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I think anyone that loves motorcycles also is predisposed to have s love for performance oriented autos. I rode a bike for 9 years before I even owned a car. But then it was a flow of two seated sports cars...a Porsche 911S Targa my mom got me in hopes I'd stay home...awesome bit of blackmail but I chose to leave anyway....then it was an Austin Healy 3000, a MG Midget, and after a few more years on two wheels, a Miata RHT.

Practically won out after the move to the country. FJR was sold off for my still much loved Triumph Bonneville and the Miata was switched for a Ford Ranger.

Before I die I at least hope to drive a Cobra, which has been my dream car since High School. (That and a Lotus Europa)

As much as I loved the FJR, I longed for the simplicity of the basic motorcycle. Tearing up the twisty two lane roads here on the Bonnie seems so much more fun than the FJR was. Sorry. Running down gravel roads at stupid speeds is also less butthole clenching on a lighter bike.

Enjoy whatever you like, life is short.

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I like the idea of purpose driven rides. Helps quell the boredom of riding roads you know well. Good idea Baker Boy.

Carver knows the fun of dirt bikes. 2 hours is all you need and the workout is good too.

George, get moving on that shop! Itd be fun to help out and then you can do some tech days too!

Knife maker, I bet you wish the Healy and the Targa were still around! Prices on those have gotten silly lately! A Miata on the other hand is still good cheap fun! Agree on the charms of the old Brit bikes. Riding slower and enjoying the sounds of those bikes really adds to the experience!

A local group started to autocross again last year. Got my old C4 out of mothballs and drive my wife's Mini occasionally.

Looking for a nice S2000 for next year.

Having fun on the backroads on 4 wheels too. I've found I feel more comfortable with the extra protection, and I'm having just as much fun.

Not sure if it's my age or the bad drivers I share the road with.

My 2 wheelers sit much more than they used to, but I'm OK with that.

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That black Porche is cool. I could get it serious trouble in that. Like most of you, I'm a 14 year old boy trapped in this body. My brother and I have figured out the "Mid-Mid-life Crisis" phenomenon. It's really just a matter of a man-boy finally having the money and time to do and buy the stuff he wants.

I haven't ridden my FJR much this last couplease years because I've spent a lot of free weekends on my dammed dirt bike. Like above, I've ridden all the day-ride, local stuff to death. BUT, on the dirt bike, it's different every time. Even if we hit the same trail, they're always changed, and there are challenges I can improve on. I love riding the dammed thing, but being 20 years younger and 60lbs lighter would make my life easier. Haha...

I love fast cars. We sold our last Mustang when my wife was pregnant with our first daughter. Now we have 3 daughters, and I have a sports car itch...this is BS I say!! I've been filling my void with shotguns and shit. My wife's gonna kill me!

Damn... all this talk is starting to depress me a little. I guess I’m lucky. I’ve pretty much done everything I’ve wanted to do and see in my life. My bike is down temporarily right now for some maintenance, but I’d go freakin’ Nuts if I didn’t have the FJR to jump on and ride every day. It’s still an interesting conversation so, carry on Please. :yes:

Well, in pursuit of this 4 wheel itch, I am doing a 2500 (RT) road trip with my youngest son to pick up a flat six 2.7 for the blue car. Just before I left, I picked up a fully steerable runner with shiny newly restored suspension pieces from a 911. When I return later in the week, we'll get busy building the engine. Road trips are great, especially with your boy!




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Damn, bro! My 2001 TT (225 hp) can't touch that. But I drove around topless yesterday.

The RS/TT is about the same car but the suspension is more track oriented. It will do a lap fractionally faster than the RS3 but you pay for that in a daily driver. The issue with the RS3 is that it's a real sleeper. I've gotten some walk-around and thumbs-ups but for many it's just an A3. Power delivery isn't slam-bam-wham like the STi but you are going plaid before you realize it. Like the FJR, rolling acceleration on the highway is quick and smooth.

I'm still learning that if I just "go" I might go up the butt of the car in front of me because things happen so quickly.

The i5 has a wonderful snarl.

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Met up with Sportsguy in the high desert and did 130 glorious miles on Hwy 74 and into Idywild and Hemet. He in his Z4 and me in the black 914. Wonderful roads! Loaded the flat six into the truck and 1300 miles later I should be home!

First time I went 100 mph was in a 914 back in 1973 (?) as a terrified passenger. A buddy's mother gave him one; electric blue. It was totaled within 8 months, but that (aluminum?) boxster 4-cylinder engine had the wickedest snarl I'd ever heard.

No seat belts, as I recall.

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Toys, toys, toys!

I too have let the FJR sit too much. Did a lap around the North Cascades in September and parked it. Bought a KTM 950, pulled it all apart, farkled it up in anticipation of off road adventure, then the big C reared its ugly head
Only got to ride it a few times this Summer.

I started with bikes, sold the Fazer in '94 and on to old Fords and Mercs. Built a flathead Merc, Cad Lasalle trans, stuffed it into a "46 Merc. Thing would do 90 in second gear and turn 6000 rpm. I really got into those flatties, learned how to port the blocks and shape combustion chambers.

Tired of the flatheads and big old cars, I bought a '35 Ford 5w coupe. Ripped 'er down to a pile of parts and bare metal, then took 5 years to build it. 400+ hp sbc, , dropped axle, nice paint, flames, you know - a hotrod. Burned some rubber, did some shows, got restless. That's when the Feej came in.

Still have the KTM, FJR and the Ford. Retired in June. Now I'm fooling around with a BMW 335i coupe. Sport suspension, red leather, fat tires. Put a tuner on it, oh my! What's next? Down pipes, larger intercooler, methanol injection? Hope so!

I think I'll leave the Highlander alone, but I still have a new diesel truck I could play with.

I tell my wife not to blame me, it's a disease

Update: my oldest son and I did a 1600 mile road trip home this summer in the black car. It was a fabulous 4 day adventure. 105 degrees when we left and down to 42 degrees in fog on the Oregon coast. We took amazing backroads and Hwy 1 through Big Sur. Not a whiff of mechanical trouble...not bad for a 48 year old car. We had to wear ear plugs, and days averaged only 400 miles on account of no side windows and a loud exhaust, and fixed racing buckets.

The blue car goes in finally for the engine rebuild. Maybe six months more and I’ll have it up and running.
