2013 Iron Butt Rally - The Inside View

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Congrats to all the FJRs that did so well! And the FJR forum surely was the place to be for last 11 days. It was a very exciting rally.

The forum's performing nice and snappy now that the rally's over.

Ken Meese' wife has posted.
He is in hospital with a broken collarbone, and a few cracked ribs. He is much less severely injured than last time, and is cheerful.

He reported that the back end of the bike went "squirrely", then dumped him.

If the guy didn't have bad luck, he's have no luck at all!!
Mystical animals seem to have a BOLO out on Meese.

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Great show, everyone! Like Tyler, I'm a little down now that it's over. But I'm happy to know nobody was hurt badly and that countless great memories have been made. What a ride!

Congratulations Derek on a big win! Bet that feels awesome! Congratulations to all the other riders as well. John Coons, good to see you on the podium! Wendy, awesome ride! Waaaay cool!! John Frick - How cool is that??
Some very incredible performances all around. What a ride Josh aka Nutjob put in!! Watched him eatin' up miles on spot and wondered if it was going to be worthwhile. Sure was! Rather bummed about Eric (thought maybe it was your year man) and Ken and wish both of them speedy recoveries. To Pat Ford - tough decision I'm sure but the right one. Hope Becky is doing OK now!

Hats off to those around the country that helped the riders when help was needed be that boots, bikes, or whatever.

These past several days had me glued to this forum, spotwalla, and the daily reports to keep up with all that was going on. For all of that I want to thank Dale and company for the efforts here in this forum, Jason for his endless work in the Spot domain, and Bob Higdon for again stepping up to the plate and writing the dailies. All of your efforts are truly appreciated!

Last but certainly not least is a big thank you to all of the volunteers who make this whole thing possible be that scouting, scoring, planning, web site, and so on. Hats off and high fives!

Safe rides home to all!! As always, it's been great fun!

Joe Leggett

IBA #374

I'd like to congratulate all the participants with a special hats off and standing O to the finishers. At this time what you all have attempted and accomplished is still beyond rational comprehension since my rally experience is limited to the Rendezvous 12 hr. Rally in Quebec and I have yet to attempt any IB ride.

Special kudos to Perry Karsten who I met at the Rendezvous in 2011 and Marc Beaulac who I know only through the gl1800riders forum, missing the Rendezvous Rally the year he participated in it.

The closing information from Tom Austin after the final posting of the 2009 Iron Butt Rally results

“Whether in the “DNF” category or not, everyone who made it to the finish line completed a more challenging ride than 99% of other motorcyclists will ever even attempt. Those who achieved finisher status have demonstrated that they are the World’s Toughest Motorcycle Riders”.

I too want to throw a kudos out for Phil Weston. Stripped his bike down in the UK, checked in all his goodies including custom fairing and tank on the airplane, then spent a mere two days outfitting his USA FZ1 once he got here, and then rode it in an unfamiliar country for a 14th place finish. He's got two IBR entries and two gold finishes on a bike most (me especially) wouldn't consider to be an LD type bike. Woohoo Phil!!!

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The closing information from Tom Austin after the final posting of the 2009 Iron Butt Rally results
“Whether in the “DNF” category or not, everyone who made it to the finish line completed a more challenging ride than 99% of other motorcyclists will ever even attempt. Those who achieved finisher status have demonstrated that they are the World’s Toughest Motorcycle Riders”.
I always have problems with statements like this only because I follow events like the Dakar in South America and the Romaniacs over in Europe. Toughest touring riders - absolutely. World's Toughest Riders - sorry but that is a bit of a reach.

It is still a challenging accomplishment.

I always have problems with statements like this only because I follow events like the Dakar in South America and the Romaniacs over in Europe. Toughest touring riders - absolutely. World's Toughest Riders - sorry but that is a bit of a reach.

It is still a challenging accomplishment.
I'd say it's probably somewhat equal, just different. Kind of like claiming that Valentino Rossi is the Greatest of all time, and yet he certainly has high esteem for the guys who run the Isle of Man TT races.

The closing information from Tom Austin after the final posting of the 2009 Iron Butt Rally results
“Whether in the “DNF” category or not, everyone who made it to the finish line completed a more challenging ride than 99% of other motorcyclists will ever even attempt. Those who achieved finisher status have demonstrated that they are the World’s Toughest Motorcycle Riders”.
I always have problems with statements like this only because I follow events like the Dakar in South America and the Romaniacs over in Europe. Toughest touring riders - absolutely. World's Toughest Riders - sorry but that is a bit of a reach.

It is still a challenging accomplishment.
The author is being VERY generous to the rest of the world in saying "more challenging...than 99% of other motorcyclists".

If he'd said 99.9%, there would still be more than enough room in the 0.1% for IBR, Dakar, and other 'over the top' challenges.

I don't think we need to diminish the accomplishments of anyone in that 0.1%. It's like saying that SEALs are tougher than Rangers. (Well, probably a poor analogy 'cause everybody knows it's true.)

"Worlds Toughest Riders" is still a pretty small group. Kudos to all of them.

Glad to hear that it was the blue ones that pulled it off...GO BLUE! and Thanks for the great coverage!

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Thanks to Warchild for giving us the inside view.Congrats to all the riders you are a tough bunch.

And a special Canucklehead shout out to Colin 24. That's two IBR finishes in a row man, and you must have put in a mean 3rd leg as you moved up a bunch of spots!

I can neither confirm nor deny it but someone in 2003 told me that the Rider numbers are assigned by the IBA management's "best guess" as to where each rider will finish.

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Not true. At least not anymore if it ever was. They usually have a system, but that's not it. This time, as I recall, it was first by finishing standing in 2011. Once those riders all had a number, it then went by IBA number. I don't remember what it was in 2011. In 2009, the first two went to the RE-5 riders and then there were groups, foreigners was one, I don't recall them all. Those who were left were in alphabetical order, or reverse alphabetical, I forget exactly.

I think in 09 the lowest numbers went to the ones with the most multiple IBRs under their belt. Then I think the 2-ups went next. At some point they ran out of special categories and did the rookies in alphabetical order starting at M, then wrapping from Z to A, with poor Bob Lznkynzvic getting number 99.

In 2013.... Rider numbers were assigned in sequence by groups. 1st group was 2011 finishers in the order they finished. The next group were previous IBR finishers. The next group was reserved for those riders that had forced Lisa to "pull the red book" during their participation on previous rallies. The last group was for the rookies.

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