2013 Iron Butt Rally - The Inside View

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A few hours and I-10 north of me is going to be busy with dirty, filthy, motorcycles. I wonder how many will pass through this evening, as opposed to stopping for the night first. Is it worth my time to go look for them, in other words? (No bra!!!! It'll be getting dark, anyway!!!)
Except they're not coming this way, they're turing north on I-65 in Mobile. And it's raining. A lot. Like there wasn't enough rain last week.

They had rain in the northeast to start the rally, but we also had a lot of rain down here, some places over 20 inches on the 4th! There may be issues if it rains hard again, with roads being passable. Or not.

Ooh! Ooh! 65 North? The Barber Motorcycle Museum???!!!?!

That would be truly cruel. It would suck to go there and not have an entire day!

EDIT: Probably not. They would have taken I-59 from Slidell unless there was something else in Alabama. I bet they hit I-85 in Montgomery and up through Georgia to get home.

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My spidy sense tells me the lone rider in Utah is Ignacio who did the Western Canada tour yesterday.

My spidy sense tells me the lone rider in Utah is Ignacio who did the Western Canada tour yesterday.
If you're right, then Iggy has got a lot of things going for him. He's back in the states that have bonii after going north above a buffer of pointless states. Except for the storms on the plains of eastern Colorado right now, he's got good weather (compared to those already in the south and east) between him and the barn. He's got mega rally experience in the states he's in and has proven in rallies to be a mileage monster crossing the states to hit a location in NY (or PA, here). And he's got the time to get to the barn with a nap and still have time left for some bonii scarfing.

OTOH, the KW napper MUST have something huge in his bag of bonus points. Maybe KW was a nearly impossible time limited bonus location with game changer points. Miss it and you're done, but bag it and ??? That'd explain no one else seeking it AND why he/she can take a long nap while the southern pack collects bonii he or she passed up.

Been rooting for Iggy, Wendy and Eric Jewell this rally. With what's been accomplished in the first two legs, one thing is certain: whoever wins this will have logged a monster ride for 11 days.

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So you don't know or you aren't telling if the Fort Meyers ferry is worth a million points?

I don't know.

If I did know, I would not give out that particular info.

I can only provide "Insider" info to a certain degree.... for example, I can tell you if a rider is in a certain region (example: the Pacific Northwest, Texas, the Southwest, etc), but I can not tell you things like "Looks like Iggy is boarding the Port Townsend Ferry", because Iggy's competitors don't need to know he scored that particular bonus.

I can tell you a lot, but there is much more that I simply can not tell you or discuss in any way....
I know.
You posted something to this affect at about this stage of the rally in '09 and '11 - but I had to ask anyway.

Tornado warnings and severe thunderstorms here in Cranberry Twp.... Thursday and Friday are supposed to be gorgeous though.

...one thing is certain: whoever wins this will have logged a monster ride for 11 days.
In my book, anyone who finishes this ride will have logged a monster ride in my book.

I would have had the "burnt-meat-on-a-stick look" after day uno.

Yikes...is all I can say. I like watching those orange pushpins move around the continent...it's mesmerizing. However, those pushpins are going through weather, fatigue, animals, hellaceous temps, fatigue, bun burning, fatigue...and still riding and collecting bonuses like the good little pushpins that they are...I hope they look back and are proud of what they have done.

I am rooting for some midwest local FJR crazies to score big...but I am rooting for them all to finish and get home safe.

Me, In a couple days, me and the wifey are gonna take a crazy big ride around Utah and Colorado, 2400 miles in 13 days. Crazy, huh?


11000 plus miles in 11 days is just insane.






but fun to watch. (So long as nobody pokes their eyes out...)

Hope there are some good pictures and stories coming ahead at the finish...

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I'm hoping you're not right about this. Been rooting for Derek, Tony and Timmy to do great things this rally. And of course they still might.

However I don't envy those riders just now coming nto Montana at this hour of the evening. I remember riding across on 200 in Montana about six yrs ago in the middle of the night. My nerves were fried at the end of it due to the number of deer I encountered. Another thing, those folks who put up the road signs weren't kidding when they posted that little sign that says "Caution, Free Range Country".

Safe travels the rest of the ride folks.

Yeah...was wondering about that. Figured it out about the time you posted this. So...that means whoever it was that went to KW is or was military and looks to be taking advantage of the accomodations there before heading back out. Couldn't be a bonus location since it's not accessible to non-military. Street view shows gated access. This shure beats working! Just don't tell my boss.
Tim Masterson is a Retired Army Sargent Major.

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My spidy sense tells me the lone rider in Utah is Ignacio who did the Western Canada tour yesterday.
That's a Big Negative, Ghostrider... the Iggy Machinetm continues to blaze east with that packet of riders in the far northern part of the country... the rectangular box that says "Winners"...

In fact, I got a quick text from Iggy a hour ago... he was able to surf our IBR Inside View thread, and was elated to read that that Susan Watt is bringing her special brownies to the Finish Line, "it has boosted my spirit!", he claims.

He also laments that his lower back pain is getting worse, that's a bit disconcerting.

Particularly since he needs to run at a barely legal Cognoscente pace when he can, to arrive prior to Penalty Time in Cranberry, come this Friday morning.

He's fully aware he won't be able to run at Cogno speeds east of the Mississippi, so.. at that point, he will husband his sleep based upon the prevailing time-distance equation...... meaning he presents his raggy-ass self to the IBR GateKeeper prior to 8:00:00 EDT this Friday!

The Iggy Machinetm ... steamrolling toward total world domination!

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Well, It's a shame the museum at Barber wasn't on the list:

"Take a picture of Gary Eagan's Ducati ST4 with your flag on the floor in front - 590 points"

10Am - 6PM

(Not my pic or Flicker album, belongs to a man named Alan Dickson. my pic died a quiet death in a hard drive failure some years ago.)


The Iggy Machinetm ... steamrolling toward total world domination!
Hell yesssss!!!! Been following the reports. Iggy, you got some seriously good steaks that will be cooked up for ya back in the TC's if you win this thing.

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Indeed, the IGGY steam-roller Express travels on towards PA.

Like a chrome-plated steel-braided naugahyde python STEAMMMMM-ROLLLLEEERRRRR. ( Zappa )

Gotta Love Joe's Garage. :)


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