2013 FJR - Product announced!

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Before I can make a decision to buy or not I need to know what the color is actually going to look like and how much taller the 5th gear is. Yamaha's main FJR page shows a slight greenish tint to the paint color, which I like a lot, but in the Gallery section it looks more like an ordinary silver.

I the color is right and I can get a 10% discount on a new one I may put my '04 up for sale and make the move. I guess we'll see.
Fifth gear doesn't need to be any taller than it already is on the Gen 2. To me it feels relaxed cruising at 80 and even steady cruising at 100-110 feels fine. There's also enough grunt to pass w/o shifting in 5th if you want. Gas mileage and range are pretty good. I also see no need for a 6 speed on this bike. Just my opinion, of course....

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Before I can make a decision to buy or not I need to know what the color is actually going to look like and how much taller the 5th gear is. Yamaha's main FJR page shows a slight greenish tint to the paint color, which I like a lot, but in the Gallery section it looks more like an ordinary silver.

I the color is right and I can get a 10% discount on a new one I may put my '04 up for sale and make the move. I guess we'll see.
The discount you seek I think is easily obtainable, and for the color, if you go back on page 18 of this thread, post# 353 I posted a link to a video that showed the FJR at Intermot and I believe that may be the color we will see in the U.S.

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Two most "trollish" posts I've seen here in a long time.
He IS a Troll and he got the reaction he was looking for. Ignore him and he'll crawl back under the bridge! :)
My Wing never took a dirt nap!
Wings never really actually fall over. They are so wide, that they just sort of list to one side.

I would really like to get my 4th FJR (04-06-07) but I really hate moving over all the crap I installed later.

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I would really like to get my 4th FJR (04-06-07) but I really hate moving over all the crap I installed later.

I am glad it looks like we can at least move the farkles. I was afraid of a really new design, but I am guessing my Russell, Penske and Traxxion Dynamics forks will fit.

I am glad it looks like we can at least move the farkles. I was afraid of a really new design, but I am guessing my Russell, Penske and Traxxion Dynamics forks will fit.
Don't be too sure that all farkles will transfer over... best wait till we have one to look at.

Example: it appears from photos that neither the Gen I nor the Gen II aux light brackets will fit on the Gen III FJR1300... Yamaha has redesigned the mirror mounts with deep recesses at the bolt mount points. :( :( :(

So, instead of a nice flat surface to work with ala Gen I/II mirror mounts, the Gen III mirror mounts will need some spacers to stand off the brackets from the recessed area, if not a more comprehensive redesign.

Paging Garauld to the White Courtesy phone.... ;)

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...Fifth gear doesn't need to be any taller than it already is on the Gen 2. To me it feels relaxed cruising at 80 and even steady cruising at 100-110 feels fine. There's also enough grunt to pass w/o shifting in 5th if you want. Gas mileage and range are pretty good. I also see no need for a 6 speed on this bike. Just my opinion, of course....
Occasionally, the interstates around Chicago get to be high speed cruising affairs. Found out on the way from Hooterville that I was cruising in 4th for awhile...not 5th. Doesn't happen often, but it does happen when things get to be rambunctious out there.

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We'll I am just about done with the insurance crap settling out on the total loss of my 2010 Yamaha Raider S from a Cager hitting me. I have been thinking about going back to the FJR again as I had an 08 and regretted selling it after day one.

Looks like 2013 may be the return to the Feejer riding!! :yahoo:

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Must admit that this Gen III is a nice lookin' bike with some good features.

I am really curious about this "D-Mode" thing. I noticed on pictures of the dash that the speedo has an area that reads "ECO". Wonder if this is related to "D-mode" and its an "economy" mode for the engine. Would be really interested to see what the real world difference is in range\mileage when running in "ECO" mode. Might be something the LD-IBR types could really take advantage of.

The price difference between the US and Canada blows chunks though.

- Colin
I agree but the spread isn't as large as it used to be. As long as Canucks keep buying stuff at a premium on this side of the border, they'll continue to gouge us. Marketers don't respond to bitching. I'm headed State-side for mine.

You know....

Had they left the sweeping needle, we'd have members bitching that they didn't update the bike with a modern digital speedo. :D
They shoulda just made it a digital needle then everyone is happy.

Before I can make a decision to buy or not I need to know what the color is actually going to look like and how much taller the 5th gear is. Yamaha's main FJR page shows a slight greenish tint to the paint color, which I like a lot, but in the Gallery section it looks more like an ordinary silver.

I the color is right and I can get a 10% discount on a new one I may put my '04 up for sale and make the move. I guess we'll see.
Fifth gear doesn't need to be any taller than it already is on the Gen 2. To me it feels relaxed cruising at 80 and even steady cruising at 100-110 feels fine. There's also enough grunt to pass w/o shifting in 5th if you want. Gas mileage and range are pretty good. I also see no need for a 6 speed on this bike. Just my opinion, of course....

We'll have to agree to disagree on this.

I've ridden my '04 for 9 years now and still try and catch another gear on te top end. On my Triumph, with a six speed, I don't do it even though it has ample power to support it. I'm often cruising in the 90 to 100 range out here in the wide open spaces and the bike would definitely be more comfortable if it was turning less RPM's. Whether that accomplished with a sixth cog or with higher (lower) ratios doesn't matter to me. The bike's strong enough to handle the gear spacings one way or the other.

Now, I go out in the garage and look at my pristine '04 and wonder if it's really worth the $11K-$12K more for the '13. Feels the same way I felt when the Gen II came out. I might just have to see one in the flesh to make me fall in love all over again. I know one thing, I've been looking at a lot of bikes lately and I haven't found a compelling argument to go anywhere else either. The Kawa and BMW K1600 bikes are so much bigger and bulkier.

Before I can make a decision to buy or not I need to know what the color is actually going to look like and how much taller the 5th gear is. Yamaha's main FJR page shows a slight greenish tint to the paint color, which I like a lot, but in the Gallery section it looks more like an ordinary silver.

I the color is right and I can get a 10% discount on a new one I may put my '04 up for sale and make the move. I guess we'll see.
The discount you seek I think is easily obtainable, and for the color, if you go back on page 18 of this thread, post# 353 I posted a link to a video that showed the FJR at Intermot and I believe that may be the color we will see in the U.S.

Thanks, that seems to be a pretty good representation of the color. It also didn't hurt ot have to go to some of the other posts on that page ;)

Now, I go out in the garage and look at my pristine '04 and wonder if it's really worth the $11K-$12K more for the '13.
I'm in the same situation with my '03. One of the local dealer's salesman could not believe the condition of my bike, his comment to his co-worker is "how do you put a value on one that nice, it's immaculate!"

Before I can make a decision to buy or not I need to know what the color is actually going to look like and how much taller the 5th gear is.
Fifth gear doesn't need to be any taller than it already is on the Gen 2. To me it feels relaxed cruising at 80 and even steady cruising at 100-110 feels fine. There's also enough grunt to pass w/o shifting in 5th if you want. Gas mileage and range are pretty good. I also see no need for a 6 speed on this bike. Just my opinion, of course....

We'll have to agree to disagree on this.

I've ridden my '04 for 9 years now and still try and catch another gear on te top end.
You guys do realize that the gearing is already higher (lower ratio) on the second gens than our first gens, right?

But there are still many 2nd gen owners that think the top gear could be just a tad higher to drop the rpms a little bit more at FJR nominal highway speeds.

Now, I go out in the garage and look at my pristine '04 and wonder if it's really worth the $11K-$12K more for the '13.
I'm in the same situation with my '03. One of the local dealer's salesman could not believe the condition of my bike, his comment to his co-worker is "how do you put a value on one that nice, it's immaculate!"

I don't think the damage will be quite that bad. At least it doesn't have to be. Just don't take a beating on your First Gen trade-in at the dealership. First step is to find out what you can get for your 1st gens on the open market. That typically means removing any/all of the farkles and selling them separately. A clean 1st gen with reasonably low miles should still be worth ~ $4k in a private sale. Negotiate your price on the new '13 (is that really a good year to buy a bike? :unsure: ) without any trade-in. That way you will know what you are really paying.

Lot's of folks prefer the convenience of a trade-in. But then you don't get to complain about prices. Convenience costs $$.

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Noob thinks it's hotter than Ann-Margret.
Ann is well into her 70's, I believe.

(But then, this IS the FJR Forum.)


Good-looking bike. Too bad it ain't blue or black.
No matter Mick, Sophia Loren is also well into her 70's and last week tu Papa Chuy Viejo did her twice then took her out for Lasagna and Cannoli!


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