2013 Iron Butt Rally - The Inside View

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He's at the conch train. OMFG, he's not reading Leg 1 pages, is he????!!?!?

Would they put that in there twice???

I'm watching the live cam from Duval St in KW.What are the odds?
Wrong side of the island me thinks.

He's at the conch train. OMFG, he's not reading Leg 1 pages, is he????!!?!?
Would they put that in there twice???
We can only speculate until the boni for leg 3 comes out. In keeping with tradition(?) with higher values on leg 3 maybe they gave a multiplier for leg 1 boni. Or maybe they broke tradition, and leg 3 stuff is worth a whole lot less. Which doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, cause 3k points (leg 1 values) wouldn't really move the needle.

So either it has to be worth a crap-load more, which is what I'm guessing since they were committed and stopped for very little else, or this rider just said F* it, I'm gonna do it just because I can.


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He's at the conch train. OMFG, he's not reading Leg 1 pages, is he????!!?!?
Would they put that in there twice???
Highly unlikely. KW was worth, I believe, 3K points on leg 1. There's no way 3K would be worth that effort on leg 3. I heard parking lot scuttlebutt that KW was in this leg again. I didn't report it because I wasn't sure it was true. There could be a combo (similar to the PE on leg 2) or maybe Cape Canaveral or other locations down that way - or in between there and the barn.

The thing about KW (from my perspective) is that it's not so much a 'sucker bonus' as usually not worth the effort to get. When I'm looking at a bonus pack, one of things I consider is the number of stops. Less stops = mo betta. Less dealing with 'stuff' and chances to screw up. Also makes one screw up more painful, but just don't screw up and that's not a problem. tee hee

So, KW is usually worth a nice point value as a single bonus, but typically, it's also not worth the effort to get. Brett Donahue went there in 07 and placed 3rd at rally's end. Heck, Peter Behm WON the rally in 11 and KW was part of his plan. It was a location in 09, but I don't recall who went or what their final outcome was, I was kinda wrapped up in my own locations at that time.

Just my thoughts on it. I sure hope our KW rider made a good plan and is rewarded for the effort!

I can't see Spotwalla at work, so I sure appreciate all the updating y'all are doing here. Thanks!

Update on deer-Strike rider Steve McCaa from Ray King on the LDRiders list... looks like Steve is gonna tough it out after all!

After many, many phone calls and text messages and gnashing of teeth andlamentations, he is accepting a loaner bike, a Kawasaki Vulcan 500 with afuel cell, from Bill Norris in Lubbock. Seems it's the same bike thatWallace French used to finish in 2011...if I understood correctly.Thanks to Paul Glaves and James Geist and Bill Norris, and to Robert Krullof Lone Star BMW in Austin, who would have stayed open late, but did nothave the necessary parts.Most of the waiting time was for the tow truck, but we needed most of itfor all the phone calls....Ray King

Awesome.... GO, Bambi-Killer!!!!

A rider using the Leg 1 rally pack by mistake is probably impossible. The chance the rider still has them are slim to none, and then you'd think they'd figure it out pretty quickly while route planning, "Hey, I've seen all this before. And why is my paperwork all dirty and wrinkled? Has anyone seen my bucket of dirt?" UNLESS their instructions were to hang on to all bonus packs. That would be interesting.

The reasonable assumption is that the same bonus location was used twice. That's a clever twist. Can't wait for the explanation. And to find out who this intrepid rider is.

Update on deer-Strike rider Steve McCaa from Ray King on the LDRiders list... looks like Steve is gonna tough it out after all!

After many, many phone calls and text messages and gnashing of teeth andlamentations, he is accepting a loaner bike, a Kawasaki Vulcan 500 with afuel cell, from Bill Norris in Lubbock. Seems it's the same bike thatWallace French used to finish in 2011...if I understood correctly.Thanks to Paul Glaves and James Geist and Bill Norris, and to Robert Krullof Lone Star BMW in Austin, who would have stayed open late, but did nothave the necessary parts.Most of the waiting time was for the tow truck, but we needed most of itfor all the phone calls....Ray King

Awesome.... GO, Bambi-Killer!!!!
Uhm, I don't think this is for Steve, but rather Rony Baenziger whose GSA had a drive shaft problem

Update on deer-Strike rider Steve McCaa from Ray King on the LDRiders list... looks like Steve is gonna tough it out after all!

After many, many phone calls and text messages and gnashing of teeth andlamentations, he is accepting a loaner bike, a Kawasaki Vulcan 500 with afuel cell, from Bill Norris in Lubbock. Seems it's the same bike thatWallace French used to finish in 2011...if I understood correctly.Thanks to Paul Glaves and James Geist and Bill Norris, and to Robert Krullof Lone Star BMW in Austin, who would have stayed open late, but did nothave the necessary parts.Most of the waiting time was for the tow truck, but we needed most of itfor all the phone calls....Ray King

Awesome.... GO, Bambi-Killer!!!!
That bike, with Bill Norris aboard, beat me into 2nd Place in the Hopeless Rally last July.

Bill put in an awesome ride, and his bike is more than capable.

Edited: Bike is not for Steve

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Update on deer-Strike rider Steve McCaa from Ray King on the LDRiders list... looks like Steve is gonna tough it out after all!

After many, many phone calls and text messages and gnashing of teeth andlamentations, he is accepting a loaner bike, a Kawasaki Vulcan 500 with afuel cell, from Bill Norris in Lubbock. Seems it's the same bike thatWallace French used to finish in 2011...if I understood correctly.Thanks to Paul Glaves and James Geist and Bill Norris, and to Robert Krullof Lone Star BMW in Austin, who would have stayed open late, but did nothave the necessary parts.Most of the waiting time was for the tow truck, but we needed most of itfor all the phone calls....Ray King

Awesome.... GO, Bambi-Killer!!!!
World's Toughest Riders Baby!

After many, many phone calls and text messages and gnashing of teeth andlamentations, he is accepting a loaner bike, a Kawasaki Vulcan 500 with afuel cell, from Bill Norris in Lubbock. Seems it's the same bike thatWallace French used to finish in 2011...if I understood correctly.Thanks to Paul Glaves and James Geist and Bill Norris, and to Robert Krullof Lone Star BMW in Austin, who would have stayed open late, but did nothave the necessary parts.Most of the waiting time was for the tow truck, but we needed most of itfor all the phone calls....Ray King
Uhm, I don't think this is for Steve, but rather Rony Baenziger whose GSA had a drive shaft problem
Correct, it's Rony, not McCaa... d'oh...

If KW rider is resting now in order to make the ride out in lighter overnight traffic, I hope they run cautiously. I speak from (familial) experience that the roads up the Keys at night are full of two things: drunks and police looking for drunks.

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Yeah...was wondering about that. Figured it out about the time you posted this. So...that means whoever it was that went to KW is or was military and looks to be taking advantage of the accomodations there before heading back out. Couldn't be a bonus location since it's not accessible to non-military. Street view shows gated access.

This shure beats working! Just don't tell my boss.

I tried working today. Failed miserably and even caused some damage. Should have stayed home and watched the spotwalla map. Sigh....

If I ever have the honor of riding in an IBR and then the misfortune of having to drop out, I am going to leave my SPOT on and then ride to the damnedest places just to confuse the hell out of everyone.
Throw it on the roof of a cross country Mayflower moving van

Yeah...was wondering about that. Figured it out about the time you posted this. So...that means whoever it was that went to KW is or was military and looks to be taking advantage of the accomodations there before heading back out. Couldn't be a bonus location since it's not accessible to non-military. Street view shows gated access.

This shure beats working! Just don't tell my boss.
Brilliant :)

If I ever have the honor of riding in an IBR and then the misfortune of having to drop out, I am going to leave my SPOT on and then ride to the damnedest places just to confuse the hell out of everyone.
Throw it on the roof of a cross country Mayflower moving van
Or tape it to the back of a tortoise like that guy's head on Breaking Bad. Confusing in an altogether different way.

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