Abs Confusion

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Just Plain Dave

Just Plain Dave
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
I hope this does not offend anyone, but I am confused and need a little help. I have an 05 FJR w/o ABS. I have been reading the advantages of having ABS and made up my mind to order an 06 with ABS, providing it is close to being as pretty as my blue machine. :wub:

I have several friends I ride with who have never been in an accident (except for one who was rear ended and ABS probably wouldn't have helped) and have logged lots of miles over the years. This is where my confusion arises. When reading these forums it seems most who have ABS can site at least one incident where their ABS has “saved their butt.” :scare2:

I met a person a couple weeks ago, while riding in the hill country, who owns an 05 FJR and has a little over 8,000 miles on it. He swears that the ABS has, in his words, “saved my life at least 3 times.” In talking to him a little later he stated he has had 11 motorcycles without ABS bikes over a 20 year period and has never been in an accident. I asked him why he has become so accident prone since acquiring the Feejer. He couldn’t explain it. :unsure:

What I need to know is if the benefits of ABS are being a little overstated or if getting ABS turns a good cyclist into a raving maniac :devilsmiley: who has to make emergency stops on a regular basis. I have been riding since the mid 60’s and have never been in a panic stop situation. (PTL) I know ABS is beneficial in some fairly rare situations, and I would like to have it, but I fear if I get a new FJR with ABS I may become a bad driver and need it.

Does this make sense to anyone but me? :huh:

Of course, ya could always rationalize it this way... better to have it and not need it... than to need it and not have it. :D

ABS good.

I came off of Hondas with linked brakes. Never locked a wheel. I bet, on average, I lock the rear at least once a week on the FJR. Nothing dramatic, mind you, but the rear locks quite easily on this bike, IMHO. I can see myself maybe getting into big trouble someday if I can't control my right foot better.

If Yamaha brings back either silver, I'm placing an order for an ABS equipped Feej.

'Nuf said?

Does this make sense to anyone but me? huh.gif
Not really. :p

Well, OK, kind of...

I don't think having ABS will make you more prone to accidents. IMO, what you are seeing over the years from past to present is that there is simply more traffic, more distractions to the average cager and more of a complete lack of disrespect from many many people out there.

I have ABS on my FJR and I'm glad it's there. Any new bike purchase (sans the R1 I want) will have ABS.


I have ABS just because I am not sure that during a 'panic situation' I could brake my way out of it without knowing where the limits are of non-abs. The FJR is a little heavy compared to a full tilt crotch rocket but still very fast.

If Yamaha brings back either silver, I'm placing an order for an ABS equipped Feej.
Smart move TWN. The feejer has always looked best in silver.

Nothing dramatic, mind you, but the rear locks quite easily on this bike, IMHO. I can see myself maybe getting into big trouble someday if I can't control my right foot better.
I use to experience the same problem on my non-ABS machine, until I employed the simple, easy fix to this problem, which is:

Loosen the pinch bolt on the foot brake lever, pull the level straight off, rotate the lever downward BY ONE TOOTH ONLY, and re-install. Tighten the pinch bolt back up to spec.

I have never locked up the rear wheel since. This, despite a number of rather heavy-duty, deer-avoidance braking exercises. :bigeyes:

I met a person a couple weeks ago, while riding in the hill country, who owns an 05 FJR and has a little over 8,000 miles on it. He swears that the ABS has, in his words, “saved my life at least 3 times.” In talking to him a little later he stated he has had 11 motorcycles without ABS bikes over a 20 year period and has never been in an accident. I asked him why he has become so accident prone since acquiring the Feejer. He couldn’t explain it.
What explains it is the fact that the FJR is capable of getting a rider in over his head rather quickly, this takes some getting used to. The average owner of the FJR is coming off of more sedate machinery, is older and experienced, but not on a SPORT-tourer. Once he grabs a fistfull of Feejer power, it isn't long before exploration of the machines outer limits begins, it's only natural, and is one of the assets that brought one to purchase the bike to begin with.

I had an '03 without and now have an '04 with ABS and I wouldn't be without it. As already noted the rear wheel does lock up pretty easy on these bikes so my ABS engages all the time too. It's made me less heavy footed with my right foot which is good. It won't stop altogether as I ride dirt and slide the rear alot. There's no reason for slipping/sliding any wheel onroad. That belongs offroad.

"while riding in the hill country"

Do you mean Texas?? Let's go ride!

Come on Dave Good brakes make Bad drivers :eek: Prolly not But 125 H.P. could turn a Good driver into someone who needs Good brakes :lol: Anyway I don't have ABS and have been lucky so far :p

I have ABS just because I am not sure that during a 'panic situation' I could brake my way out of it without knowing where the limits are of non-abs.  The FJR is a little heavy compared to a full tilt crotch rocket but still very fast.

If Yamaha brings back either silver, I'm placing an order for an ABS equipped Feej.
Smart move TWN. The feejer has always looked best in silver.

Not really a question of looking better in silver v. blue for me. Dark colors suck 'moist ass cheese©' for showing dirt, scratches and chips, which we all know I so dearly hate.

Gonna hafta follow radman's lead and get some Meguiar's Tech Wax this weekend and shine 'er back up after I get it put back together.

I met a person a couple weeks ago, while riding in the hill country, who owns an 05 FJR and has a little over 8,000 miles on it. He swears that the ABS has, in his words, “saved my life at least 3 times.”
I can think of a couple reasons why someone would invoke ABS- first, the ABS is fairly conservative about where it activates; second, people get used to it and know (even if subconsciously) it'll "save their butt", so they push harder. The second group is asking for trouble, IMO.

What I need to know is if the benefits of ABS are being a little overstated or if getting ABS turns a good cyclist into a raving maniac :devilsmiley: who has to make emergency stops on a regular basis.
It didn't turn me into a raving maniac. Beyond what I already was, that is. ;) I believe ABS is a tool you can use to practice better braking technique, and a tool for those few times where you get in a little too deep. The most important tool, however, still sits between your ears. Be sure you don't turn that one off, m'kay?

And I second what Warchild says about moving the brake lever down a notch- I used to get a 'bump' from the ABS thinking I was about to lock the rear all too easily. Since moving it down, it hasn't happened once.

Nothing dramatic, mind you, but the rear locks quite easily on this bike, IMHO. I can see myself maybe getting into big trouble someday if I can't control my right foot better.
I use to experience the same problem on my non-ABS machine, until I employed the simple, easy fix to this problem, which is:

Loosen the pinch bolt on the foot brake lever, pull the level straight off, rotate the lever downward BY ONE TOOTH ONLY, and re-install. Tighten the pinch bolt back up to spec.

I have never locked up the rear wheel since. This, despite a number of rather heavy-duty, deer-avoidance braking exercises. :bigeyes:
Done did that and I still locks 'em up. It's me. I tend to use a lot of rear brake and I can't break the habit.

Hmmmm... Habit... I quit smoking by hypnosis. Maybe it'll work with rear brake syndrome?

I moved the lever down one notch early in my ownership. Had to move it back up. Trail braking found my big ass size twelve tapping the road with my toe when well over. Kinda disconcerting... :bigeyes:

I think having ABS also gives us the confidence to head out/stay out in conditions & situations we might otherwise have avoided and maybe it kicked in, hence the heavy use of the 'saved my ass' recommendation.

Not to say the rider couldn't have maybe pulled it out even with standard brakes but...

I had the same problem and did what Warchild suggested,Rotate the brake lever down 1 notch. After a weekend of spirted riding i n Arkansas with the Hoons 1/2 my brake lever was worn away

Of course, ya could always rationalize it this way... better to have it and not need it... than to need it and not have it.

Love that LetzRoll! Kind of reminds me of my pilot friend saying (about a delayed flight due to mechanical gremlins) "it's a hell of a lot better to be down here, wishing you were up there, than to be up there, wishing you were down here" :D

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Having ABS certainly does not make me push the limit or ride faster and harder.

ABS is quite handy, and you will love it if you actually need it.


I actually came to the FJR after faster bikes & haven't changed my riding style at all yet haven't had the ABS kick in yet (except for a run when I deliberately did it to see how it felt). So, having it hasn't changed my approach, but I feel good knowing it's there. I figure if you start riding more aggressively because you know it's there, you're begging for trouble.

I like the warning on page 3-8 of the owners manual; "The ABS performs best on LONG braking distances. On certain (rough or gravel) roads the braking distance may be longer than WITHOUT the ABS." Apparently it pays to stay alert no matter which system you have. Some years back when ABS was just becoming available the safety experts where suprised to find more fatalities in cars with ABS than cars without ABS. They still haven't figured out why. :unsure:
