A Question for LEOs

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Charlie Hoss

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Canyon Lake, TX
Lets assume:

I have a concealed weapons permit from my home state and one from an adjacent state.

I'm taking a trip across the country with my SO on the FJR. (Or in my car)

Since I believe the 2nd Amendment gives me the right to keep and bear arms, and my moral and legal duty to provide for my own protection and that of my family is stronger than the petty politics of various states, I am "packing".

I am allowed to carry in several states along the way, but not in other states.

The "other" states are usually the ones where I feel more of a need to be able to defend myself.

I have my loaded 40cal Glock in my tank bag.

You pull me over for speeding. I am VERY polite, SIR.

You ask if I have any weapons, etc.

Being an honest, non criminal type, I say "Yes sir, I have a gun in my tank bag and a CCW permit from 2 states." (This is not one of them.) My hands are raised!!

BIG QUESTION...what happens next? What would you do?

Ticket, arrest, confiscation, warning? My driving record is clean, no criminal record.

Should I have been so honest about the gun?

What do you think many of your brother officers who don't ride motorcycles would do?

Other than "don't speed and get stopped" what advice would you offer?

After reading the many "gun" posts, this will be an important issue for many of us.

Thanks in advance.


clicky ccw reciprocity map

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That really depends. There is no absolute. Depends on the individual LEO and the laws and attitudes currently in favor. In Kalifornia, I bet you are in trouble. In Illinois, I KNOW you are now in BIG trouble. Some states are VERY anti-gun and have the laws to prove it, and don't hesitate to enforce them.

I am not an expert on this, but frankly if it were me, I would NOT carry concealed in some of the states with stringent firearm laws.

As you know, Charlie, I'm not a LEO. But, I would find those states that have reciprocity agreements and travel only in those states...if, I were "packing iron"...or, in the case of a Glock..."packin' plastic."

I can assure you that it depends totally on the LEO that pulls you over.I have carried legally and ilegally over the years.Tx reciprocity laws are pretty ggod but I still carry illegally when I feel the need. I have multi state CCW's and a diplomatic passport but it is still up to the LEO that puls me over. There are very few times I do not carry and if I get caught then that is my bust for being unprofessional. I am not a carry in the tank bag kind of guy. I prefer the gun on me, in MY control.

Not always comfortable,but always comforting.

Ride safe.

Front sight.........and press................

As you know, Charlie, I'm not a LEO. But, I would find those states that have reciprocity agreements and travel only in those states...if, I were "packing iron"...or, in the case of a Glock..."packin' plastic."

That would be the obvious choice. I won't even go into Canada because of their arcane gun laws and their ban on radar detectors. I feel the same about VA except I have to go their to see my kids.

If you look at the reciprocity maps, they are a farce. With 2 state permits I can only carry legally in ME, NH, PA and TN if I come to see you. NC was ok at last years EOM.

I have sights (get it?) on going to WFO next July. The only legal states along the way are ME, NH, PA, IN, MO, CO, and UT.

You can see that it's not practical to travel just in friendly states, you wouldn't be able to go far.

A bill has been in congress for some time to make ccw permits legal in all states, like drivers licences, but with the new leadership, I seriously doubt that it has any chance to pass.

(no politics here....I didn't mention the D word.) :p

When traveling in the cage, I just take my chances and follow the speed limit a little closer.

Thanks for the responses, keep em coming.

I don't think it's necessarily all about "repricocity", but about "peacable journey".

Packing.org covers this specific issue state-by-state and includes whether you have to notify the officer of carry.

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I think you know here in Mass you go directly to jail for a year. So say somthing like, "I know nuthing!"

I get stopped often and I've never been asked if I'm packin. And it really looks like I am with the stuff I put in my stitch pockets. I'd state I aint got nuthin (only in response to a direct question and then plead that you don't recall having that with you if you are searched) and just keep my hands on the bars or in plain view. How is your poker face B)

I got searched at the Canadian border this summer and I slipped my radar detector into my pocket. Only the bike was searched and not myself. First thing they opened was the tank bag and there on top is one of my hunting knives! They didn't seem to care about the knifes at all.


Just keep the ammo separate in a place where you can't reach it and the gun at the same time while in states that don't recognize your CC permit. On the FJR, I can't imagine many situations where you couldn't blast far enough ahead to stop in time to load up for the confrontation, should the need arise.

Just keep the ammo separate in a place where you can't reach it and the gun at the same time while in states that don't recognize your CC permit. On the FJR, I can't imagine many situations where you couldn't blast far enough ahead to stop in time to load up for the confrontation, should the need arise.

It depends on the state. If your going to carry a weapon, do yourself a favor and research the laws in the state your going to carry. Ignacio pointed out an excellent website called Packing.org which has alot of information regarding traveling with weapons. Some states will reciproate your permit, others will honor it, and some will just not give a damn. Some states also have 'peaceable jurney laws' which again vary state to state.

As an individual carrying a weapon, it is up to you to learn the laws of each state your going to be traveling in. I would recommend looking at packing.org for information on each specific state in question, then contacting each state and asking them to verify what you have read.

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It depends on the state. If your going to carry a weapon, do yourself a favor and research the laws in the state your going to carry. Ignacio pointed out an excellent website called Packing.org which has alot of information regarding traveling with weapons. Some states will reciproate your permit, others will honor it, and some will just not give a damn. Some states also have 'peaceable jurney laws' which again vary state to state.
As an individual carrying a weapon, it is up to you to learn the laws of each state your going to be traveling in. I would recommend looking at packing.org for information on each specific state in question, then contacting each state and asking them to verify what you have read.
There you have it. Most excellent advice.

Better you do your do diligence than jail time....oh ya.....& up here we'd just kill you with a hockey stick....no gun necessary :derisive: .....but only if you got out of line.... :D .....

hmmm. Don't ask, don't tell. If asked, don't tell. If caught plead the Skooter Libby defense.. I was too busy to remember correctly. BTW Do NOT turn this into a political thread. Keep it on carrying... :rolleyes:

My state recognizes CCW permits from other states, so I don't know how to answer your question.

Until 1996, I would have told you that if you had a CCW, I wouldn't even think twice about it and you'd be on your way.

My state recognizes CCW permits from other states, so I don't know how to answer your question.
Until 1996, I would have told you that if you had a CCW, I wouldn't even think twice about it and you'd be on your way.

According to www.handgunlaw.us, Oregon does not recognize permits from any other states. If that's the case, what would you do?



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I am (sorta) hijacking this thread with an idea. Instead of worrying about CCW laws, I think I'll design a farkle that can be assembled from various pieces of hardware attached to the bike. When complete, you drop a single .38 into the chamber and now have a one-shot weapon. Disassembled, it bears no resemblance to a weapon.

Whatcha think Skyway???


Better you do your do diligence than jail time....oh ya.....& up here we'd just kill you with a hockey stick....no gun necessary :derisive: .....but only if you got out of line.... :D .....
Are LaCrosse sticks optional substitutes for hockey sticks?

I too have had a TX CHL since they came out. When in other states I will carry on myself or in the vehicle, depending on circumstances. I even carried to the top of the World Trade Center two years after the bombing. (Couldn't believe that one actually happened)

I would not say anything, and if asked say no and plead igernance if caught. Usually I'm not asked.

Another option may be to get a license through another state. I know you said you had more than one, but I'm not sure where, other than your home state, that may be. Look into FL license and see who they have reciprocity with. Also, I think TX started offering a guest license and TX is gaining quite a few states under it's reciprocity program. Might help you expand where you can go.


According to www.handgunlaw.us, Oregon does not recognize permits from any other states. If that's the case, what would you do?
Huh? According to www.handgunlaws.us and packing.org OR does honor some states. Montana, Utah, Idaho, etc. for a total of 13 states.


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Yo Igmeister, doesn't your map show which states honor Oregon's CCW, and not which other state's CCWs Oregon honors? (Which Hoss wanted to know) Did that just make any sense? Does a bear actually shit in the woods if nobody sees it?

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