2011 IBR - The Inside View

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New Day 11 update has been posted, with some surprises.

Thanks to the FJR crowd for making this the best place to watch the IBR.

I actually found myself researching FJRs this morning. Looks like a lot of you are upper left coast folks, I'll be keeping an eye out now for touring-prepped FJRs.

OH - and this too - OLD Triumphs ROCK !!

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The news about Ken Meese is sickening.

Sure the first concern is for his health, but that's probably not what he is thinking about!

Every rider takes that risk, and as I have said earlier in the thread ... They are ALL heroes!

This has been a fast 11 days, I can't beleive I sat and read close to 1800 posts, I got to get me a new computer chair, my butt is sore.. :D , Thanks Dale for keeping us posted and all the visitors for your insights, everyone have a safe 4th of July weekend. It's going to be sunny in the PNW for the next week and I'm going to ride :yahoo:
Guess the stock seat just doesn't work for you

Try this one.

Corbin Seats Linky

Just saw the post about Meese, talk about beyond suckage.

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Heres hoping Mr Meese and Mr Jaime (who hit a mountain lion) will be ok.

a mountain lion? zoiks

that's gotta be some extra points for a pic of your bike with a mountain lion.

Some years ago the IBA added a rule that riders in wrecks during the rally had to also sit out the next one. I don't remember if that was ALL wrecks or just single vehicle ones.

IIRC That very first year of the new rule had one historically-high-finisher go off. Seems he was dicking around with his GPS and didn't stay on the road through a sweeper. Wasn't it something like 10 miles from the starting line? I think he was then asked to step to the lectern at the national IBA Meeting and explain to people what not to do.

I don't remember hearing the rule was revoked. If it's still in place, would that affect:

Meese, Jaime, Winterer, Oswald, and Coons?

Well wishes to all of them.

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Unless the rules have changed, if you have an accident during the IBR you are not eligible to ride in the next


Bruce in Ocala, FL

Gotcha ... Thanks for the explanation.

Depending on all the circumstances, that may be a rule that needs re-visiting :)

I doubt it. It was put in place not long ago for a reason. The circumstances are probably reviewed as to application for any given rider. That's why I formed my response as a question. My SWAG (and that's all it is) would be that Nancy wouldn't be affected due to a blow out.

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It occurs to me that in about 3 hours time, when this whole thing is done, 80-some rather intense individuals may be prone to experience an intense emptiness in the pit of their stomachs, a sort of a "now what?".

The Germans prolly have a word for it, a la Fahrvergnügen, or Schadenfreude. If not, we should prolly coin one. Anybody know enough German and have enough LD experience to nail the word? (Prolly need one for failed BMW FDs, too)
The condition I had after '07 and '09 was Güfengrin. It's a condition that lasted for days afterwards where I had a satisfying smile on my face--and clearly a made up word.

It came from equal parts fatigue where I couldn't conjugate verbs correctly or do simple math, recurring memory fragments and the occasional dream of a particular stretch of road or scene, and the look of faces of friends at the finish of an incredible experience you shared. In '09 I was smart enough (and close enough home) that I hung out at the hotel for an extra day, lounged by the pool, and soaked in the experience. About 20 of us also went out to dinner and shared a meal together that was extra special to me.

I never experienced any emptiness, but actually a desire to write it down before I forgot some of it. And a 40,000 word tome in four parts followed months later.

As for final drives....how about Pfükme in den Arsch Bitte?

I doubt it. It was put in place not long ago for a reason. The circumstances are probably reviewed as to application for any given rider. That's why I formed my response as a question. My SWAG (and that's all it is) would be that Nancy wouldn't be affected due to a blow out.
lol .... There are so many things wrong with a rule like that it's quite hard to know where to begin, and this is not the place so I won't :)

Yeah ... I can see why the IBA would want to be very strict about safety. There have been a few accidents in this Rally. That has to be balanced, I guess by an aggregate mileage of around 800 000 miles ridden.

****, I wish all drivers had that safety record!

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