3Years ....RenoJohn on this forum

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hard for me to believe I've made it 3years here on the forum.

+that authority-figure skooterG closing my initial thread,

You still got your panties in a wad over that? 3 freaking years later?

That thread sucked and you should be grateful I put it out of it's misery! Hell, I just knew you were a bad apple right from the get-go.

Thanks for making this place a bit more interesting.

Great post.

I :wub: you, man.

Oh, and..........


I owe you a Scotch if only for your Spot dissertation!
Yep, and I look forward to that. We need to sample your single malt ways against my blended preferences. Everything else me thinks we agree on. Oh, bring the poppers too.

I still want to ride Real de Catorce, Mexico con tu para peyote!!!
Me very much looking forward to that Don. We'll search out the ghost of Pancho Villa as if we were Don Quixote

Para peyote? The Yaqui way of motorcycling? Besides, don't you know how bad that stuff tastes?
Hey Don, looks like we've got a third for our adventure!

We don't need to ride no stinking highways with center lines.
Agreed, but we might need some supervision if we get going like times past. You know, i'm still using that groovy cigar lighter you gave me.

I don't think anyone here would disagree with your assessment of our beloved 'ol gal. I liken the FJR to a farm-bred, corn-fed Kansas girl; reliable as the day is long, sturdy as a brick **** house, a bit of meat on her ass, and a comfortable, all-around great ride. (Ok, so I grew up in Kansas...)
LOL LOL, you should really replace the whole Yamaha marketing department as you've just nailed dead-on. LOL

....Grow some and try harder to get the boot! .....'What a long strange trips it's been' - enjoyed it all RJ, enjoyed it all.
I can get in enough trouble without your help. Yes, some good times Mr. Carver, plenty of ***** and giggles over the last years.

I dunno know man, all this talk of fat chicks, ass-kicking, cursing, fornicating, scat, whores, booze, drunkenness, and law-breaking speeds doesn't sound exactly PC to me. But, I guess I've just never thought about it that way before.
We know I'd really like to take it up a notch, but skooter has better things to do than edit my posts.

Here's to another 3 years of trippin' on your ride reports!
Sounds good to me, and how lucky we are to be have the battle born state as our stomping grounds.

Aw christ ya sensitive Bastage [SIZE=8pt]snif[/SIZE] I'm gettin teary eyed here.. Knock it off :(
Jeez I remember givin ya **** aboot riding to fast in the rain :p Well ya gave it back and proved ya could do it safely without those trainin' wheels..

Good on ya John :) You've provided some damn nice stuff to this place.

Now, I gotta go have a cry..
You are the only person on this board that understands my posts without using a decoder ring. The rain thread was just us testing each other out. someone really ought to collect all the "best of" threads from this place and put them in a time capsule.
It must be the quality of your character...or is it the quantity of your posts. :eek:
Sir, you know better than any .....very much lacking in both. Less than 1post a day on average and character well below that. If only the rest of 'em could look right through my BS the way you do.

If there ever was a
Ya, they do, but it something to argue on a boring forum day.
I've seen a lot of gay posts on this forum......

this one has to be the gayest.


-I've seen a lot of gay posts on this forum......-this one has to be the gayest.

Hey scrotum breath, -where you been hiding?? Haven't heard much from you since you got your teeth kicked out and and face-f*ck'd by that gang of Vespa riders. Glad to see you're on the rebound.

John, I remember your posts of riding over passes in snow -- Crazy ballsy ****. Didn't know all the stories; probably never will. Crazy ballsy guy.
We cover many of the same roads -we need to meet up sometime soon and compare notes on new ones.

Good times Reno, good times. We're about due for some remodeling, too. Let's get after that soon.
Always up to remodel a village with you scott .....hopefully soon.

Three years :yahoo: -- tepus fugit when you're havin' fun huh ?Big congrats John and a very cool thread :)
Yep, been a lot of fun on this bike, didn't think I'd make three years, but it's been some of the best times on a moto-bike for me.

3 years, seems like 6 years!
Great rides and times on the forum, crazy man.

BTW - I think odot loves you.
Not sure it's love, more like lust. I get that a lot, but Q-Dot is kinda special.
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RJ, how could you post a retrospective, and not take us back to the day you lost your innocence? :D


Congrats on your survival here.

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RJ, how could you post a retrospective, and not take us back to the day you lost your innocence? :D

Congrats on your survival here.
Well, you took the post-foreplay pic here, and we know who the parties are in the pic. What everyone wants to know is whether there was any squealing like a pig coming from that hilltop. And just exactly what were you doing as this was taking place?? Playing "Deliverance" music on one of the bikes' stereo systems?

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RJ, how could you post a retrospective, and not take us back to the day you lost your innocence? :D
1.) I told steve that I'm not the type to "kiss and tell"

2.) Respect for forum guidelines

3.) Fear of drawing brokeback attention to that pole-gazer ride.

4.) and, -If you'll recall, i wasn't on the FJR that day

Jeezers, can't believe you caught a pic of that .....Steve and I heading off to penetrate mother nature -via a dark and moist tunnel. That was quite the experience and I'm still not the best of it.

One never knows what lies ahead when you mount a moto-bike.

Here(CLICKY) A day spent with some good NorCA sites with a pair of Pole Gazers.

now run-along ...nothing more to see here.....give steve and I our space,

this was nothing more than steve and I in our youth exploring our curiousity of dark moist places.

Well, you took the post-foreplay pic here, and we know who the parties are in the pic. What everyone wants to know is whether there was any squealing like a pig coming from that hilltop. And just exactly what were you doing as this was taking place?? Playing "Deliverance" music on one of the bikes' stereo systems?
Don't let a single picture obscure your thoughts on what was really happening on this ride. Soon after Steve and I finished up exploring, it was Mike who was on my heels. I tell you, go riding with a couple of Pole Gazers and your live will never be the same

...uhh and the music wasn't banjo, it was something come from Mike's ghetto blaster, I believe it was Liberace.

So there's a common "Brokeback" denominator in the last couple pics posted in this thread? :unsure:

Gosh, RJ, your post is very "interesting". I'd never thought about riding with you guys like that before. :eek:

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