28 years of riding and I finally crashed...

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Thanks for the report and glad to hear it's working out as best as possible. I hope you don't blame yourself for going down because it can happen to the best of us.

I almost did the same earlier this year where some Yahoo had spilled diesel in a corner on a nice twisty rural road. I smelled the diesel about the same time that my front tire slipped a little. Lucky for me that it was a very short slip and I didn't go down. This same Yahoo slobbered diesel in every corner on this road which really took the fun out of an awesome road. :angry2:

Mike, glad to hear the damage to you and the bike were mostly cosmetic.

Only one thing to add: in your description of the various gear you owned but didn't wear that day, other than the boots, my reaction was "better than jeans, but not the best choice in gear." I also own both fieldsheer and firstgear stuff, but about a year ago, I ponied up and bought the Motorport gear.

Not even a close comparison. Ask Beemer Reemer too, who replaced his and his wife's Fieldsheer gear with Motoport, after their deer-induced get-off which resulted in multiple injuries. Ask JayH, or a number of the other PNW crew, who also ponied up after BR's crash. In hindsight, I would not own multiple jackets and pants. I would suck it up, buy ONE really really good set of gear (preferably Motoport, but the Stich folks will also sing the praises of their gear), and be done with it.

Other than always try to remember to wear the gear. I sure as hell am guilty of short "ride around the block in jeans".

Sorry to hear of your mishaps, heal quick and keep us posted on your recovery and bike, look on the positive side your good for another 28 years till your next one..

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Glad your ok dude. Bikes can be replaced...but just goes to show ya, any one of us can bite the bullet at any time. No matter how safe and seasoned a rider we are. Prayers and well wishes my friend. PM. <>< :unsure:

Been off the board a few days, healing from my own ankle demise.

Very glad you have minimal damage to you and survived a very unfortunate situation.

Helpless feeling sliding on road slick stuff...

Here's to a speedy recovery so you can enjoy the new 10' FJR.

Appreciate the comments gang. I'm getting around slowly and can now walk with the walking boot and no crutches, but if I over-do it, I feel pain in my heel.

This weekend is my company "Anniversary Party" and I'm the President. I normally stand up before dinner and give out employee of the year award, the state of the company, and thank our industry partners. I've decided to stay home this time due to the foot. Real bummer, as I do enjoy spending time with all our staff and friends.

Can't wait to get back to a normal, painfree life... The bike is at the repair facility and parts have been ordered to fix it. I'm going to pay them a visit today to discuss having them repaint the bag lids and topcase lid for me, as the sidebags were a little beat up when I got the bike. So far it sounds like the mirror damaged the upper faring, and the sidebag made contact with the panel behind it. So those two panels will be addressed along with the footpeg, a scrape in the left pipe, and replacing the slider. If that frame slider hadn't been there, the handlebar would have gotten into the tank, along with the whole left side faring making contact with the ground at 30mph.

I just bought that Tourmaster Centurion suit, and I'm very happy with it. But if something happens to it, I'll take a look at the motorport "Stuff". I actually had an Aerostitch guy steer me to the Tourmaster Centurion, and if you haven't seen one or tried one on, it's a great 80 degree and below riding suit, with tons of function and versatility.



The bike is at the repair facility and parts have been ordered to fix it. I'm going to pay them a visit today to discuss having them repaint the bag lids and topcase lid for me, as the sidebags were a little beat up when I got the bike. So far it sounds like the mirror damaged the upper faring, and the sidebag made contact with the panel behind it. So those two panels will be addressed along with the footpeg, a scrape in the left pipe, and replacing the slider. If that frame slider hadn't been there, the handlebar would have gotten into the tank, along with the whole left side faring making contact with the ground at 30mph.


First, it's good to hear that you're healing, albeit slowly....BTDT...most of us are NOT 25 and heal at a slower pace than we did at that age. Keep the good attitude, besides, it's Winter and you wouldn't be able to ride as much.

Second (see bold type in the quote above), if the mirror was forced back like you stated, the front stay IS bent. Make sure they order a new one and install it. Trust me, many of us have experience this.

I've been riding for over 35 years. Things like this happen. You just hope it doesn't happen to you. I've been down numerous times and hit by a car. Most of mine could have been avoided by being more careful. Hope the damage is not too bad. You will heal up to ride another day.


Get well Mike! Thankfully it wasn't anything worse.

Just noticed your last post:

"I just bought that Tourmaster Centurion suit, and I'm very happy with it. But if something happens to it, I'll take a look at the motorport "Stuff". "

I was wearing that Motorport "stuff" when I was rearended a few months ago - 45 years of riding before my 1st accident. No scratches or breaks but I did get knocked out from landing on my head (thanks Arai!).

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Just read through this thread. Glad you are recovering and that the injuries were relatively minor. As for ATGATT, well, a riding buddy of mine has a friend who is basically a vegetable from a riding accident. He was just riding down the street to check out the bike (I can't remember the entire story but it is a sad one). He fell, hit his head, game over.

I don't go anywhere without the entire complement of armored clothing. Period. Never have, never will. Reading this thread reminded me of why.

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Like I said earlier, this was an excellent reminder to me to wear proper footware from now on... No more "just running down the street" in whatever shoe is on my foot. I'll put full length boots on, or I won't ride. Period.

Hey throw me a bone, at least I had on armor equipped jacket and gloves, along with my EXO700 helmet! :p


Just read through this thread. Glad you are recovering and that the injuries were relatively minor. As for ATGATT, well, a riding buddy of mine has a friend who is basically a vegetable from a riding accident. He was just riding down the street to check out the bike (I can't remember the entire story but it is a sad one). He fell, hit his head, game over.

I don't go anywhere without the entire complement of armored clothing. Period. Never have, never will. Reading this thread reminded me of why.
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Just read through this thread. Glad you are recovering and that the injuries were relatively minor. As for ATGATT, well, a riding buddy of mine has a friend who is basically a vegetable from a riding accident. He was just riding down the street to check out the bike (I can't remember the entire story but it is a sad one). He fell, hit his head, game over.

I don't go anywhere without the entire complement of armored clothing. Period. Never have, never will. Reading this thread reminded me of why.
Oh, just remembered that the rider was a motorcycle instructor too. He wasn't even wearing a helmet! My point is that the "I'm just going down the road to _______ and I'll be back in 3 minutes and I won't be going over 20 mph" is very false logic. I don't understand it at all.

Not giving you crap Mike. Everybody makes choices and has to live with them. My philosophy is a couple extra minutes to put gear on is not enough of a cost to keep me from wearing everything. I see plenty of people on 95 every day without full gear and I just shake my head. I suppose the odds are slim that anything will happen but....

Where in VA are you?

Progressive Insurance has been absolutely great in this whole thing... Spoke with them today about the current state and they gave me an update... The repair shop found "other" damage and now the centerstand, sidestand, and other support bracketry and stuff behind the left faring are being replaced... Total so far is $2600. The shop is also going to repaint the lids on the hardbags for $150.

Very pleased with how this is progressing.



I hope you are doing well. Is that Wawa the one on Rt 3 and Rt 20? I know there is a gas station there but not sure if it's a Wawa.

Anyway, when you are back on two wheels, let's go for a ride sometime.


Josh, That's exactly where it happened. I expect to get the bike back within the next couple of weeks. Hopefully we'll have good weather to ride into the new year...I'll let you know when I get back in the saddle...And we can hook up for a ride!



I hope you are doing well. Is that Wawa the one on Rt 3 and Rt 20? I know there is a gas station there but not sure if it's a Wawa.

Anyway, when you are back on two wheels, let's go for a ride sometime.

Josh, That's exactly where it happened. I expect to get the bike back within the next couple of weeks. Hopefully we'll have good weather to ride into the new year...I'll let you know when I get back in the saddle...And we can hook up for a ride!

Awesome. Check my buddy's website while you get better. https://miles-by-motorcycle.com/forums/discussion.html There is a thread there about a May trip to Deals Gap...you (and anybody reading this) may want in on the action. Never to early to start planning!

