"Abrupt off/on Throttle Reaction" Rider magazine

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>>Remove the two Allen head screws on the throttle assy and it falls apart in your hand. Very simple.<<
Thanks, somehow I imagined a rod through the center that would prevent removal and replacement.
Replying to my own post here...

>>Recently someone posted a link to G2 Ergo that makes a throttle (grip) that does much the same as Fred's shim only it is at the handle bar and not the throttle pulley.<<

The bolded words explain away my confusion.

I just got off the phone ordering one... this thing should be EASY to install... so easy, in fact, that it won't sit for months on my shelf waiting for me to get around to it. :yahoo:

These things are NOW IN STOCK.

>>Remove the two Allen head screws on the throttle assy and it falls apart in your hand. Very simple.<<

Thanks, somehow I imagined a rod through the center that would prevent removal and replacement.
Replying to my own post here...

>>Recently someone posted a link to G2 Ergo that makes a throttle (grip) that does much the same as Fred's shim only it is at the handle bar and not the throttle pulley.<<

The bolded words explain away my confusion.

I just got off the phone ordering one... this thing should be EASY to install... so easy, in fact, that it won't sit for months on my shelf waiting for me to get around to it. :yahoo:

These things are NOW IN STOCK.
I totally agree that the G2 gismo sounds good, but can someone explain how it reduces the force issue? The cam reshapes the map between the grip and when the TB's open but the spring tension stays the same.

I totally agree that the G2 gismo sounds good, but can someone explain how it reduces the force issue? The cam reshapes the map between the grip and when the TB's open but the spring tension stays the same.
The smaller the twist-grip pulley is (in relation to the other end -- TB pulley) the greater the MA. But, more rotation is needed to get WOT -- you may need to take two handsfull..... :( :eek: :lol:
>>Remove the two Allen head screws on the throttle assy and it falls apart in your hand. Very simple.<<

Thanks, somehow I imagined a rod through the center that would prevent removal and replacement.
Replying to my own post here...

>>Recently someone posted a link to G2 Ergo that makes a throttle (grip) that does much the same as Fred's shim only it is at the handle bar and not the throttle pulley.<<

The bolded words explain away my confusion.

I just got off the phone ordering one... this thing should be EASY to install... so easy, in fact, that it won't sit for months on my shelf waiting for me to get around to it. :yahoo:

These things are NOW IN STOCK.
I totally agree that the G2 gismo sounds good, but can someone explain how it reduces the force issue? The cam reshapes the map between the grip and when the TB's open but the spring tension stays the same.
It is like having a small pulley turning a large pulley, more leverage. The cam in the G2 tube does the same thing. The spring tension is still there but you have more leverage to pull it so it seems like less. This is only at the first part of the throttle opening. At wide-open throttle the pull will be the same as stock

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It is like having a small pulley turning a large pulley, more leverage. The cam in the G2 tube does the same thing. The spring tension is still there but you have more leverage to pull it so it seems like less. This is only at the first part of the throttle opening. At wide-open throttle the pull will be the same as stock
Guys, I understand pulleys and mechanical advantage BUT you have very small distances involved when you start looking at cam lift which is what is creating that MA as compared to the force of the springs. I guess this is a case where seeing is believing applies. Without actually seeing and feeling it work, my experiences tell me that the cam is going to make the power delivery better but combing the new cam with weakening the spring would improve things even more.

>>I totally agree that the G2 gismo sounds good, but can someone explain how it reduces the force issue? The cam reshapes the map between the grip and when the TB's open but the spring tension stays the same.<<

Well, IMHO, the prblem with the throttle isn't about the amount of force required to open it. One of the first things I did was to install a throttle rocker.

The problem is the amount of throttle opening you get vs the amount of angle change input to the grip. The throttle rocker helps in this regard, but cannot eliminate the possiblility of very occasional surprises in the amount of angle intended.

When the surprise occurs during a low traction event, the results are unpredictable. Yamaha ought to be the ones paying my med bills.

Well, IMHO, the problem with the throttle isn't about the amount of force required to open it. One of the first things I did was to install a throttle rocker.
The problem is the amount of throttle opening you get vs the amount of angle change input to the grip. The throttle rocker helps in this regard, but cannot eliminate the possibility of very occasional surprises in the amount of angle intended.
The G2 cam changes "should" address what you are talking about as far as the angle of change versus throttle opening. It's not going to be perfect for everyone. The force I'm talking about is how much you have to apply to change that angle. If it is overly strong, it's more difficult in most cases to make fine adjustments.

I've never been a fan of the throttle rocker. I found that it just got in my way when doing any aggressive twistie driving. I've tried Vista Cruise, Throttlemeister, as well trying to reduce throttle ache. I now have a BrakeAway cruise control which has proven to be the best of the lot for me.

My "G2 gismo" arrived today... after just 3 days. Kudos to Sam at G2.

Unfortunately, until a few minutes ago I was down with chills and fever... so I've not yet opened the package. But, I will before bed. ;-)

What “thu”! :shok: warsw, did you read this? Dan gets a new one before we get our replacements. Or wait, did you get your replacement today? Oh no, have.. I….been………forgotten? :sadsmiley02:

All in good fun Dan. :D

What “thu”! :shok: warsw, did you read this? Dan gets a new one before we get our replacements. Or wait, did you get your replacement today? Oh no, have.. I….been………forgotten? :sadsmiley02:

All in good fun Dan. :D

Got mine "Today" :yahoo:

What “thu”! :shok: warsw, did you read this? Dan gets a new one before we get our replacements. Or wait, did you get your replacement today? Oh no, have.. I….been………forgotten? :sadsmiley02:

All in good fun Dan. :D

Got mine "Today" :yahoo:
Hey, I’m closer to IL than you and Dan—right? What’s going on here? :shok:

Did you install them? Does the length match the OEM tube? Did he remove or leave the chamfer? How about the OD, is it still appx.011” > the OEM tube?

News, news, I need news! :D

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I got my G2 replacement throttle assembly yesterday as well, along with a set of TackiGrip touring grips (don't remember the exact grips, but you guys probably know the ones I'm talking about). Looks nice and easy to install, but I've not had the chance to install them yet. Soon, soon....

What “thu”! :shok: warsw, did you read this? Dan gets a new one before we get our replacements. Or wait, did you get your replacement today? Oh no, have.. I….been………forgotten? :sadsmiley02:

All in good fun Dan. :D

Got mine "Today" :yahoo:
Hey, I’m closer to IL than you and Dan—right? What’s going on here? :shok:

Did you install them? Does the length match the OEM tube? Did he remove or leave the chamfer? How about the OD, is it still appx.011” > the OEM tube?

News, news, I need news! :D
Sam just likes us better. :lol: :lol:

I haven't installed it yet. I am waiting for a few other things to arrive and then install them all at once :) .

The new G2 TT is definitely longer than the first one that Sam sent (about 1/2")and looks to be right. By the end of the week I should know for sure. He did remove the Chamfer.

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What “thu”! :shok: warsw, did you read this? Dan gets a new one before we get our replacements. Or wait, did you get your replacement today? Oh no, have.. I….been………forgotten? :sadsmiley02:

All in good fun Dan. :D

Got mine "Today" :yahoo:
Hey, I’m closer to IL than you and Dan—right? What’s going on here? :shok:

Did you install them? Does the length match the OEM tube? Did he remove or leave the chamfer? How about the OD, is it still appx.011” > the OEM tube?

News, news, I need news! :D
Sam just likes us better. :lol: :lol:

I haven't installed it yet. I am waiting for a few other things to arrive and then install them all at once :) .

The new G2 TT is definitely longer than the first one that Sam sent (about 1/2")and looks to be right. By the end of the week I should know for sure. He did removed the Chamfer.
Nah, maybe he’s thinking “vacation” in OR or perhaps the Catskills someday. ;) It pays to have friends in the right places ya know. :D

Hope the install turns out to be blue chip for ya.

Talked to him this morning. Another rider in TN got mine. :sadsmiley02: He’s express mailing me one today. Am hoping it gets here by Thursday. We’re supposed to have nice weather here Sat and I definitely want mine before the weekend.

Copy last on the length and chamfer.



I just returned from the garage after installing mine. Piece of cake. Bar weight off, put a long thin screw driver under the throttle grip, squirt in some WD40, pull off the grip. Open the housing, give yourself some slack at the adjuster if you need it... do the reverse. Believe it or not, I'll get to ride it in a few minutes.

I took photos of the cams' profiles and will post if someone doesn't beat me to it.

I started another thread in Tech Problems this morning.

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Went for an hour or so ride in town... just where the throttle abruptness was most noticable. Verdict: I think this thing works! No way to tell for sure except putting more miles and time on the bike... but my guess is that the cure is here.

Shame on Yamaha.

Went for an hour or so ride in town... just where the throttle abruptness was most noticable. Verdict: I think this thing works! No way to tell for sure except putting more miles and time on the bike... but my guess is that the cure is here.
Shame on Yamaha.
Between the cam and CO Adjustment, it feels like a different bike.

Dan23 and others,

Glad to hear your experience with the G2 was as positive as mine. Easy to install and works just great, making an immediately noticeable difference in throttle control/response. No more hesitation as you roll on the throttle going round a corner in town, or blast those twisty bits on your favorite curvy road.

Got my longer replacement tube and a 300Y cam yesterday (Dec. 11). The original cam was a 400Y. Haven't compared to determine the difference. Will be installing the new tube along with Oxford heated grips in the next few days, and taking for a test ride this weekend, although it may not be cold enough to need the heated grips.

Mr. Sam at G2 truly does stand behind his product. Wonderful to deal with such a fine businessman and inventor.



Smoky Mtns of TN

Went for an hour or so ride in town... just where the throttle abruptness was most noticable. Verdict: I think this thing works! No way to tell for sure except putting more miles and time on the bike... but my guess is that the cure is here.
Shame on Yamaha.
Dan23 and others,

Got my longer replacement tube and a 300Y cam yesterday (Dec. 11). The original cam was a 400Y.



Smoky Mtns of TN
You got a 300Y cam? What are your thoughts there :huh: ? Are you able to compare the 400Y against the 300Y in actual use? It sounds like an interesting comparison.

Hmmm... did not realize there are differing cams to choose from.

My 400Y might be better if the transition were longer. Off throttle to initial opening is just right. It still 'hits' but now at a higher throttle opening.

How 'bout posting a pic of the two cams side by side?

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