2009 Iron Butt Rally - Official Daily Reports

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From the day 9 report:

"Three More Riders Are Out

We don’t have details, but Mark Dieck had an accident somewhere in northeastern Arizona and has sustained a broken leg. He is obviously out of the rally.

Bob Lyskowski hit a deer near Laramie, Wyoming, and the bike went down. Bob is bruised, but nothing is broken. The only Harley-Davidson in the Rally has more than bruises. Bob says it is totaled.

Something went wrong with Margaret Peart’s GS yesterday and she limped into Grand Junction, Colorado for a damage assessment. Margaret was unable to explain exactly what the problem was when she called the Rallymaster, but she is out of the rally.

Bambi is Out, Bob St. George is NOT

Bob St. George hit a deer about 5:30 this morning near Craig, Colorado. Fairing plastic is damaged and the right saddlebag was torn off of his FJR1300 but Bob kept the bike up and he is uninjured. Bob was unable to start the bike and called for a tow. When the towing service arrived, they were able to get the bike running with a jump start. Apparently the battery was depleted because Bob didn’t turn off his auxiliary lights and


other accessories after the deer strike. Bob has used duct tape to put the bike back together and is back on the road. This is no surprise to me or the Rallymaster. For those who don’t know him, Bob is one of the riders with True Grit. He will not give up unless it’s truly impossible to continue."

Also from the KLR650 forum, the guy on the KLR got some rest, had an auto repair joint straighten the bike a bit (except a side bag which has no cover) and he is back in and running the rally.... gutsy attitude.

These guys are amazing!

From the day 9 report:
"Three More Riders Are Out

We don’t have details, but Mark Dieck had an accident somewhere in northeastern Arizona and has sustained a broken leg. He is obviously out of the rally.

Bob Lyskowski hit a deer near Laramie, Wyoming, and the bike went down. Bob is bruised, but nothing is broken. The only Harley-Davidson in the Rally has more than bruises. Bob says it is totaled.

Something went wrong with Margaret Peart’s GS yesterday and she limped into Grand Junction, Colorado for a damage assessment. Margaret was unable to explain exactly what the problem was when she called the Rallymaster, but she is out of the rally.

Bambi is Out, Bob St. George is NOT

Bob St. George hit a deer about 5:30 this morning near Craig, Colorado. Fairing plastic is damaged and the right saddlebag was torn off of his FJR1300 but Bob kept the bike up and he is uninjured. Bob was unable to start the bike and called for a tow. When the towing service arrived, they were able to get the bike running with a jump start. Apparently the battery was depleted because Bob didn’t turn off his auxiliary lights and


other accessories after the deer strike. Bob has used duct tape to put the bike back together and is back on the road. This is no surprise to me or the Rallymaster. For those who don’t know him, Bob is one of the riders with True Grit. He will not give up unless it’s truly impossible to continue."
Is it this common for Iron butt guys/gals to hit so many freaking deers? I know they are riding at all times and not avoiding the prime deer threat areas and feeding times, but it just seems like a lot of deer strikes.

Dang, I hate those "rats"


These guys are amazing!

As a physician, I'm not quite sure why he should remain intubated for up to another week. Maybe (or hope) that information isn't right since there would be reasons to do that, which would indicate more going on than sounds like from the other posts. We'll see.
I agree with Dr J. Collapsed lungs are treated with chest tubes rather than endotracheal tubes. However, we're not the ones on the scene with all the information. I would imagine that the team taking care of this rider are doing the best job they can, with the data they have, to get him back on two-wheels as soon as possible.

No matter what is going on, I sent a generic email with good wishes for his speedy recovery.


I have been reading the IBR coverage and it is excellent...!

I have a favor to ask the forum members...Jennyfer Audet (riding some blue bike that happens to be equipped with WC's aux tank) and Jacques Titolo are friends of mine.

After riding over 20K km (IBR + getting to/from the start/finish) in 2 weeks, they have graciously agreed to come and ride in our 12-hour "mini-endurance" rally in Quebec a week later...

I would like to do some kind of photo montage for them...could forum members send me any pictures that they have of these two crackpots...uhm...friends...I know Badcat had some choice pictures of them...anyone else...?

At this exact moment, I am showing Jennyfer's Spot tracking them through South Dakota...no movement in last couple hours so must be resting...



Kevin Craft


Rendez-vous rally

As a physician, I'm not quite sure why he should remain intubated for up to another week. Maybe (or hope) that information isn't right since there would be reasons to do that, which would indicate more going on than sounds like from the other posts. We'll see.
The latest email from Gary Stipe (Scott's co-RM for the Void) says they're expecting to move Scott out of the ICU in a week. So hopefully the mention of intubation got mixed up with that timeline. I'll try to keep everyone informed about Scott's recovery.
"Possibly you could ask a qualified trauma pulmonary specialist?"

I'm not a trauma specialist so agree with getting opinion from someone with that specific knowledge. What I was saying in my post is that the report said he was in good spirits, writing notes and asking questions. Unless something has changed, when one has a tube down their trachea, the discomfort of that for a consious person is not conducive to the activities mentioned. I would only speculate that the chest tubes required for allowing the lungs to re expand could be what was meant by intubation. But hey, not being an anesthesiologist, I defer to the experts. I just know if I had a trachial intubation, I'd want to be unconsious until that sucker was out.

The main thing is the report indicates Scott is doing well and should have a great and full recovery. His chest tubes should be out not too far from now and the successful repair of the pelvic FX requires time for healing. That is all good, and the family knows way more than we do from hearing directly from the physicians treating him.



I can't wait to hear the stories that are going to come afterwards... Amazing ride boys and girls!

To all the IBR riders, ride safe and FINISH.

I would like to do some kind of photo montage for them...could forum members send me any pictures that they have of these two crackpots...uhm...friends...I know Badcat had some choice pictures of them...anyone else...?

Kevin Craft


Rendez-vous rally
PM with links sent.

After looking a a bunch of the photos from the checkpoints, I noticed a large number of the riders wearing 'Stitch full suits and some Dariens.

Obviously the Staff guys can't do this because of time but could one of you spectators at the Finish keep track of, in general, what style and Mfg. of gear the various riders are wearing? Nothing super detailed (unless you want to) but something like



Brand X=10%


We already know a lot about the bikes and farkles.

I added this to this thread because everybody is following it. Hope this doesn't derail the thread or get spun off to a separate, unread, thread.

After looking a a bunch of the photos from the checkpoints, I noticed a large number of the riders wearing 'Stitch full suits and some Dariens.
Why do you want to have specific data? Go through the start pics and you'll see every rider depart and can make a relatively good survey. What are you looking to do with the data?

After looking a a bunch of the photos from the checkpoints, I noticed a large number of the riders wearing 'Stitch full suits and some Dariens.
Why do you want to have specific data? Go through the start pics and you'll see every rider depart and can make a relatively good survey. What are you looking to do with the data?
Oh, I dunno, start up a new NEPRT thread?

Just bored at work from lack of updates, I guess :blink:

After looking a a bunch of the photos from the checkpoints, I noticed a large number of the riders wearing 'Stitch full suits and some Dariens.Obviously the Staff guys can't do this because of time but could one of you spectators at the Finish keep track of, in general, what style and Mfg. of gear the various riders are wearing? Nothing super detailed (unless you want to) but something like



Brand X=10%


We already know a lot about the bikes and farkles.

I added this to this thread because everybody is following it. Hope this doesn't derail the thread or get spun off to a separate, unread, thread.

IIRC, someone on the ldrider list came up with about 56 or 57 of the 101 starters wearing Aerostich products (1 or 2 piece Roadcrafters or Dariens), with the remaining riders wearing a variety of other gear. Don't think I have seen a detailed list of the others.

What are you looking to do with the data?
Just bored at work from lack of updates, I guess :blink:
Perfect time to review those start pics then. <_< And don't tell us what you're wearing, TMI! :lol:

I get about 30 from OCfjr's suggestion but could be much higher per jmh_bhm. Lots of bright yellow jackets. :D

Jeeze it's slow around here. :derisive:

And I'm wearing something in Spandex, but no more details than that!!!!

Jeeze it's slow around here. :derisive:

Yup.... the F5 button is about worn out and I have a bunch of work to attend to :( This IBR has been painful to follow... perhaps they are getting us all trained up for future LD rides by providing deprivation experience? :devilsmiley:

I'll be back later :)



It has been tough trying to read 37 pages and get caught up with all of the IBR posts.

I visited STN and ADV, but think this forum has the best IBR coverage (unofficial, of course).

Thanks Warchild for keeping us FNG's in the loop.

Was thinking about riding up for the finish. I assume the 7:00 on the fourth is PM but don't know for sure. I'm sure one of you will tell me.

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