2013 Iron Butt Rally - The Inside View

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I was thinking it might be the IB Memorial but rider 155 high tailed it back to Gerlach too fast for taht to be right. Miss Kitty may be right. I recall there's a sign going onto the playa but don't remember where that was. Might catch someone stopping adn we can zoom in on it to see.

Whomever that is taking Jungo across during the IBR, I sure hope he/she knows the road. Ouch!

I saw the Jungo road rider too and thought the same thing. There's been some heavy rains in the Gerlach area lately bad enough to wash out parts of 447, I hope Jungo isn't too bad. I noted that Google street view covers Jungo

There's also another rider headed across another "short cut" on Ragged Top Road

Yeah, I know! They seem to be moving along, so maybe they've got good dirt experience. There were flash floods in/near Gerlach not long ago so I imagine the road, at least near Gerlach may be pretty messed up and hasn't been fixed yet. Muddy? I dunno, how long does it take to dry out? I guess it depends. In any case, I really hope that was a decision and not a mishap. And either way, that the rider gets through without serious incident.

There's another rider on some interesting dirt roads south of jungo between 80 and Gerlach. Very very interesting!.

I was thinking it might be the IB Memorial but rider 155 high tailed it back to Gerlach too fast for taht to be right. Miss Kitty may be right. I recall there's a sign going onto the playa but don't remember where that was. Might catch someone stopping adn we can zoom in on it to see.
Whomever that is taking Jungo across during the IBR, I sure hope he/she knows the road. Ouch!
I think 155 had enough time between Spotwalla refreshes to get to the memorial on Doobie Lane, get a picture and head back to town.

Yeah - good thoughts for the ride on Jungo. I'm heading for Sacramento now. Will have to catch the recap of this later.

Jungo dude is doing just fine thus far. I hope the road either didn't get trashed in the recent flash flooding, or it's been repaired by now, or our guy is THAT good

Who says he's riding a FJR??? I was thinking it was a dude I know on a GS, but it's not, I checked with his peeps. Dunno. George Swetland commandeer someone's bike
It's someone with dirt skilz, that's fo sho. Now the one to the east of 447... Still got my eye on that one.

#125 is on a GS (I believe), and he just teased us by leaving the Interstate at Winnemucca ... but it was a gas stop. by the look of it, and he is back on the highway :)

Heh ... It might not be #125 by the time this posts .... Those numbers are making my head spin. The other rider appears to have made good time along Jungo Road ... I just put that road on my bucket list.

Just making an unnecessary joke about this being an FJR forum. He probably is on a GS and his FD will probably fail in a moment.

Dude to the east of 447 appears to be there as well. Last ping was a very short distance from 447, anyway. Cool, good for them.

Hey, Rancho Cordova area peeps, is there going to be terrible traffic getting to the area Sunday afternoon evening? Traffic in these parts (Baltimore/DC) can be pretty brutal that time on a Sunday afternoon of a 4 day holiday weekend. Just curious if it'll be similar there. Maybe a ton of folks go to Lake Tahoe for the weekend and then back Sunday afternoon/evening for work Monday?
Rode to the checkpoint yesterday via US50. Traffic was bad and very few passing opportunities untill it goes to 4 lane. Then a freeway with an HOV lane. I bet it will be thick with traffic from the holiday weekend spilling out of the Sierras........

At the same time riders need to be at the checkpoint.


Folks more familiar with the area can correct me, but I think Jungo Road will save 100 miles or so. BUT, it's 100 ish miles of dirt, that is often in very poor condition, but appears to not be the case today. I'm watching our current Jungo Road explorer to see how long s/he takes... Fingers crossed!

And the call has gone out for a rider needing assistance on I-80 between SLC and Wendover. ST1100, thinks its the valve stem. This Sal Teranova, someone in the area please help!

Folks more familiar with the area can correct me, but I think Jungo Road will save 100 miles or so. BUT, it's 100 ish miles of dirt, that is often in very poor condition, but appears to not be the case today. I'm watching our current Jungo Road explorer to see how long s/he takes... Fingers crossed!
Well according to RenoJohn you can do 70. But, well, erm... that's RenoJohn :lol:

If my detective skills are sharp, I think he's near exit 41 on I-80. Looks like he's on the freeway, but possible he's still off the exit.

There's three tracks right at the same place, one of them is a custom message, so I think that's the bonus. Looks like one of the playa entrances, 3 mile

I suppose. Not sure what they're photographing, but there's a couple signs there I can see thanks to the google car. Or maybe it's a time bonus and someone is sitting there waiting for them? Wouldn't that be fun?

Thank you for the supplemental information being provided by the people familiar with the area. I hold you all personally responsible for my lack of productivity. Carry on!

... and at least 1 rider who has left I80 and seems to be heading there from the south ... Forsaking the dirt road route.

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