2009 2 million mile push !

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Final tally for 2009 looks like it is goign to be 14,094 now that the bike is in the shop for the balance of the year.

I would like everyone for posting up there miles this year . For me i really thought as a group of over 7000 members we could come up with alot more miles then we did for the year 714,339 5/10 8 feet . 103 members posted .

THE TOP 10 1 RYAN 32,177

2 OCFJR 26,418

3 Mtnhigh 24,782

4 Petey 21,782

5 Iqnacio 19,621

6 Tenchi 19,260

7 BluFJR 19,099

8 Bugr 18,893

9 Indian Scott 17,889

10 Patriot 17,747

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Members THAT HAVE POSTED THIS YEAR , bronie, Camera56, Bikergeek99, Shinypartsup, noserone, madmike, rojdeb, gunmp. bluestreek, sanfranfjr, spuderbret, eeksnake, jonny80s (the specials ), fOXHUNTER, Biodsl, mnroadrunner, Bwanadik, Ogre, Roadhazzaed, Geezer, Tbird, Jazzmusician, Dbvofan, ynotride, Tyler, K7lvo, bluegrassfjr, ldryder, Hamie, El torojoe, Madmike2, Tenchi, mtnhigh, T/a pierre, zedman, maxman , Decarver, khunajandge, Teexex51, sawanny, scubabiker, telluriderfjr, Jeff q, TOECUTTER , cota 95, pehler, airboss, vanderflygen, bikesniffer, bogy901, mcgyvq74, ADhinvg. pat, tim. darkspirt, mem, gizmo, twistedcrickrt, ian farlow, fjray, rsvlfeej, master31, dougsss1, e1allen, ldfjr, hudson, floridave, dudewado. Excuse me if i missed a members name . For next year Denise my wife of 24 years has asked me to tell the fjr forum family about her Breast Cancer Team . Moveing From Staten Island N.Y . POP. OVER 550K , To Morresville N.C . pOP 75.000 . Is a BIG CHANGE , Denise found out she had breast cancer in 2006 and went through 7 operations and to this day it bothers her ,Every year she has to be check out to see whats going on because it could allways come back , Living in N.C now Denise flys to N.Y to Memorial Sloan Kettering Breast Cancer Center . Breast C ancer affects 1 in 8 woman in the U.S.A . Denise team was 60 to 87 Great people that would donate between 5000 to 9000 bucks depending on the year . Her Team now is me and my 2 daughters . What i would like to put out to all the FJR Members for the NEW YEAR is this for every 500 miles 2 cents be donated to the Memorial SLOAN kETTERING BREAST CANCER CENTER . Example this year we put up 714,000 make it a round number divide by 500 equals 1428 times 2 cents equals $28.56 per member that posted up this year number was 103 =$2941.68. . Please let Denise and myself know how you feel about this . Happy New Year to all .

Members THAT HAVE POSTED THIS YEAR , bronie, Camera56, Bikergeek99, Shinypartsup, noserone, madmike, rojdeb, gunmp. bluestreek, sanfranfjr, spuderbret, eeksnake, jonny80s (the specials ), fOXHUNTER, Biodsl, mnroadrunner, Bwanadik, Ogre, Roadhazzaed, Geezer, Tbird, Jazzmusician, Dbvofan, ynotride, Tyler, K7lvo, bluegrassfjr, ldryder, Hamie, El torojoe, Madmike2, Tenchi, mtnhigh, T/a pierre, zedman, maxman , Decarver, khunajandge, Teexex51, sawanny, scubabiker, telluriderfjr, Jeff q, TOECUTTER , cota 95, pehler, airboss, vanderflygen, bikesniffer, bogy901, mcgyvq74, ADhinvg. pat, tim. darkspirt, mem, gizmo, twistedcrickrt, ian farlow, fjray, rsvlfeej, master31, dougsss1, e1allen, ldfjr, hudson, floridave, dudewado. Excuse me if i missed a members name . For next year Denise my wife of 24 years has asked me to tell the fjr forum family about her Breast Cancer Team . Moveing From Staten Island N.Y . POP. OVER 550K , To Morresville N.C . pOP 75.000 . Is a BIG CHANGE , Denise found out she had breast cancer in 2006 and went through 7 operations and to this day it bothers her ,Every year she has to be check out to see whats going on because it could allways come back , Living in N.C now Denise flys to N.Y to Memorial Sloan Kettering Breast Cancer Center . Breast C ancer affects 1 in 8 woman in the U.S.A . Denise team was 60 to 87 Great people that would donate between 5000 to 9000 bucks depending on the year . Her Team now is me and my 2 daughters . What i would like to put out to all the FJR Members for the NEW YEAR is this for every 500 miles 2 cents be donated to the Memorial SLOAN kETTERING BREAST CANCER CENTER . Example this year we put up 714,000 make it a round number divide by 500 equals 1428 times 2 cents equals $28.56 per member that posted up this year number was 103 =$2941.68. . Please let Denise and myself know how you feel about this . Happy New Year to all .
I'm definitely in for $30 :yahoo:

any passionate vision of "honorable" feej peeps is good enuf for moi

awaiting donation instructions

oh, I plan to ride home to Pensacola and back again to meet my BFF Nick who is coming home to Picayune after spending Christmas with his Mom in Jacksonville.

500+ miles more to add before midnight Dec 31st

I would like everyone for posting up there miles this year . For me i really thought as a group of over 7000 members we could come up with alot more miles then we did for the year 714,339 5/10 8 feet . 103 members posted .THE TOP 10 1 RYAN 32,177

2 OCFJR 26,418

3 Mtnhigh 24,782

4 Petey 21,782

5 Iqnacio 19,621

6 BluFJR 19,099

7 Bugr 18,893

8 Indian Scott 17,889

9 Patriot 17,747

10 Trigat 16,767
I would have done better without a grenaded engine...and I really think darkside riders should be disqualified :yahoo:


Next year will be lots better, ya'll will see...

I plan to wear out my '05 10k engine real soon

I'm trying to figure out how to show my year bike which is now a 2004.5

I would have done better without a grenaded engine...
That I do believe!

and I really think darkside riders should be disqualified :yahoo: <hehehehehe>
Next you'll want epic trips disqualified. :huh: Not gonna happen, you just need to get out more. :clapping:

Next year will be lots better, ya'll will see...I plan to wear out my '05 10k engine real soon

I'm trying to figure out how to show my year bike which is now a 2004.5
I got me one of those 2004/5 FJRs too. You could start putting Galaxy Blue panels on it. Warchild already has a two tone 2003/4 model. I'm not worried about it myself. You don't change your birthday just because you get a new heart.

There are still a few miles left in 2009 for me. Got in a short ride a couple of days ago, but had to bail due to ice. A bit warmer today.

You don't change your birthday just because you get a new heart.

and I really think darkside riders should be disqualified :yahoo: <hehehehehe>
Next you'll want epic trips disqualified. :huh: Not gonna happen, you just need to get out more. :clapping:
well, OK, but it's friggin' not fair...too many days are wasted doing all that purchasing, waiting, and changing of rear tires :rolleyes:

<snip>well, OK, but it's friggin' not fair...too many days are wasted doing all that purchasing, waiting, and changing of rear tires :rolleyes:
Boy, you said it Mike. Tyre changing wait time is a bummer - and I've got a NoMar. :p

I have to admit, after talking with Eric back in Moscow last July, The Darkside sure got me thinking... :rolleyes:



I'm working on my totals, will post soon.

Current mileage:

FJR 42,271 apparent

Wabs 20,682

Doing the math:

MTD FJR = 15,528

MTD Wabs = 5,406

So add another 20,934 to the board tally!

postscript - I'm a bit dissapointed in these numbers. I'll do better in 2010!

well, OK, but it's friggin' not fair...too many days are wasted doing all that purchasing, waiting, and changing of rear tires :rolleyes:
If you'd stop waiting for stuff to happen and plan ahead a little! I used to always have a set of tires waiting in the garage for when I needed them. Learned long ago that a long ride would suddenly come up if I had a nearly worn out tire on the bike.

@Brodie - 15 official Darksiders now with another 10-12 non-forum darksiders. It's a Trend I tell ya. Pretty soon it will be a Movement, then before you know it, the Revolution will be at hand! Check out the Darkside FAQ if you're still on the fence.

Sorry...I've been remiss about keeping my mileages posted. My last post to this thread was on Oct. 2nd...shame on me!

Here are some totals since then to add to the collective accumulation:


Hwy 3-36 ride=956

Thanksgiving in L.A.=860

Total:3636 miles


The day of reckoning has come, and I've been delinquent in reporting my miles through the year.

Heres my chance to come clean...

January… 2,645

Started the year out on a trip to see my Dad in Vista. I was on the road when the clock struck midnight Jan. 1 - talking to my daughter on the Starcom/phone. She didn’t realize I was at speed on interstate 5 near “Cow Pooty City” (Colinga Calif. where the stock yards are). I was able to make it back in time for the Brunch in Benicia Followed by Ride to the Wall. I rode all night to get there. I met a lot of very nice people that morning!

I admit, I commute 35 miles one way, 5 times a week. I hate to say it but much of my miles are spent in traffic. But I try to get out when I can and stretch the bikes legs.


Went to see my Dad again. I’m doing this enough that I look for ways to avoid Los Angeles. There are several routes between San Jose and San Diego. I’m looking for them. One is through Kramer Junction at Hwy. 58 and 395.

March… 2,520

March ride was Dr.Rich’s belated President’s day ride. After breakfast in Winters, and a nice ride and lunch in clear lake, I ended up at my Brother’s house in Placerville. The next day found me 5 miles from home with a flat rear tyre. When I got home I stole the tyre off the back of my daughter’s CBR600, which lasted another 4k miles.

April… 3,416

What can I say, Manchester comes to mind where my new friend Tyler had her AE moment, and with a twist of my joy handle nearly launched me into FarWestFastEddy’s campsite.

Not only that, but on the way up to Manchester, my buddy Brian (FJRONAMISSION) and I tried to burn down Alices restaurant - I'm surprised they even let us back.

May… 2,705

May stands out as one of the PGR missions I attended morphed into a nice ride on home from Portola. I decided to head north on Hwy. 89 to head south, and found a wonderfully picturesque canyon run out of the Sierras on Hwy. 70. After a wonderful turnout from PGR members from both Calif. and Nevada, and a good memorial service for fallen hero SPC Jeremiah P. McLeery, the solo trip home did wonders for me.

As a side note… If you had thoughts about it, Go on a PGR mission sometime, The family of the fallen hero really appreciate it.

June… 874

Fewer miles this month because the bike was in the shop for 2 weeks getting it’s suspension serviced. Word to the wise, make sure the serviceman has the parts in hand before handing over the bike for work. Being without my FJR for 2 weeks waiting on fork seals from Yamaha to arrive was a bummer! That CBR600 got some mileage that month.

July… 4,733

Another trip to see Dad in Vista. This time on my way back I went over Sherman pass north of Hwy. 178. It was just a little squiggly line on my AAA California state map. I left Hwy.395 with a full tank of gas around 5pm on Sunday night. Never been on the road before, had to be at work at 6 the next morning in Livermore. Nice mountain pass, took me over 4 hours to make to to Bakersfield. Got lost and nearly ran out of gas among the levees between Bakersfield and Interstate 5 for a couple of hours. Finally made it home past 1am in Milpitas. I made it to work on time!

August… 1,189

WFO… and an attack by a belligerent ELK on the way. Significant damage to the bike and 2 cracked ribs didn’t keep me away. I even bagged my first SaddleSore 1k. Many thanks to my friends who helped me along the way.

September… 1,076

Bike was incapacitated several weeks following the WFO trip. $1500 in parts, and a custom paint job later, I was back on the road - late night run - heading toward Bridgeport. I missed the SBR group ride that day because I was still putting tupperware back on the bike.

Note… If you ever decide to get a custom paint job, plan to have the bike down for a while, and don't give him a close deadline. The first time through wasn’t quite what I had expected, so the bike came apart again at the end of the month for a do over.

October… 0

November… 0

Wow, when you go through custom paint, it can take a while to get it right. Don't get me wrong, I love the way it turned out. It just took a while - schedules and such.

I rode my daughter’s CBR600 for the past 2 months. Needless to say, at 6’6” I was cramped riding that little thing. I must say it sure is a fun bike to blast around on locally, but it gets old quick on the commute run.

December… 1,554

The bike is finally done and back on the road again! I got it together on the 10th. I pretty much stayed local, but I’m planning to head south on the 31st for another midnight run to see my dad.

[SIZE=12pt]Total miles for the year… 23,111[/SIZE]

Not counting the 11 weeks commuting on my daughter’s CBR600.
I project 4 more days of commute miles @75 mile per day = 300 miles to the end of the year.

It’s been an interesting year. I got to meet a lot of fine people. I had some nice miles, Lot’s of memories.

[SIZE=12pt]Heres to a great 2009. :drinks: [/SIZE]


:yahoo: I’m looking forward to 2010!!!

[SIZE=8pt]See ya there![/SIZE]


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The Breast cancer Team is for next years total . Will need more feedback to see if it can be done THANKS

As I just found this thread my milage will be total of Jan 1st to May30th when I sold it for the 5 months 8,348 , total milage on the bike 935,680

miles did have to have cam chain and valves and seats replaced.

rogerfjrfaster :yahoo:

You can add onother 3200 miles for me. Looking at my maintenance records I did 25k+ miles in '09 on my (3) two wheelers.

Mar: 376 mi

Apr: 1,315 mi

May: 2203 mi

Jun: 935 mi

Jul: 829 mi

Aug: 1,231 mi

Sep: 1,395 mi

Oct: 1,511 mi

Nov: 826 mi

Dec (so far): 742 mi

Total: 11,283 odometer miles. Given Lisa's odo correction of 1.0265 odo miles/statute mile, we rolled 10,992 miles. This is about 39 miles per day on average since that day she came home with me. If we had ridden all year we could have tallied about 14,227 miles.

Been a good year so far. Lost the best part of the first 3 months 'cause I was afoot. We'll do better next year.



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