$83 oil change?

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Have any of you thought about how many variations of oil there are?? It's like BubbaGump and his variations of shrimp. Where does it end??

I'll tell you where...With the collapse of civilization as we know it and Fred throwing that guy above into his UDS. FWIW, I draw the line at guys who cannot control their tongue; you never know where they have been. I'll just find me a cat like in 'The Book of Eli.' Then I'll have cat-oil, which is yet another variation. Sheesh!!

That additive impedes flow, therefore increasing viscosity. It indeed causes the oil to "thicken" as it gets hot.

@zilla - It is not a coincidence...

edit - some would argue that he meant EAT ME, which is either obscene or cannibalism.

OR... transubstantiation, unless you're not catholic. Then it's consubstantiation.

Uh, Teacher? Are you sure about that? I am fairly certain that the oil gets thinner when hot, not thicker.
You're right: oil, by itself, gets thinner when it gets hot. Nobody in their right mind would dispute that.

Then STOP!!! Disputing it!
It indeed causes the oil to "thicken" as it gets hot. The mixture of the raw oil, which gets thinner when it gets hot, and the additive, which gets thicker when it gets hot, yields a mixture that indeed gets thicker as it heats up. Hence the rating 10W30. The 10 refers to those cold winter temps. The 30 refers to normal operating temps. My point? Multi viscosity oils are not thick oil that get thinner when it gets cold. The opposite is true. They are thin oils fortified to "act" thicker as they get hot. See the post above about VII additives that make this happen.
I find either you are very hard headed or I am not understanding your logic. Or both.

I'm afraid you'll need to see me after class...

There will be no staying after class. If you can't get it taught on your time, you are not entitled to mine. I refuse to do the homework for that same reason.

I think that these VII molecules have you confused. VII means 7 right? If you drink enough 7 and 7 you will find some strange things happen. As to what gets thick and what gets thin, I will leave that to the imagination and good judgement of this forum.

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You know, thinking back to the big "Wheat Belly Diet" thread earlier this year, dietary whims are a lot like religion and politics. People get very vociferous defending their choices over anyone else's. We probably ought not to discuss them here on a motorcycle forum.

FWIW - I subscribe to the straight Seefood Diet. I see food and I eat it!

And bringing this back around OT, sometimes it has oil on it. And when we go out to eat it often costs more than $83.
See, and although I'm not really that religious, I figure if God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat...Meat that can be really good if the proper oil is used.
I'm a member of PETA and I approve of this message. People Eating Tasty Animals.

Beer fed vegans. Technically grain fed because beer is is like liquid grain right? Sorta?

You know, thinking back to the big "Wheat Belly Diet" thread earlier this year, dietary whims are a lot like religion and politics. People get very vociferous defending their choices over anyone else's. We probably ought not to discuss them here on a motorcycle forum. ;)

FWIW - I subscribe to the straight Seefood Diet. I see food and I eat it!

And bringing this back around OT, sometimes it has oil on it. And when we go out to eat it often costs more than $83.
See, and although I'm not really that religious, I figure if God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat...Meat that can be really good if the proper oil is used.
I'm a member of PETA and I approve of this message. People Eating Tasty Animals.

Beer fed vegans. Technically grain fed because beer is is like liquid grain right? Sorta?
When we were younger and drank a whole lot more, we always said, "There is a sandwich in every beer."

The term in my day was barley sandwich.......... we'd do some testing. Did you know the fastest beer will pour out of a stubby bottle (and down your open throat) is about 6.2 seconds.

Thicker as it gets hotter? Ok, next time you change your oil it would seem to be counterproductive to warm the engine first, as the cool, thinner oil would more readily flow out the drain, right? Ya mean I've been doing it all wrong all these years and burning my fingers for no reason?

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Let me try, though I'm sure I'll be sorry. I try to explain it to people by saying a 10w40 oil has the same properties cold as a 10 weight oil. And it has the same properties hot as a 40 weight oil.

Yes. It's thinner hot than cold, but a 40 weight hot is also thinner than a 10 weight cold.


Splaining thangs was supposed to be my forte. Lookin' like I gotta go back to school and get some more edumacatin' soes I kin git stuff to come out right.

Lemme see...

When I try to use the word "thickens" it seems that I get in over my head... as oil viscosity goes down as temperature goes up. I get that. I always have.

I started off trying to point out that 15/40 is actually a 15 weight oil that is fortified through the use of viscosity improvers (VII's) to have the same characteristics of a 40 weight oil when it gets hot. Wish I would have worded it that way, and left it at that.


But it's nice to you that there are several of you that know your stuff.

I did however find out in doing some reading recently that synthetic typically has less VII's than regular oil. That was interesting.


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I did however find out in doing some reading recently that synthetic typically has less VII's than regular oil. That was interesting.
Synthetics tend not to thin so much when hot -- or thicken so much when cold -- so they need less VIIs.

I've been told as well that some straight weight synthetics actually meet the standards with none -- Amsoil's 10w30 / 30 small engine oil for instance.
