2009 Iron Butt Rally - Official Daily Reports

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The FJRForum has become one of the major hubs of information when it comes to the IBR and a lot of his close friends are more than likely reading what we post here. The last thing they need to read is everyones thoughts of what could have happened and why he may or may not have had his helmet on. What they need to see is our compassion for a downed rider and how we are all hoping for the best.
Precisely so.

FJRForum.com... this thread.... is perhaps the number one source of info for this event outside of Austin's reports, and many of our Aussie friends - likely enough, Wil and/or Davo's direct family/friends - are watching closely for any good news. Please be considerate of them.

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Thanks Dale.

Your response was spot on. My comment was made from a state of disbelief (a new state in Australia). It's just so hard to comprehend. I was not trying to incite, or flame the thread. I just wish he could tell us what his thoughts were.

We rode with him, we cheered him, we coaxed him to go that little bit harder. You made/make us proud Davo. True Aussie grit.

I've been watching and following this thread with great interest (as I did the last IBR), and my admiration for ALL participants is huge. Well done everyone for your endeavour, and resourcefullness.

I'm a friend of Davo's - not a close friend, but we have ridden to shared destinations, chatted, compared notes, and I know him to be meticulous in his preparation. I think he took delivery of the first GTR1400 Kawasaki made available to the public when they came here, and they supplied a bike for him to do some record-breaking runs here in Australia. His enthusiasm and commitment were great in equal measure. As Steve says "his prepapration for LD rides was nothing short of phenomenal. He studied the science of the body vs tiredness vs adaptability vs work output etc. He did not leave a stone unturned."

My heart is sore as I type this, and I've cried this morning (Sat am Aussie time) reading the news, here, and on other sites where friends and family have posted.

Thank you Dale for keeping the updates coming. What Davo is going through now should not diminish the achievements of the others, or detract from their glory. I am proud to be a part of the LD riding community, and we all hurt when one of our brothers or sisters hurt.

God be with you, Davo, and with your family at this time.


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Really sad news and my prayers are with Davo and his friends and family that he recover fully and soon. May he soon be able to at least recall and enjoy the 10.9 days of this rally in which he was able to do something that few do or can do, and know that he was fully alive for all of that.

I also hope that the riders who did finish and all the staff and friends involved not have this tragic accident too deeply diminish their accomplishments or the enjoyment and camaraderie of this event.

As someone who has enjoyed following this IBR online, I'd like to thank everyone for letting me live vicariously through your efforts over these last several days.

I just wanted to say THANK YOU... to all of the FJR Forum folks for the 2009 IBR coverage...I have been lurking for the last 11 days ..... This has been the first site I check for info on the Rally... Thanks for letting us non-FJR riders participate - even though we mostly lurk... WARCHILD thanks for the updates and the link....

Our Prayers are with all the riders ... Their efforts, pains, joys, and experiences are shared by us all.

Lurker Mode ReActivated

Tony Lewis

Trappe, MD

You can never have enough Motorcycles....

I have a fearless prediction, based upon 1 whiskey n 7, that SkooterG will place 5th overall. I have no inside info, just a wild assed, non-scientific guess.

Any other fearless predictors out there willing to be subjected to enduring shame when proved wrong?

Thoughts and prayers to Davo, friends, and family.

I have been watching the Rally with interest, because I am planing on entering in 2011. I have told my family and friends about my plans, and asked for their support. The reply I got from one friend is inserted below. I don't know what to think of it???-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

HOW CAN YOU WANT MY SUPPORT? Fred, no way will I send you off with my blessing next year to end up torn to bits. I am sorry for the riders that are hurt. I am so sorry you feel you must do these insane rides. You crashed last year in the north GA Mountains. Compared to this, it was a simple ride. What will it be like riding a 1000 miles a day for 11 days? Does that make sense? NO! I am so sorry you feel you must fulfill your life in such a way. What a pity. There are so many many other safe ways to feel fulfilled and happy. You have absolutely no conception of how those of us who love you fret and worry. It is not considerate of you at all. You simply want to do what Fred wants to do with no thought of others. Now I have said my say.

I am sure this message has not changed your mind and I may have lost a friend, but I will not have you on my conscience if you are killed in a crash. I will grieve terribly, I assure you.


Happy Trails

Fred, I'd just have to say that Sara's statement about her fretting and worrying is a choice for her to make. Concern is totally different than worry which is fear based, but it is a choice she makes not you. Her statement about you thinking only of yourself is actually a self centered statement in itself. It wouldn't really matter whether it was motorcycle riding, mountain climbing, car racing or whatever. You make your own choices, understand the risks and accept the outcome. Many don't understand why people climb mountains or any other dangerous sport, but it is a judgmental position to condemn a person who chooses to do it. I don't know you or Sara, but love doesn't do what she has stated.

Succinctly and well said. I notice you didn't tell him how he should react -- sign of a healthy ego.

Far Riders Forum Link - Aussie LDR site

Here's the link to the Aussie Forum, discussing Davo's accident, if you read the posts Davo has some serious support behind him, with all of us wishing him well how can it not turn out the way it should.

Remember he is a LONG way from home, probably taking part in his lifelong dream. Would he have known about deer strikes, probably not.

I just hope his family can get over here quickly to give him the love and support he obliviously is going to need.

C'mon Aussie get well real soon.

Da Pommie

I have to say it....I cannot believe the "helmet" theory.
Neither could we.

Which is why Lisa Landry argued with the Police Officer for quite some time, insisting that there could be no way, no how, that he was not wearing his helmet. But, the facts are what they are (I have no doubt it will be in the police report when it is finished), and even the trauma nurse told us that "this rider was not wearing a helmet".

Since they are with Davo and we are not, they can see things we can not see. I am guessing (pure speculation, mind you) that the head injuries are fairly consistent with head injuries of those not wearing a helmet. But, again.... we weren't there, so we are just guessing.

Things have gone very quiet in Australia, as our favourite LDR son fights the toughest journey of his life. Indicators are that this is going to be touch and go.
We are praying hard for him.... everyone here at the Finish Line is pulling for him
Thanks WC for the report. Obviously, no one who does LD rides and specifically the IBR can comprehend Davo not wearing a helmet expecially in an area very prone to deer activity. But no one knows all the facts or if he truly didn't have the helmet on, why he didn't. No matter whether he did or didn't, I will hold out hope for his life and a good recovery. My gosh, how many deer strikes in this IBR? We got to find a strategy for this somehow!!!! I just feel so bad for his family and all his friends right now.


Sad news From the farriders forum.....

On behalf of Wil, Kristy, Desley, Morgan and Mitchell - I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to the support that has been shown thus far from the LD riding community. The last 8 hours since we received the phone call have been 8 hours we all wish we didn't have to endure.
Davo was flown to the ICU unit at Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. He is in a critical condition and has sustained serious head trauma. We just placed another phone call to the ICU unit and his condition is unchanged over the last few hours, and we have been advised that 'Davo's Adventure of a Lifetime' will most likely be his last. He is not expected to pull through to tomorrow morning.

Again, all us family are monitoring the various forums and thank everyone at this most upsetting time for their support. When we have some more news, I will come back on here and post it. For those that are wishing to call or to arrange anything, feel free to contact me on my mobile(phone number removed, you can get it on the far riders forum if you wish)

The deer strike kinda explains Dale's long face today. Damn that sucks.

Just got home from Spokane visiting the scene of the crime that is the IBR finish line. Broken foot kept me from hanging around for the banquet (skateboarding accident LOL). Lots of dirty bikes! Lots of farkle's. Good to see a few familiar faces although they all looked a little roughed up and tired!

Ran into some folks on my way back that I saw in the parking lot. They were from the Tri-Cities and were hoping to catch a glimpse of Iggy. None of us got to say hey though since he appeared to be resting up. But I couldn't believe it when they said they had never met him. I thought... 'Holy shit, Matt has FANS!!!!!!'... Whoot!

G'damm rokstars.... He'll probably get the girl too.


[edit] just read the post above mine that made it before I finished... excuse my humor as that news is dizzingly sad.

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From the Aussie forum:

" Re: Daily chatter and running commentary IBR 09

« Reply #424 on: Today at 10:32:43 AM »


Hi guys, thanks heaps for all your support, at this time mum is not going to fly to USA as it seems she will probably be too late anyway. She has decided to stay here and stay with the family for now. Thanks for all your offers of help we really appreciate it. Lisa from Iron Butt Association has been very help and went to see him in the hopsital and hugged him for us all and has collected some of his personal belongings to get delivered back to us.

Thank you again for your support, Jim is currently in a meeting but will probably return calls later this afternoon.

Thanks again, i'm very glad that dad has so many loyal friends to rely on."

From the Aussie forum:
" Re: Daily chatter and running commentary IBR 09

« Reply #424 on: Today at 10:32:43 AM »


Hi guys, thanks heaps for all your support, at this time mum is not going to fly to USA as it seems she will probably be too late anyway. She has decided to stay here and stay with the family for now. Thanks for all your offers of help we really appreciate it. Lisa from Iron Butt Association has been very help and went to see him in the hopsital and hugged him for us all and has collected some of his personal belongings to get delivered back to us.

Thank you again for your support, Jim is currently in a meeting but will probably return calls later this afternoon.

Thanks again, i'm very glad that dad has so many loyal friends to rely on."

Big time Prayers lifted up by & from the entire Patriot family...gee, my top 5 needs prayer list is at a top 10 status :angry2:

wow, helpless, so helpless

Sad news From the farriders forum.....

On behalf of Wil, Kristy, Desley, Morgan and Mitchell - I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to the support that has been shown thus far from the LD riding community. The last 8 hours since we received the phone call have been 8 hours we all wish we didn't have to endure.
Davo was flown to the ICU unit at Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. He is in a critical condition and has sustained serious head trauma. We just placed another phone call to the ICU unit and his condition is unchanged over the last few hours, and we have been advised that 'Davo's Adventure of a Lifetime' will most likely be his last. He is not expected to pull through to tomorrow morning.

Again, all us family are monitoring the various forums and thank everyone at this most upsetting time for their support. When we have some more news, I will come back on here and post it. For those that are wishing to call or to arrange anything, feel free to contact me on my mobile(phone number removed, you can get it on the far riders forum if you wish)

Oh my. I have had a really heavy feeling about this ever since reading the first post about the incident. It sounds like this would take a miracle now for his life and a life worth living. If he indeed does not live out a further natural life, I salute him for what he has done in his life. I've met him only once at Spartanburg, but this has been hitting me hard since this afternoon. Prayers for comfort for Davo's family and friends. Words just fail many of us now.

