2011 IBR - The Inside View

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So how much does it cost to compete in the Rally do you think ?

Was thinking that in Europe, just the fuel alone would be $4-6000 (depending upon consumption and exchange rate)
Probably a base cost of around $4000

$2000 entry

$1500 Gas

$500 Incidentals

Depending on accomodation, andother $1000 wouldn't go amiss, and don't get tickets :)
:huh: You might just want to let the Vets chime in on this one Steve. You forgot a lot of stuff. Hotels, including the start/checkpoints/finish ones as well as on the road add up to a significant cost for the rally. Increased Insurance, (500k CSL required), for many too.

More than a few riders have spent the following two years paying for their IBR ride.

Well, I'm out, people..... packing the Hayabusa for a straight 1000-mile shot to the Finish Line.

Departing in a hour or so... y'all have fun watching the action.
We assune you'll be issuing a public spotwalla for the ride down there... :clapping:


People around here are addicted to Spot it seems.

Meese and Peek did KW on Leg 3, but they did Alaska and they just might grab enough on Leg 3 to beat Jim.
What is clear is that Alaska on Leg 1 was not a knockout punch unless you also got KW on Leg 2.

Riders pretty much had to commit their whole rally strategy on Leg 1. It all comes down to how much larger you expected the Leg3 bonii to be compared to Leg 1. Hell of a guessing game.

Here was my leg 2. It's way down on points because I had to abandon all the New England capitols, but it makes finishing the 4 corners easy as well as freeing up some time for rest and bagging the big leg3 capitols.

I don't know anything about the leg3 rest bonus, but with this heat and the big miles needed I wonder if rest may turn out to be a bigger factor than some had planned for. I'd try to spend the hottest part of the day in an air conditioned motel.

So how much does it cost to compete in the Rally do you think ?
Depending on accomodation, andother $1000 wouldn't go amiss, and don't get tickets :)
:huh: You might just want to let the Vets chime in on this one Steve. You forgot a lot of stuff. Hotels, including the start/checkpoints/finish ones as well as on the road add up to a significant cost for the rally. Increased Insurance, (500k CSL required), for many too.

More than a few riders have spent the following two years paying for their IBR ride.
I spent about $10K for the '09. This included the entry fee, all fuel, food, parts/tires, farkles, maintenance, accomodations and expense for the ride to and from the start/finish. I live in Easton, PA so the ride from Spokane threw another couple of hundred in. Also included is my wife's roundtrip airfare from Spokane to home. If it sounds like a lot, it's probably more than some riders because I replaced just about everything that could've been a problem on the LT - FD, driveshaft, new ohlin's shock up front, also had Linda-T custome bags, some custom welding done on my fuel cell, etc. Plus, I had to have the exhaust manifold gaskets replaced at the Santa Ana CP at Irv Seavers BMW. The $10K did NOT include visits to the shrink to help me not kill someone at BMW if the FD failed ;-)


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Austin's latest report for Day 9 is very telling - he notes that there are more points available for the Leg 3 Capitols then for completing the 4 corners. Given this info and the fact Meese and Peek are continuing their 4 corners quest, they may have concluded the following:

a) the non-Alaskan rider contenders (Jewel and Frens) will likely bag all Leg 3 Capitols and Frens can complete 4 corners for an additional 4,800 points.

B) the only way to gurantee their leads maintain over these two will be to secure 4 corners and grab enough Leg 3 Capitols. If they had abandoned 4 corners, they probably hand the win to Frens.

So based on only this info, and assuming no hiccups, I think the most likely finishing order will be:

1) Meese

2) Peek

3) Frens

4) Jewell

Otherwise, if Meese and Peek cannot pickup enough Leg 3 Capitols I will predict the following:

1) Frens

2) Meese

3) Jewell

4) Peek

Man this is fun!

The telling thing is how much Jim has left after that big 2nd leg run. He definitely would have needed some down time and if he tries to rush it, will he make a mistake? Eric is most likely the most rested heading into the leg and after a perfect 2nd leg, who knows? Seems the mileage between caps works against him but without knowing the exact point values, it's hard to tell. He doesn't have San Ysidro to worry about like the others do which allows a bit of cushion on caps. Ken missed some key points on Leg 2. From what I figure, he missed the capitals in NJ (very pow points - 36) along with SC (181) and NC (211) (out of the way heading to WV) BUT it also seems that he missed Maine at 497. Wonder if this was related to the flag incident and wonder if this will come back to haunt him? Dick was just over 1600 behind starting the 3rd so I think he will drop back no matter what. And, Kirsten Spaulding (also perfect on leg 2) and Chris Sakala are only 15 & 100 points behind Eric.

Personally, though it's hard to pick any one of them to win, I'd like to see Eric pull it off. He's been so close so many times with 3 top 5 and 5 top 8 performances. However, if I were bettin' I'd put my money on Meese. My speculation below...

1) Meese

2) Frens

3) Jewell

4) Spaulding

5) Sakala

6) Peek - being 1600 pts behind with KS/MO required hurts Dick more than Ken

with about an 800 point spread 1-6. Yep...this is fun schtuff indeed!

So how much does it cost to compete in the Rally do you think ?

Was thinking that in Europe, just the fuel alone would be $4-6000 (depending upon consumption and exchange rate)
Probably a base cost of around $4000

$2000 entry

$1500 Gas

$500 Incidentals

Depending on accomodation, andother $1000 wouldn't go amiss, and don't get tickets :)
:huh: You might just want to let the Vets chime in on this one Steve. You forgot a lot of stuff. Hotels, including the start/checkpoints/finish ones as well as on the road add up to a significant cost for the rally. Increased Insurance, (500k CSL required), for many too.

More than a few riders have spent the following two years paying for their IBR ride.
Plus things like MedJet, Spot, XM weather, added Farkelage, etc etc etc. I think this all could easily add up to thou$and$ of dollar$.

Now, you don't need all that stuff, but damn if it isn't helpful...

So how much does it cost to compete in the Rally do you think ?

Was thinking that in Europe, just the fuel alone would be $4-6000 (depending upon consumption and exchange rate)
Probably a base cost of around $4000

$2000 entry

$1500 Gas

$500 Incidentals

Depending on accomodation, andother $1000 wouldn't go amiss, and don't get tickets :)
:huh: You might just want to let the Vets chime in on this one Steve. You forgot a lot of stuff. Hotels, including the start/checkpoints/finish ones as well as on the road add up to a significant cost for the rally. Increased Insurance, (500k CSL required), for many too.

More than a few riders have spent the following two years paying for their IBR ride.
True ... it was just a baseline.

Also ... Servicing, many need tyres and final drives en-route :)

Bob confirmed what I was thinking. Budgeting about 10k for the whole thing would be wise.

Even with proper planning you must have some significant weight lose over the course of the rally,
I lost 20 lbs during Buttlite IIII. I'm 6'0. I was 185 at the start, and 165 when I got home.

I drank 4 gallons of water in one day in NV, and saw 120 degrees in Las Vegas.

I guess Ken spends some big cash on doing this and all the others.

Obviously to be competitive, you need to be doing all this stuff regularly

Interesting the difference in fuel price - that would pay for my flight and a rental bike !

Dont think I will ever be able to actually do the rally but following it one year may be fun

So how much does it cost to compete in the Rally do you think ?

Was thinking that in Europe, just the fuel alone would be $4-6000 (depending upon consumption and exchange rate)
I think I spent around $7,000 in 09. That included a new laptop and helmet the day before the start. Not a smart move btw if you don't have to do it.

I only lost 10 lbs during that rally though. It wasn't that hot, and I had a few sit down meals.

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3:00 CST...just looking at #908...he appears to be in the woods in NE Texas...think he's taking a shade tree nap? :blink:


The whole venture would be cheaper for Eric because he wouldn't have to change a rear tire for maybe three IBRs


Even with proper planning you must have some significant weight lose over the course of the rally,
I lost 20 lbs during Buttlite IIII. I'm 6'0. I was 185 at the start, and 165 when I got home.

I drank 4 gallons of water in one day in NV, and saw 120 degrees in Las Vegas.
Pretty much the same for me - I lost about 12 lbs on that rally.

Except Nevada didn't bother me so much. It was the run on the second day of leg 2 from Dallas to Atlanta through Louisiana.

I looked up my ride report - I drank 9 quarts of water, 2 quarts of Gatorade, and a Diet Coke that day, and I never had to pee.

That can't be good. :blink:

Just doing some thinking... if I was riding this, I'd probably be on the most northerly track possible. If for nothing else, to avoid the 107f seen at the moment in W. Texas.

The rider in Bernaillo taking a nap only is seeing 93f outside. 93 is great. But (s)he may be resting till the evening to make the PHX run. Dunno.

At the 4 corners, NWS also shows about 93f.

Temps in SW Utah are in the 80's. Same for NV north of Vegas. Hell, it's in the 60's in Carson City right now.

Just saying. This seems to be like a more sensible route for those not chasing 4 corners. More miles - but more high value capitols and less fatigue.

I think Meese and Peek should have not gone for the 4 corners. I do think it might be a winning strategy, but I don't think it's as efficient or wise as banging Capitols. I know for fact Meese is not afraid and may even desire big, big miles, but that may work against him when he's forced to take the southerly track to hit San Ysidro.

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