2011 Blizzard in Wheaton

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Jun 14, 2005
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50 mph winds, 60 mph wind gusts. Heard last night that I-80 was closed.

Only 18 inches of snow, but 3 and 4 foot snow drifts.

Wind driven snow against the windows last night...



This morning...level snow of about 18 inches, drifts of 3 -4 feet in places against the house.


It's gonna take a few shovel fulls to clear the cars...



picnic table


large recycle container - 3 1/2 to 4 feet tall







Will spring ever get here??

Tonight...low of minus 7 degrees.

Greenville, SC 58 degrees. hmmmm...can't move there fast enough.

Can't wait until Moonshine in April, WI in late April, and KALI in May.

Seriously. :unsure:

I. CAN. NOT. WAIT. :huh:

Interesting camera work. You got the outside and the screen pretty much in focus. What was the f-stop?

Looks about the same here: 14 inches on the ground and some big drifts out here in the sticks. -10 tonight.

I 70 was closed almost all the way across the state last night, where they got 18 inches in the central part.



Hope one of my big tractor owning neighbors comes by to dig my sorry ass out.

Ice storm here in Ohio. Both of my sons and my mom are without power and the temp is dropping fast.

I was thinking of trading the Liberty for something a little more fuel efficient..................WAS! :blink:

Same thing here. I can't rememeber when we've had so much snow in one month. It's still coming down today only just now changing to sleet/freezing rain. Oh joy. Good news is that the groundhog says spring will be here soon. Ya right.

We dodged the bullet, this time, in DC. All turned to rain. No ice, no snow. Actually got to ride in today.

Hope you guys thaw out soon and get power back ASAP.

Wheaton - is that your FJR wrapped in garbage bags out in the snowstorm?! OUTSIDE the garage...?!

...and was that a coffin I saw in one pic in the backyard?! :blink:

...and why all the wussy from-inside-the-house shots?

...and who the F posted the picture of the Grand Cherokee INSIDE the garage...? BLASPHEMY!

Man, I tell ya... you guys all complainy about the dusting of snow and slight chill in the air...sheesh...

I'll have you know it's not all sunshine and shorts weather on the West coast. Just this morning I HAD to turn up the heater fan while driving to work. With the top down and 32 degrees haunting me, I needed TWO (2) full clicks more on the fan to keep the chilly air at bay. Now THAT is hardship my friends...

BTW, I have a shovel here ya'll can borrow if it'll help. ;)

...and for the record, I'm enjoying the hell outta living on the West coast simply because 37 years in Eastern Canada saw me battling what you guys just got 4 - 5 times a winter. In all seriousness, stay safe, pace yourselves shoveling and make sure folks without power have extra blankets, etc. Good news is your lawns will all be nice and green this spring. :)

I feel your pain. This year we got 3-4 feet early but haven't had any snow since before christmas. This the first time I have been for a ride in January since moving here. I did have to trailer the bike through the 3/4 mile of ice to the main road. Want to borrow my snow blower or tractor :rolleyes:

The Grand C is in the garage so I don't have to shovel snow off it to use it. You'll notice it is parked facing out--- at least i will be able to get down the hill, if not back up.

Momma didn't raise no dummies.

Like Fjray, we've had snow on the ground since before thanksgiving. Presidents day we had a big thaw, most melted, but now it's 5 to 20 degrees out. But the good thing is I don't live in Ohio, Illinois, etc.

I have been out trying to clear my driveways since about 7:30 this morning. After breaking two drive-belts on the 42" snow-thrower I usually use, I have opted for using the box blade on my large tractor as a plow. The snow at the end of the drives is about 3.5 FEET deep from the plows clearing the street.

More snow is in the forecast for Friday and Saturday....great.
