2009 Iron Butt Rally - Official Daily Reports

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Outstanding news from Mark Dieck!
[SIZE=14pt]He is TOTALLY hooked up!!![/SIZE]

The Service Writer for Ride Now Powersports, Marcus Daly, called in one of their Service Technicians, Robbie Howe, to perform the Ignition Recall on Mark's 2007 FJR. It is complete!!

Technician Robbie Howe is out on the final test ride right now! :D

MARK DIECK - back on the road!!!!!
Dealers like this need some special recognition or Gold dealer award or sumpin. If anyone goes in there, thank them for all us LD addicts.


Seems like support of the dealers that go "above and beyond" in support of the IBR should get some recognition from the IBA

Thanks, I didn't post this 'cause I thought I was a n00b and missed an earlier post!

Spread of the bonii look to be back to the Great Lakes area with a detour back thru Kanuckistan to WA?

The rider is okay, but he is out of the rally.
Classic Skooter?
I really can't comment further, folks, but no, it's not Skoot; he's fine. (well... as fine as Skoot can be, anyway)

.................. to perform the Ignition Recall on Mark's 2007 FJR. It is complete!!..........

Quick question for the group ... Will Yamaha not do the Recall work until the original unit has failed??? Seems like if it's a known weak item .. to the point of having a Recall Kit ... it should have been replaced as prep for the rally.

He says from his armchair whilst drinking a beer.

From Tom's latest report.

"Dave Biasotti is Still In the Rally, At Least for Now


Hopefully, all of this effort will be sufficient to get Dave to the finish in Spokane. However the new final drive already appeared to be leaking by the time Dave got to Santa Ana last night."

Now THAT pisses me off. Which is nothing compared to Dave's state of mind, I'm sure. It certainly appeared to be a brand new final drive. Matt effected the installation by the book, right down to the inch pound.

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.................. to perform the Ignition Recall on Mark's 2007 FJR. It is complete!!..........

Quick question for the group ... Will Yamaha not do the Recall work until the original unit has failed??? Seems like if it's a known weak item .. to the point of having a Recall Kit ... it should have been replaced as prep for the rally.

He says from his armchair whilst drinking a beer.
No, a recall is a recall. Matter of fact, the official recall letter says something to the effect of "don't ride the bike until this recall has been performed". Apparently, Mark didn't get the memo... :blink:

.................. to perform the Ignition Recall on Mark's 2007 FJR. It is complete!!..........

Quick question for the group ... Will Yamaha not do the Recall work until the original unit has failed??? Seems like if it's a known weak item .. to the point of having a Recall Kit ... it should have been replaced as prep for the rally.

He says from his armchair whilst drinking a beer.
No, a recall is a recall. Matter of fact, the official recall letter says something to the effect of "don't ride the bike until this recall has been performed". Apparently, Mark didn't get the memo... :blink:
It would seem that this is a relatively new bulletin? https://www.usrecallnews.com/2009/01/nhtsa-3161.html

Uh... it would seem that Super Tech Brodie has been there and done that already. https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//index.php?s...114602&st=0

Good that it has been done now, though.



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Seems like support of the dealers that go "above and beyond" in support of the IBR should get some recognition from the IBA
It would be nice to recognize those dealers here on the forum too. We make a big deal of bad service. Let's do the same for the professionals who have chosen to support our friends and colleagues.

Kudos to Irv Seaver BMW of Orange CA. Located not far from the Santa Ana checkpoint, they had special opening hours on Sunday for rally participants. There was a big BMW rally locally this weekend, but the store held back enough staff to provide assistance. (I wonder how many final drives they sold?).

This is our local store, where we have always received first class service.

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Huh, DC, did you glue Scooter's eyelids open?????????
Nah, that's the poster child for mania in Manic Depressive Illness...

On another note: Sorry Mr. Neal on the KLR withdrew. Gutsy getting that far.

Lots of Bonii in my general area, wish I knew when somebody might come through and I could cheer them on.

Keep it coming WC and others. Great stuff.

I have a couple of updates. Dave Biasotti is happily underway. He contacted Bob this morning about his leaking new rear drive. Bob suggested he check the O ring seal for the ABS sensor. We tried to look at it in parking lot this morning, but BMW in it's usual wisdom uses a torx head screw to secure the sensor and neither Dave or I had one. He then left the hotel and went to a auto parts dealer, got the correct torx wrench, removed the sensor and found that the O ring was not damaged, it just simply was not there. He got a O ring that worked, put it back and reported back that it was no longer leaking.

Catfish was seen in the hotel parking lot at about 10:00AM getting his FJR jump started from, man it pains me to say this... an ST1300. He apparently left some electronics on overnight and drained the battery. He was underway shortly there after.

Most of the riders I talked to were on their way to Michigan when they left the hotel.

Alan Barbic fell victim to the most common enemy in the Iron Butt Rally, himself. After making the mistake of going after too many small bonus' on the way to Shane's house and getting there just before the bonus closed, he fell behind and never got caught up. He called me at about 2:30PM Sunday. He was still in Gila Bend AZ. It was 111 degrees. He had stopped to cool off in a Subway sandwich shop because he had started to feel sick and lightheaded. A sure sign of impending heat exhaustion. He made it into the checkpoint in time, barely. But that was just the start of his self inflicted problems.

There is more than one reason to get to checkpoints early in the Iron Butt Rally. The obvious is to be well rested before the paperwork for the following leg is handed out. But there are others. The scoring procedure for the Iron Butt can be time consuming. Scoring personal are encouraged to not hurry, and take their time with each rider to ensure that scoring is done accurately. The riders that arrive early find that most of the scoring people are not busy. They can get through scoring very quickly, then get to their rooms and sleep. As more and more riders come in a line forms that sometimes can take a long time to get through. I heard this wait time at the first checkpoint for some riders was excruciating. Everyone said it was much better at checkpoint 2. But even so, some riders did not finish scoring until 10:30 or so. That leaves them a very limited time to get things done they need, like bike maintenance, and get to bed to get some sleep.

After the experience of waiting at the first checkpoint, Alan was in a hurry to get into the scoring line at the second checkpoint. Instead of taking time to sit down and get all his pictures, receipts, fuel log and other items all together before sitting down at the scoring table, he just winged it. He ended up losing the 4,000 point rest bonus because he left the receipts in the room. He lost the 499 point call in bonus because he misread the time window. He lost some other bonus' because he forgot to fill in odometer or time entries on the paperwork. He finally went to his room about midnight beat up by the heat, disheartened by the scoring result and past dead tired. He woke up this morning suffering from leg cramps, no doubt due to the lack of hydration from riding in the extreme heat from the previous day. His feet got wet from riding in the sever rain of the first two days of the leg, and never dried out leaving blisters on his feet.

He left this morning, not in the position of working on a top ten finish, but trying to salvage a score to qualify as a finisher. This is the life of an Iron Butt rider......

I wish him the best of luck.

Tom, thanks very much for that detailed report. It is much appreciated when it has been so difficult to get info about the progress of all the riders this year.

I am not "cheering" for any particular rider or brand, just hanging out for news as this event, probably more than any other motorcycle event of any type, really grabs my attention.

Are there any updates on the health of those riders who have had unscheduled dismounts?



Pressing again for the spot snap-shot. I think it's coming when the riders are most wide-spread. Looking at the bonuses for leg 3, fook! they be all wide spread chasing points me think. Eh, don't know how many are sucker bets. Still would like to see rider positions across the US and Canada if at all possible. Maybe missed the magic word on my last request... Please?


Just adding my thanks for the updates. Plus, thanks to all who have posted photos and other links.

Like others, I am fascinated by this rally and its participants.

Very nice to live vicariously through these guys and gals for 11 days.

Wishing the best to all those who are still "in." Also, wishing a speedy recovery to the few who have suffered injuries during the rally.

Looking forward to the next report.

