"Abrupt off/on Throttle Reaction" Rider magazine

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Nice Rumble

Well-known member
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
New London, NH
I am considering purchasing a pre-owned '06. How much of an issue is this and at what rpm does it manifest itself?

I currently have an '06 FZ-1 and it has a hesitation between trailing throttle and part throttle above 3500 rpms. The ECU cuts the fuel supply to the injectors on closed throttle for emissions reasons. It takes a full second for the injectors to turn back on making for a less than smooth transition which in mid corner unsettles the chassis. There is a fix for it called the FCE (fuel cut eliminator) by Ivan.

Any fix for the FJR or is it not that pronounced?

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I'm not sure if it addresses this particular issue you are speaking of, however, many people have put a PCIII usb on their 06's and claimed it made throttle response way smoother.

There is no such lag on the FJR. You do have to learn to be smooth with the throttle when coming back on the gas mid corner, but that's typical of a lot of motorcycle fuel injection.

Well, there may not be THAT much lag but there is an abruptness in my '05 (no idea about the '06). Many reported PCIII helps. I am so-far too cheap and I live with a lot of focus on my throttle transitions, especially if deeper in any turn (having blown the entry somehow, it happens).

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There is no such lag on the FJR. You do have to learn to be smooth with the throttle when coming back on the gas mid corner, but that's typical of a lot of motorcycle fuel injection.
I considered the lag or abruptness bearable in straighline. Completely unbearable in twisties and traffic. You have to add a pciii or a fred h shim to solve.


There is no such lag on the FJR. You do have to learn to be smooth with the throttle when coming back on the gas mid corner, but that's typical of a lot of motorcycle fuel injection.
I considered the lag or abruptness bearable in straighline. Completely unbearable in twisties and traffic. You have to add a pciii or a fred h shim to solve.

Can you elaborate on the fred H shim or have a link?

This topic has occasionally been a lightning rod -- leaving burned cinders that used to be regular posters. Many people feel that the throttle response of the '06 isn't as good as it should be, citing several performance areas that they would like to see improved. Then there was the group that really got emotionally involved saying that there is no problem, no deficiency of any sort and there is something wrong with YOU and not the bike. Fred felt that he could make his '06 perform more to his liking with his shim and he got a major dog-pile dumped on him.

Here is what you are looking for:

The first post with Fred's shim is here in this thread, note message #71 and message #83

There is another post here.

Recently someone posted a link to G2 Ergo that makes a throttle (grip) that does much the same as Fred's shim only it is at the handle bar and not the throttle pulley.

The PCIII does wonders to smooth throttle response and reduce surging (should you bike show any).

The throttle control issue on the '06 FJR can easily be fixed with two parts from www.g2ergo.com The cost is only $64 including shipping. I put their Throttle Control System throttle tube and cam on my '06 about two weeks ago. It completely transformed the throttle control. Now its smooth and easy throughout the range. Both rolling on or off the throttle. The G2 might also be a fix for your FZ1 as they may use the same throttle tube.

See additional discussion here https://tinyurl.com/y87aty

See you somewhere down a twisty road.........


I am considering purchasing a pre-owned '06. How much of an issue is this and at what rpm does it manifest itself?I currently have an '06 FZ-1 and it has a hesitation between trailing throttle and part throttle above 3500 rpms. The ECU cuts the fuel supply to the injectors on closed throttle for emissions reasons. It takes a full second for the injectors to turn back on making for a less than smooth transition which in mid corner unsettles the chassis. There is a fix for it called the FCE (fuel cut eliminator) by Ivan.

Any fix for the FJR or is it not that pronounced?
The Barbarian Mod costs $0, and also helps reduce the abrupt throttle when the CO settings are set +7.

Cable slop is another big contributor to the "feel".

Grip Puppies increase the diameter of the grip and aid in throttle precision. They cost $9.

Combine the three above with the new throttle tube mentioned earlier, looks like you have a tamed-down throttle for about $75 and one afternoon's work.

PM "Beal" for feedback. He is a fairly new 06 rider who came off HDs. They have NO throttle response.


+1 for the barbarian mod & CO change

Before I did the barbarian mod and CO adjustment my bike seemed kind of thin in the mid range and then come on strong in the higher RPMs. I thought this was normal since to me it just seemed like a bike with a high performance profile (big carbs, race cams, etc).

However after the mods the lower and mid range RPM seemed fuller (more torque?) making throttle response much better.

Once in a great while the abruptness of the throttle catches me off guard. It really shouldn't EVER do that. For the first 5k miles I would have denied it.

Once in a great while the abruptness of the throttle catches me off guard. It really shouldn't EVER do that. For the first 5k miles I would have denied it.
Take out the slop - makes ALL the diff

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