2013 Yamaha Street Motorcycle Overview

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Hrm. The mods are afoot. I was trying to be good here and not start a new thread, I promise! I even went through the pain of searching and sifting through the zillion 2013 posts to find the one that was still open. But now this. I'm all confused. :D

Hrm. The mods are afoot. I was trying to be good here and not start a new thread, I promise!
Your post is not NEPRT. It's ACTUAL information and not speculation. Thank you! :yahoo:

So, yes, I split it from another thread. Whether we're seeing web pages changes dynamically today and FJR has yet to be added or updated, they're dropping the FJR, or something else...your post is ABSOLUTELY new information and worthy of a thread.

If memory serves, the FJR has been later than the others several times.

Looking at the 2012 sticky on top of this page, that post was 9-14 last year, so that wasn't really all that much later, was it?

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Edit: Never mind. I was confused!

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Okee dokie. I was just trying to be good. Sure it's real information, but we still can only speculate on it's meaning.

Maybe I should have started my post with "My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw that Yamaha updated their website with the 2103 models and the FJR is missing." :D

Just kidding, thanks for taking care of it and making it all right. I wasn't sure which way to go so I went the safe route. Nice to see the Mod Ninjas at work doing it well and super fast. :assassin:

Looking at the Canadian site it's interesting to see their model line-up of motorcycles starts with:


goes consecutively through their motorcycle line and ends with:


That's 4186 to 4214 and I've run every combination in between...and no FJR appears to be listed. I think if it was listed it would be in or flanking the 4192-4196 range. While it's possible it will be 4215 or other number....I'm wondering now if it's being continued.

Looking at the Canadian site it's interesting to see their model line-up of motorcycles starts with:


goes consecutively through their motorcycle line and ends with:


That's 4186 to 4214 and I've run every combination in between...and no FJR appears to be listed. I think if it was listed it would be in or flanking the 4192-4196 range. While it's possible it will be 4215 or other number....I'm wondering now if it's being continued.
Hey guys,

I just hung up from talking to Yamaha. They said the FJR will be released as a "world" model and that release date is October 2nd.

Straight from the mothership...


I just hung up from talking to Yamaha. They said the FJR will be released as a "world" model and that release date is October 2nd.

Straight from the mothership...

Can you be more specific? Who in Yamaha? A junior mechanic at a dealer in Sheboygan or a VP in Cypress? One is the mothership and another is an escape pod.

Also, the FJR has been a "world" model since 2006.

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Looking at the Canadian site it's interesting to see their model line-up of motorcycles starts with:


goes consecutively through their motorcycle line and ends with:


That's 4186 to 4214 and I've run every combination in between...and no FJR appears to be listed. I think if it was listed it would be in or flanking the 4192-4196 range. While it's possible it will be 4215 or other number....I'm wondering now if it's being continued.
Hey guys,

I just hung up from talking to Yamaha. They said the FJR will be released as a "world" model and that release date is October 2nd.

Straight from the mothership...

Is the United States considered part of the world?

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2013 lineup on the website today. FJR is missing. That's either good or bad.

Maybe it's no longer going to be a "street" bike. They may have changed it into a 1300cc, 700 lb off-road machine. Or maybe it's going to be a scooter.

I just hope there's still no choice of colors!
I think I found it:


Is that "Cerullean Silver"?

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