2009 Iron Butt Rally - Official Daily Reports

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Man, this just pisses me off. I read on the LDrider list Bob Lyskowski/s (sp) report of his get off. The sheriff gave him a ticket of $111 for "improper driving on a mountain road". What???? He hits a deer for pete's sake. How the heck does that translate to improper driving on a mountain road or any road. The sherriff said he had no choice and the next county over would be even higher. If there are any LEOs on the forum, could you explain the convoluted logic behind this B.S.

So now does that mean that Davo will be given a ticket by some county sheriff while in the hospital after hitting a deer also? You know, the sane peeps have left the building and the loonies are running the place. I'm off the soap box now, but I still would like to hear some half way lucid explanation for the reasoning for this. I could understand it if going to hot into a corner and crashing or sumpin but this is just unreasonable.


Not an LEO, but I can tell you that in Illinois anytime you are in an accident you can get a ticket for... get this..."failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident"

<_< :rolleyes:

Anyone know what happened to Thane Sillaker? Last few Spot "snap shots" show him aparently stuck in southern Vancouver Island. Did he finish?

Bob Munden

Windsor, Ontario

Man, this just pisses me off. I read on the LDrider list Bob Lyskowski/s (sp) report of his get off. The sheriff gave him a ticket of $111 for "improper driving on a mountain road". What???? He hits a deer for pete's sake. How the heck does that translate to improper driving on a mountain road or any road. The sherriff said he had no choice and the next county over would be even higher. If there are any LEOs on the forum, could you explain the convoluted logic behind this B.S.
So now does that mean that Davo will be given a ticket by some county sheriff while in the hospital after hitting a deer also? You know, the sane peeps have left the building and the loonies are running the place. I'm off the soap box now, but I still would like to hear some half way lucid explanation for the reasoning for this. I could understand it if going to hot into a corner and crashing or sumpin but this is just unreasonable.
Don't get me started on how broken the legal system is, but I certainly agree with you: that is utter nonsense without evidence of some unsafe maneuver or speed and/or evidence that the deer was avoidable by the reasonably prudent rider/driver.

The real problem in this kind of abuse is the amount of the ticket, so this kind of thing seldom gets challenged because the cost of a lawyer dwarfs the fine, as does the opportunity cost for a lay person to adequately prepare and present a defense that would almost certainly prevail. So, nearly all of these things simply get paid.

Not an LEO, but I can tell you that in Illinois anytime you are in an accident you can get a ticket for... get this..."failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident"
And if that's their policy (I don't doubt for a second that it is) and it supports a conviction without any other evidence (on a variant of a res ipsa loquitur* theory), then it's not a big step to the state/county having to defend suits for damages to person and property for failing to post the road at a "safe" 5 mph limit and deer warnings up the wazoo. I better stop in deference to political thread prohibitions before I go on full rant.

* meaning that it wouldn't have happened without rider negligence (which is BS when it comes to forest rat behavior).

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Anyone know what happened to Thane Sillaker? Last few Spot "snap shots" show him aparently stuck in southern Vancouver Island. Did he finish?Bob Munden

Windsor, Ontario
Thane Silliker is back safe. I do not know whether he has enough points to be a Finisher, yet.

Not an LEO, but I can tell you that in Illinois anytime you are in an accident you can get a ticket for... get this..."failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident"
<_< :rolleyes:

That's why in Illinios, you never hit the deer..........................The deer hits you. "I don't know officer, he just came out of no where and ran right into me." That's your story, and your sticking to it. :rolleyes:

Davo Update:

Allow me to update y'all on what we know (and don't know) regarding Davo's deerstrike.

Lisa Landry received the initial phone call from local police at the scene of the crash. They informed Lisa that Davo was not wearing his helmet when he hit the deer.

Lisa immediately challenged the officer, insisting that there is no way on earth this rider would NOT have his helmet on while operating the bike. They went back and forth several times until Lisa was convinced that the officer was not misinformed. The police said the helmet was still strapped to the back of the bike when they came upon the accident. Other riders who came upon the scene corroborated the story, saying they saw helmet on the back of the bike as well.

If this is true, we are having a very difficult time understanding why Davo did not have his helmet on when the deerstrike occurred. We understand him to be a stalwart believer in ATGATT, and he is obviously well aware of the requirement to wear your helmet during the rally (even if riding in a "free" state like Idaho). Not having his helmet on while riding is COMPLETELY inconsistent with what we know about Davo.

As of this moment, we do not have any amplifying information to provide you. We understand that Davo was transferred to Kootenay Medical Center by air ambulance and taken into surgery right away for his head injuries, but that is all we know at this time. We all should put our thoughts into Davo's speedy recovery and our thoughts go out to his wife, family and friends at this time.

Shortly we will be setting up an email address where you can send your good wishes to Davo and his family.

I have been watching the Rally with interest, because I am planing on entering in 2011. I have told my family and friends about my plans, and asked for their support. The reply I got from one friend is inserted below. I don't know what to think of it???
I know EXACTLY what to think:

'My former friend Sara is an unutterably tedious buzzkill who'd have me die of boredom in a Barcolounger, so I'm going for the gawddamn motorcycle ride of my life!'

Disclosure: I am 0-2 in marriage. I do, however, have seven motortoys in the garage that are ready to spirit me away on an adventure whenever I damn well please.

I have been watching the Rally with interest, because I am planing on entering in 2011. I have told my family and friends about my plans, and asked for their support. The reply I got from one friend is inserted below. I don't know what to think of it???
I know EXACTLY what to think:

'My former friend Sara is an unutterably tedious buzzkill who'd have me die of boredom in a Barcolounger, so I'm going for the gawddamn motorcycle ride of my life!'

Disclosure: I am 0-2 in marriage. I do, however, have seven motortoys in the garage that are ready to spirit me away on an adventure whenever I damn well please.
From John Mortimer

  • There is no pleasure worth forgoing just for an extra three years in the geriatric ward.
Davo Update:
Allow me to update y'all on what we know (and don't know) regarding Davo's deerstrike.

Lisa Landry received the initial phone call from local police at the scene of the crash. They informed Lisa that Davo was not wearing his helmet when he hit the deer.
Is it possible he had an extra helmet with him and the one he was wearing is still in the weeds somewhere?

Any chance of a web-cam of the banquet? That would be pretty cool!
Nope. maybe somewhere outside that room. in '07 they made a DVD of the event and Dean's "film" crew is there again this year. That means there's a good chance to buy one for this year, too. Keep an eye peeled for the announcement in a few months.

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Jeeze. Stunning news RE: Davo and his deerstrike. My prayers for his complete and sudden recovery, but what was he thinking? Dawn in deer haven with out a helmet? Oh, boy.

FWIW, Kootenay Med center is in Couer 'd Alene, not Spokane as previously reported.

Davo Update:
Allow me to update y'all on what we know (and don't know) regarding Davo's deerstrike.

Lisa Landry received the initial phone call from local police at the scene of the crash. They informed Lisa that Davo was not wearing his helmet when he hit the deer.
Is it possible he had an extra helmet with him and the one he was wearing is still in the weeds somewhere?
My thoughts too. I bet there is a helmet in the weeds somewhere that he was wearing and got knocked off him at impact. Sheriff probably didn't look since they say one strapped to the bike.

Davo Update:
Allow me to update y'all on what we know (and don't know) regarding Davo's deerstrike.

Lisa Landry received the initial phone call from local police at the scene of the crash. They informed Lisa that Davo was not wearing his helmet when he hit the deer.
Is it possible he had an extra helmet with him and the one he was wearing is still in the weeds somewhere?
My thoughts too. I bet there is a helmet in the weeds somewhere that he was wearing and got knocked off him at impact. Sheriff probably didn't look since they say one strapped to the bike.

I guess its possible but I doubt an IBR rider would lug a spare helmet along. I also find the thought of an IBR rider going from the last bonus point to the finish through rat territory not wearing his helmet.

Do they have helmet laws down under? could he be so used to not wearing one that he was so weary that he just left it off?

I have to say it....I cannot believe the "helmet" theory. But...Dale, I appreciate the effort you have made to keep us all informed.

Do they have helmet laws down under? could he be so used to not wearing one that he was so weary that he just left it off?
Yes we do...and Davo was a serious advocate of ATGATT...his prepapration for LD rides was nothing short of phenomenal. He studied the science of the body vs tiredness vs adaptability vs work output etc. He did not leave a stone unturned.
Things have gone very quiet in Australia, as our favourite LDR son fights the toughest journey of his life. Indicators are that this is going to be touch and go.

Prayers and thoughts to Davo and Wil and family.

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I have to say it....I cannot believe the "helmet" theory.
Neither could we.

Which is why Lisa Landry argued with the Police Officer for quite some time, insisting that there could be no way, no how, that he was not wearing his helmet. But, the facts are what they are (I have no doubt it will be in the police report when it is finished), and even the trauma nurse told us that "this rider was not wearing a helmet".

Since they are with Davo and we are not, they can see things we can not see. I am guessing (pure speculation, mind you) that the head injuries are fairly consistent with head injuries of those not wearing a helmet. But, again.... we weren't there, so we are just guessing.

Things have gone very quiet in Australia, as our favourite LDR son fights the toughest journey of his life. Indicators are that this is going to be touch and go.
We are praying hard for him.... everyone here at the Finish Line is pulling for him

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Folks I have a BIG favor to ask everyone here. Please keep speculation and theories about what happened with Davo to yoursevles.

The FJRForum has become one of the major hubs of information when it comes to the IBR and a lot of his close friends are more than likely reading what we post here. The last thing they need to read is everyones thoughts of what could have happened and why he may or may not have had his helmet on. What they need to see is our compassion for a downed rider and how we are all hoping for the best.
