Could they possibly have made this a combo bonus with picking it up on Leg 1? It could certainly make for an interesting way to possibly shake up the final standings. But might be too cruel for the riders that have planned their routes well from the beginning.Highly unlikely. KW was worth, I believe, 3K points on leg 1. There's no way 3K would be worth that effort on leg 3. I heard parking lot scuttlebutt that KW was in this leg again. I didn't report it because I wasn't sure it was true. There could be a combo (similar to the PE on leg 2) or maybe Cape Canaveral or other locations down that way - or in between there and the barn.He's at the conch train. OMFG, he's not reading Leg 1 pages, is he????!!?!?
Would they put that in there twice???
The thing about KW (from my perspective) is that it's not so much a 'sucker bonus' as usually not worth the effort to get. When I'm looking at a bonus pack, one of things I consider is the number of stops. Less stops = mo betta. Less dealing with 'stuff' and chances to screw up. Also makes one screw up more painful, but just don't screw up and that's not a problem. tee hee
So, KW is usually worth a nice point value as a single bonus, but typically, it's also not worth the effort to get. Brett Donahue went there in 07 and placed 3rd at rally's end. Heck, Peter Behm WON the rally in 11 and KW was part of his plan. It was a location in 09, but I don't recall who went or what their final outcome was, I was kinda wrapped up in my own locations at that time.
Just my thoughts on it. I sure hope our KW rider made a good plan and is rewarded for the effort!
I can't see Spotwalla at work, so I sure appreciate all the updating y'all are doing here. Thanks!
Still this scenario could be interesting. You have a rider that has not been in contention due to not getting a very good Leg 1 points total because they chose to go to Key West. Now they are told if they go back to Key West and pick up the same bonus a second time on Leg 3 the points awarded will make up for having chosen to go to Key West on the first leg. If picking up Key West a 2nd time was going to require an extremely difficult, epic, ride to avoid being time barred at the finish, it would be a challenge in keeping with the IBR. But doing Key West on Leg 3 does not seem to be the case for this rally.
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