2011 IBR - The Inside View

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I would also like to thank everyone here. It has been great watching and reading. This had so much info compared to other sites and I am looking forward to the 2013 rally. Congrates to all the riders, what an awesome ride for all. :yahoo:

Thanks again.

WTF is Frazer Phil doing sightseeing in San Clemente?!! He's taking a very curious route back to the barn, he should be fine, but he's making it challenging for himself, agonizing through deep LA traffic to get here.... not

This isn't going to end like most people think.
Let me guess, IBR staff is scrambling because of a long forgotten rule that no one thought would ever be used...

Rule number 2045.35

Any rider completing the IBR on a pre 1970 British motorcycle will automatically receive 1,000,000 points?


Heading to the barn. 9:24am CDT (7:24 am PDT)


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Thinking Victorville and Hesperia riders are even farther out. Can I presume the spots outside Amarillo and Albuquerque are out of the rally?

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Victo and Hesperia is further, but way less (potential) traffic from that direction.

Phil did the smart thing and took the toll road. Much quicker - a very fast road.

This has been a fast 11 days, I can't beleive I sat and read close to 1800 posts, I got to get me a new computer chair, my butt is sore.. :D , Thanks Dale for keeping us posted and all the visitors for your insights, everyone have a safe 4th of July weekend. It's going to be sunny in the PNW for the next week and I'm going to ride :yahoo:

yes, thanks from me as well been a great way to spend 7 night shifts !

off on my own little trip now, Spa biker classic, Garmisch, some Alp passes, Stella Alpina then visit the family WW1 war graves on way home.

Would almost be tempted with an FJR if they were not almost as much as a K1600 over here !! :crazy:

This has been a fast 11 days, I can't beleive I sat and read close to 1800 posts, I got to get me a new computer chair, my butt is sore.. :D , Thanks Dale for keeping us posted and all the visitors for your insights, everyone have a safe 4th of July weekend. It's going to be sunny in the PNW for the next week and I'm going to ride :yahoo:

heh...the "Armchair Iron Butt" 11,000 posts in 11 days!!

In less than twelve hours, all the speculation and arguments will be settled.

I'm a bit sad. This has been fun. A true adventure. And although I have not left a ten mile radius of home, work and other work, it has been a long ride.

We have argued routes, points, motivation and BMW final drives.

I touch "B" in Google maps and Buffalo pops up. Same with J and O.

I talked to Pops today and he asked about the riders.

What a fun ride.
+1 And I'd like to thank all the visitors that took to time to stop by, register, and add their knolwedge and experience to our little group. Even though you're "FNG's" it's been pretty obvious from comments and insights that you're not. That's been a big addition to following the rally this year. Hope to see you in 2013, you're always welcome here! :clapping: :clapping:

(Just don't ride in on a bike with a chain :lol: :lol: )
Hey, don't call me "FNG!" :p

The reason I've got a few posts is because I found this board during the '09 IBR. It was exciting then, but I think it's being even better this time 'round.

Thanks for having me. I'll admit I haven't gotten much work done over the last two weeks, but I'll catch up with that.

If I'm fortunate I'll be able to show up in person for the '13 IBR as I plan to be retired by then and will have the time. Yahoo!

Ride safely all.

***FJR Rider needs assistance - near Flagstaff/Kingman, AZ***

Hey folks, just got off the phone with one of the IBR FJR riders who is having trouble. He has a bent front rim from a pothole and is having trouble keeping air pressure. If there is anyone out there with either a front rim/tire that can be put on his FJR, or another bike he can use to finish, please contact me @ 520-426-3965. Details are still coming in, but it looks like he is somewhere between Flagstaff and Kingman, AZ.
Any word if he got a wheel and is back on the road?
Got a call for help last nite, offered my wheel, haven't heard from him yet.

BIG thanks, fjrforum, love ya!


(And I still love my 10-yr-old R1150RT. With original final drive. :lol: )

I'd like to be the first to make a $100 contribution to the "Bob-to-Sally Higdon Sexual Reorientation and Wardrobe Rebuilding Project"



Can I presume the spots outside Amarillo and Albuquerque are out of the rally?
Not yet. It may be a spot issue of some sort. If actually stopped, then they may have bagged the ride with a DNF in site or they may have had equipment failures that got them on another bike without time to move the fancy stuff between bikes. Often riders still shoot for the finish if they can so they can attend the banquet. Even getting their after it's too late gets props from fellow ralliers.

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It occurs to me that in about 3 hours time, when this whole thing is done, 80-some rather intense individuals may be prone to experience an intense emptiness in the pit of their stomachs, a sort of a "now what?". Many will be thousands of miles from home with a damn dirty bike in very real need of some serious maintenance and TLC before they get a move on again. They're well spent, in just about every way you could be spent. But they are prolly jonesing for the adrenaline that coursed through their veins for the 11 previous days. I'm thinking it must throw you for a loop to have that adrenaline switched off in such a binary way.

The Germans prolly have a word for it, a la Fahrvergnügen, or Schadenfreude. If not, we should prolly coin one. Anybody know enough German and have enough LD experience to nail the word? (Prolly need one for failed BMW FDs, too)

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It occurs to me that in about 3 hours time, when this whole thing is done, 80-some rather intense individuals may be prone to experience an intense emptiness in the pit of their stomachs, a sort of a "now what?". Many will be thousands of miles many steps from home the fridge with a damn dirty bike armchair in very real need of some serious maintenance and TLC before they get a move on again, they're well spent, in just about every way you could be spent. But they are prolly jonesing for the adrenaline that coursed through their veins for the 11 previous days. I'm thinking it must throw you for a loop to have that adrenaline switched off in such a binary way.

The Germans prolly have a word for it, a la Fahrvergnügen, or Schadenfreude. If not, we should prolly coin one. Anybody know enough German and have enough LD experience to nail the word? (Prolly need one for failed BMW FDs, too)
Yea, and the folks that actually rode in the rally will be pooped to! :D

I have NEVER been so addicted to an online forum! :p Many Many thanks to Dale and all you other knowledgeable IBR folks. I feel like I'm going to have to decompress a little before getting back to work! This has really been a trip for us Iron Butt Typists! ;)

Ride safe this weekend and always!


There's a lag of sorts. You have to recover your rest deficit first. But it's not uncommon for the first few days/week back home that people wake up and try to figure out where they need to be before the clock runs out. I didn't have that too much until the next IBR but the first week or so back at work everything seemed "off" somehow. I then had some pretty intense dreams that involved lots of serious riding to get somewhere that was frustratingly out of reach in the time I had to get there. PTSD?

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