2011 IBR - The Inside View

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You can take this to the bank: A photo of the four corners monument is sufficient documentation for the States of NM,AZ,CO and UT. As the riders were leaving the meeting at checkpoint 2 and heading for their rooms or their bikes, some were talking about the fact that the location was on the thumb drive given them in Seattle, and now they knew why.

Think about it -- it really only matters to the riders who are content at this point to complete the 48 states and head for the barn. The big dogs will be going for the State capitols and/or the fourth corner (San Ysidro).

As for the weather, would you rather have rain or heat?
Heat. No question. And I'm about to get plenty of it when I start heading south to Ontario later today on the Hayabusa.... dashing to the Finish Line to help Mr. IBR Photo Deity to score riders.
NO heat today.....lowest 40 degrees on the 8000' pass (and rain) on 395 & it didn't get over 72 until we pulled in to the Doubletree at 8:30pm. Nice tail wind had my mpg at 80 for awhile, but that changed drastically when the wind decided to come at me from the side...

You can take this to the bank: A photo of the four corners monument is sufficient documentation for the States of NM,AZ,CO and UT. As the riders were leaving the meeting at checkpoint 2 and heading for their rooms or their bikes, some were talking about the fact that the location was on the thumb drive given them in Seattle, and now they knew why.

Think about it -- it really only matters to the riders who are content at this point to complete the 48 states and head for the barn. The big dogs will be going for the State capitols and/or the fourth corner (San Ysidro).
I have to believe this is accurate. At this point in a rally, especially the big dance, despite the fatigue the riders are going through, I can't see risking a DNF on a crapshoot that a photo "might" be acceptable to claim the four states in question. I know I certainly wouldn't do so this close to the end. If riders are going to the monument, I'm pretty confident that it's been cleared by the powers that be.

As far as riding with a chain drive bike, I've ridden over 10,000 miles together with a guy who rides a VFR, including a trip to Hyder, most of a B2B, and most of the BL4, and he never had a single mechanical issue with the bike, and he didn't even have an oiler. Personally, I don't like chains (though my move to a belt drive Ulysses resulted in a failed IBA top down attempt when the belt snapped, though it was more than likely due to weather conditions, so what do I know), lots of people do serious mileage on chain drive bikes.






That's my podium picks without knowing more about the Leg 3 bonii, only that the capitols are between 1000-2000. Sinclair really screwed the pooch off the bat with WA and that will pork his Leg 3, but he's the only Alaska rider apparently to abandon Key West and that might keep him ahead of Jewell & Peek.

I'm actually surprised more didn't make the ride to Hyder, a quick look at a map with a calculator predicted Leg 1, similiar mileage but a huge disparity in points. The twist this rally was the usual sucker move was cut up into Four Corners.

Three (3) near deer-strikes for me within the first 25 miles of northern California tonight.

The last one grazed the left mirror.... I can't see these hooved forest rats

Spooked. Stopping until daylight. Gonna run late. :(

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Three (3) near deer-strikes for me within the first 25 miles of northern California tonight.

The last one grazed the left mirror.... I can't see these hooved forest rats

Spooked. Stopping until daylight. Gonna run late. :(
Smart move. Better late than ....

See you in Ontario.

The twist this rally was the usual sucker move was cut up into Four Corners.
I'll give you that 4-corners with Madawaska in Leg2 and KW in Leg 3 might be a sucker bonus, but not if they were each bagged a leg early. Depending on the Leg3 capitol values, I'm still betting on 4-corners as a possible winner.

I'm going with

1. Frens

2. Meese

3. Peek

4. Jewell

5. Sinclair(?)

Frens will get the Four Corners bonus, negating Meese's Hyder run. He will also get the high scoring Leg 3 capitals which Meese won't get because he went to KW at the beginning of Leg 3. Sinclair might not get 5th because he still needs Oregon for his 48.

Three (3) near deer-strikes for me within the first 25 miles of northern California tonight... Spooked...
Go fast enough & you'll slice right through 'em. If any survive, we'll just read about heralding the dawn with tinkling brass later.

Three (3) near deer-strikes for me within the first 25 miles of northern California tonight.

The last one grazed the left mirror.... I can't see these hooved forest rats

Spooked. Stopping until daylight. Gonna run late. :(
Smooth move. Better than some other possible outcomes. Look forward to some updates once you arrive. Right on.

I spoke with one of the riders and yes, they can get a photo at the Four Corners monument to gather those four states. He also said that if they got individual receipts for all four states, it was worth extra points, though not a significant amount.

Three (3) near deer-strikes for me within the first 25 miles of northern California tonight.

The last one grazed the left mirror.... I can't see these hooved forest rats

Spooked. Stopping until daylight. Gonna run late. :(
Good man. Spidey Sense: always listen to the Spidey Sense.

Three paths; #1 Hyder, #2 Four Corners with KW on leg 2 (or something else), and #3 is ???? (As an edit, reading previous posts, maybe #3 is 48 capitals) Upcoming choices in leg 3??? From Tom, "Four corners is not an obvious path to the podium..." Wonder what that material is that he refers to in the leg 1 packet. (Edit: Again, what was in that packet that Tom refers to?) As any multi-day rally vet knows, one definitely needs to be rested before the start of leg 3. It is also stated that this rally allows for big long-distance miles. Leg 3 will give us the details and the paths
#3: Hyder and the 4 corners w/o worrying about the capitals?
Actually, I believe path #3 is the big point capitals of leg 3. To do well you need Hyder, 4 corners, or lots of leg #3 big point capitols. Decisions had to be made at Jacksonville that effected finishing position: Go to Key West??? Abandon Key West and bag big point capitals??? Dale posted about this choice somewhere already. The riders who got Hyder or Key West in legs 1 or 2 have the advantage, IF they can make a good ride during leg 3.

John Young on the Trident is in New Mexico struggling with the heat. Although he hopes to make it into Ontario it will be close.

I spoke with one of the riders and yes, they can get a photo at the Four Corners monument to gather those four states. He also said that if they got individual receipts for all four states, it was worth extra points, though not a significant amount.
Color me very surprised. I never would have thought the IBR would be easier than a 48/10 ride. :huh: At the start riders were told finishers would qualify for a 48/10 cert. Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I don't believe any normal 48/10 rider was ever allowed to bag those four states with one photo, but rather had to get a valid receipt in every state.

I'm not understanding the thought process on this one.

I spoke with one of the riders and yes, they can get a photo at the Four Corners monument to gather those four states. He also said that if they got individual receipts for all four states, it was worth extra points, though not a significant amount.
Color me very surprised. I never would have thought the IBR would be easier than a 48/10 ride. :huh: At the start riders were told finishers would qualify for a 48/10 cert. Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I don't believe any normal 48/10 rider was ever allowed to bag those four states with one photo, but rather had to get a valid receipt in every state.

I'm not understanding the thought process on this one.
Normal rider doesn't have a rally towel to put in the picture. :huh:

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