2011 Hooterville 400

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Count me in. This is about the only group ride that comes near me. I would like to meet some of you guys (I think). Take it easy on the noob!

Adding you to the list. By the way there is no organized hazing procedure for noobs...I'm sure everybody will be plenty friendly...especially when you buy the Frosty mugs at Dog N Suds. :yahoo:

BTW, what is your name? Because I don't think i can pronounce "wmadoty"...

I will post up more details in late July...I posted this so early just to let people know that it was definitely happening this year so they could block out time for it...

Count me in. I have to be in St. Louis that week, so I might ride the bike down there on guberment business.

Count me in. I have to be in St. Louis that week, so I might ride the bike down there on guberment business.
Excellent. Sounds like a govt mandated tour of the back roads of southern MO is required...just because. You know...fact finding mission: finding out out whether "these roads are really that great or what?" :yahoo:

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This is looking like a great little party. Thanks wheatie for putting this together. :clapping:

This October, tentatively October 8th (2 weeks after EOM) we'll try for another Hooterville ride starting near Smitty's domain in FARMINGTON, Missouri. The following Saturday will be the back up date if we get rained out the prior weekend.

The usual schedule is to meet up on Friday night and have dinner together at the Catfish Kettle in Farmington, Breakfast at the Huddle House, ride all day Saturday with stops at the Bixby Country Store, Lunch stop at Big D's BarBQ in Doniphan, and an afternoon root beer stop at Dog N Sud's.

Tentative route


For more info, see posts from last year's October Hooterville ride.

Later this summer, I will post up more stuff as things become more definite...

Hopefully, your guy's GPSs won't screw up and route us through gravel this year. :lol:

Let me know if you're interested in riding on this back country ride...

Riders so far

wheatonFJR - Mark

airboss - Karl

Gramps - Marc

0Face - Marty

builderwill - Will

wmadoty - Alan

griff - Carl

"In Pencil" - maybe

TwistedCricket - Twisted

extrememarine - Wayne

Interested for sure. I'll know for sure by EOM .


What's holding you back Skip? Big Trivial Pursuit party that weekend? What do we need to do to turn that maybe into a yes?

Take my radiation treatments for me?

They might not be as effective if I take them for you Skip...plus I'm not sure I'd like them...strike that. I'm sure I wouldn't like them.

Seriously though, we're trusting that the treatments do what they need to do...cuz the alternative really sucks.

We'll just think positively, and reserve a spot for you to be here. Looking forward to seeing you in October...if not earlier! :clapping:

No biggie.

I'm putting things off until Sept. so I can make the SW-FOG that surgery caused me to miss last year. Don't yet know how it will impact what I am doing in October (assuming I survive riding with the rabble attending the FOG), hence the "maybe".

No negative attitude here. I'll be doing some of the Colorado Rockies on my V Strom with my wife next week, and plan to do some of Idaho in July.

By October I may still be tough enough to hang out with the old H'ville boys again.

By October I may still be tough enough to hang out with the old H'ville boys again.
Well, I haven't seen too many of the original Hooterville boys lately...but we are continuing the tradition...so meet some new friends if you can make it in October. :clapping:

By October I may still be tough enough to hang out with the old H'ville boys again.
Well, I haven't seen too many of the original Hooterville boys lately...but we are continuing the tradition...so meet some new friends if you can make it in October. :clapping:
In that case, put me down for it. You should have more than a mere 2 originals.

And since I see we are not entering Arkansas, I can leave my passport home....

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By October I may still be tough enough to hang out with the old H'ville boys again.
Well, I haven't seen too many of the original Hooterville boys lately...but we are continuing the tradition...so meet some new friends if you can make it in October. :clapping:
In that case, put me down for it. You should have more than a mere 2 originals.

And since I see we are not entering Arkansas, I can leave my passport home....

Putting zzzzip down for this one.

(Yes, you can leave the sling shot and bottle of moonshine back at the crib.)

Some of the originals OLD GUYS from SPRING 2006: Picture down in AR just before getting to the Cliff House


BMWTom, Wheaton, Smitty, some ugly fooker, Smitty's brother- Darrell - I think, Petey, Matt/FJRocket, ADAM/GalaxyBlue, Dogger Dave (R6), Steve STLFJR


Only Smitty, Adam, Matt/FJRocket, and Chester were originals...from fall of 2005.


But Skip, we're close enough. :)

2006:In the Hooterville motel Chester, Smitty, Me, and Adam, you taking the photo.


Looks like a danged Yamaha Dealership don't it! Smitty's garage

May of 2007 - Griff, Smitty's brother Darrell, YOU, me, petey, SkooterG, Matt/FJRocket, Adam/GalaxyBlue, Chester

BTW guys, my avitar is from a photo Skip took at the Bixby Country Store/Gas Station in Spring of 2006...back when I wore a black bomber jacket.

Uh-oooh......a motorcycle ride....in Mowsurieee! Pencil me in big boy!
It ain't Arkansas, but it's still pretty good. :)

Putting you on the list Scott!
Well I'll have to suffer riding through ARK to get there, and back thru again to get home!

There's some really good twisty ridin on this route....I've rode those roads many times in the past at the MSTA's FOF, it has been held in that area for several years. It's been moved to Cape G now, ironically the weekend before this ride!

Hmmmm... 1 day ride? Sounds doable. Ride Friday down n Sunday back up. Please pencil me in Wheaton. Would be great to ride with ya'll. All dependant on work schedule.
