71 year old cage driver

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Jul 1, 2005
Reaction score
Roanoke, VA 24015
hey folks ,,

this afternoon as I was going over to a friends house less than 4 miles from my place ,, a 71 year old woman crossed in front of me ,, yep hit the car ,, heals over ass ,, landed ,, then the bike fell on me !!!

I went through a green light ,, crossed the intersection was going about 25 ,, saw the car comming in the oncomming lane begining to turn ,, I said self " she'll stop " ,, " she sees me" ,, yeah right!!! she accelerated !!!!

taking evasive action I swerved to the right ,, and hard on the breaks ,, and bam !! hit the front quarter !!

lucky for me I was in front of a fire station ,,

emt's were on me right away ,, gotta say they were great !!!

some how I had pushed the bike off of me ,, and pulled myself free ,, I had the bags on ,, not usual for me ,, had not taken them off since VIR (AMA Big Kahuna) ,, saved my leg !!

so !!!

2 ribs broken (left side Back) ,, partialy dislocated left shoulder ,, hematoma left hip ,, left scapula fractured ,, a few scrapes ,, and whip lash ,, walking with a cane right now but I will be ok !!!!

going to see the bike tomorrow ,,

as the old saying goes

them that's been down ,, and those that's going down !!!

ride safe people ,, they are out there to get you !!!

hope this coherent I'm still doped up from the Daloted they gave me


Glad to hear ya made it. Did they ticket Granny, or blame you for being so reckless as to ride one ah dem "crotch rockets"?

Ouch!! Sorry to hear of your "incident". Hope you heal-up fast. I know it won't do any good to say not to worry about the bike.... Take some pics!

Well that just about sucks ass. Glad to hear you are fairly intact. May she be well insured and the adjuster very afraid.

the LEO visited me in the ER

said she admitted to turning in front of me !! and that my statement was on with hers ,, he did not say if he gave her a ticket ,, but it is pretty obvious who was at fault !!

will see what my lawyer has to say tomorrow

thanks for the well wishes !!!

Dayum David! I saw your post in the EOM section. Was wondering what happened. Them friggin' people that plain don't pay attention.

I hope that you heal well & glad that you're telling us this story & not someone else.

& don't worry about G5. Can be replaced if you like.

Will miss you @ EOM.


Bummer the bike is bent and you too.

HOORAY that you are relatively OK.... you survived one.. heal up.. thoughts with ya..

Galxy5 sorry to hear that. No one here likes to hear about a rider down or a bike messed up. I am glad your ok and thank you EMT's!!

Makes me want to move back to the country were we dont have to worry about those fools. Pics please.

And there's something to be said for that generation. They may be reaching the point where they are no longer safe on the highways and byways, but they come from a time where you actually ADMITTED when you screwed up. At least she's taking responsibility. At least a little + to an otherwise shity day.

Heal quick and ride again soon.

hey folks ,,this afternoon as I was going over to a friends house less than 4 miles from my place ,, a 71 year old woman crossed in front of me ,, yep hit the car ,, heals over ass ,, landed ,, then the bike fell on me !!!
Sucks for sure. Your damage could have been much, much worse, but it sounds like you got banged up pretty bad as it is.

Get your PDP in now so you can be first in line to bitch about the '07.

And there's something to be said for that generation. They may be reaching the point where they are no longer safe on the highways and byways, but they come from a time where you actually ADMITTED when you screwed up. At least she's taking responsibility. At least a little + to an otherwise shity day.
Heal quick and ride again soon.

She doesn't know what she admitted to. She has no business on the road. These fucking people...with them and the deer...we're fighting a losing battle. It's just a matter of time...and then you get to see how lucky you are...broken up or dead.

Hope you heal well and quickly! At least football season is starting up while you recover. Were you geared up...only goin 4 miles up the road??

Glad you survived to play another day! What gear did you have on? What gear did you wish you had? Go see your Chiropractor too! :)
