more powerful hyper-bike, and the touring-oriented guys can have the heavier, more expensive version.... seriously. Hell, Yamaha could go all out with the touring version and fit a Navigational GPS, electronic cruise-control, etc, etc, all right from the factory.
This isn't a far-fetch idea, because Kawasaki is already doing it!! They have the ZX-14 for their Go-Fast crowd, and the new GTR1400 for the touring dudes. It can be done, it's a question of whether Yammy thinks they can profit, or not.

Just an idea.........Maybe some of you need to start a letter writing campaign to get Yamaha to import the XJR? They could do a PDP for it....... ;)

Problem is... once they make that decision, Kawasaki is liable to have a deep foothold on this particular niche....
Perhaps.....but there may be some past Connie owners out there (like me) who have sorta had it with Kawi. I got tired of hearing them say the Concours was not worth updating because the market was too small for them to profit from it. Meanwhile, Honda was outselling them with the ST1100, right under their noses.

So yeah, they have a new Connie now. Will it be another 20 years before they change it? For their sake, I hope not - the damn thing's too ugly to attract much market share! :p

I really wanted another Connie at one time, but Kawi drove me away with their attitude. It will take more than a fast ugly bike to bring me back to their fold.

Pretty pink

I could really ride a bike like that , just image racing a few Harleys what would they say in the PUB , You got beaten in a race by that bloke riding a PINK BIKE !!!! PRICELESS

Who pink pigs can't fly.

PS, I know you would have no trouble getting a female pillion for that bike.

So anybody know what the '08 color is going to be? Just kidding, if I were in the market, it wouldn't be a deal breaker. I would have liked to see the silver trim piece, between the tank and frame to be a darker grey or same body color though. Not bad, not bad at all.

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I like it..... :clapping:

THAT is the 06 photo Photoshopped to the new color. Either that or they got the same two people to pose exactly the same in the exact same spot!

Does the tail look Blue to you?

How bout the RED on the windshield nearest you?

This is pretty funny and kind of makes me personally angry for anyone to make cheap photoshop advertising to save a few bucks on a professional photoshoot. Shame on Yamaha for this one, and who gives a shit how they should re-coop there investment by only offering a color that was already available in Europe. All they are doing is shipping colored fairings to the US. Fire the lazy marketing executive, your Ad executive, call the R&D and get something changed, modified, anything for the subsequent bikes. Just don't give us lame excuses, a pint of new color on "over produced fairings", are you listening Yami?

Well, they must of...fired someone, cause now they have a new opening for Advertising position at yamaha


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Well, I was hoping for red, but not that 'old man's Honda' looking red. I do like that they left the decals off the fairings.

I'll have several more colors to look at before I start looking to replace the one I have, anyway.

Notice the blue reflection on the inside of the drivers pant leg? Maybe the new paint is the color shifting kind and changes color depending on the angle... :glare:

Notice the availablility dates?
$15,599 (Cerulean Silver) Available from January 2007

$13,799 (Black Cherry) Available from December 2006

Looks like the PDP is finito.

No mas.

Or perhaps that's when Mamayama official begins taking PDP orders?

...Sidebar: Daaaaaaaaaymn, I just took another look at the specs for both models.... I had forgotten about the massive weight gain our bike has been saddled with since the original model. Holy crap, the AE is almost 600 friggin' lbs, DRY!!!! :blink: This, compared with the 2003 dry weight of only 522 lbs.... :unsure:
Why are they trying to turn the bike into a slow, heavy ST1300??!!
Trying? Looks like they've already accomplished what you feared.

I like it..... :clapping:
This is an exact photo from the '06 Brochure with the blue bike, with the color changed.

I'm thinking maybe all of the photos on the site are the same way (someone mentioned it already) . .

Point is, the "real life" color will probably be more appealing. This looks a little "gay mauve" to me in these trick photos.

Notice the availablility dates?

$15,599 (Cerulean Silver) Available from January 2007

$13,799 (Black Cherry) Available from December 2006

Looks like the PDP is finito.

No mas.

Or perhaps that's when Mamayama official begins taking PDP orders?

...Sidebar: Daaaaaaaaaymn, I just took another look at the specs for both models.... I had forgotten about the massive weight gain our bike has been saddled with since the original model. Holy crap, the AE is almost 600 friggin' lbs, DRY!!!! :blink: This, compared with the 2003 dry weight of only 522 lbs.... :unsure:
Why are they trying to turn the bike into a slow, heavy ST1300??!!
Trying? Looks like they've already accomplished what you feared.
The PDP is over! The dealers have recieved allocations based upon last years sales. I checked with a couple of dealers that did not sell an FJR and they were not allocated any for '07. My allocations were pretty hefty, especially for the "AE". They allocated me 4 times more "AE" models than I actually sold and they allowed me about a 10% increase in "A" models over what I retailed for '06.

There has been a lot of whining about the Black Cherry color, but that color has been the best color ever for the Venture and also the Roadstar since those models became available and to be honest, you have to see it outside to appreciate the depth of the color. It could have always been worse, they could have painted it brown!



The PDP is over! The dealers have recieved allocations based upon last years sales.
I'm guessin' they need to get those units movin' quick, before all those beautiful silver OR black GTR14's hit the dealerships in early '07. Wow, color choice, what a concept. Big props to whoever thought that one up! :clapping:
Strike two, Yamaha...(IMHO) :glare:

Guess we'll be seeing it at the 2007 unveilling in a week for some, 2 weeks at Daytona for me. With the metal flake in the paint, that could be a better color in person. Someone in CA or NJ needs to report after the event next weekend.

I really f'n like the new color!

It's kinda blood colored--kinda blood-on-steel colored.

I'm a sucker for that kind of thing....
